>oy vey, br democracy is in danger

>Mr Bolsonaro proposes brutal solutions to his country’s problems. He thinks that “a policeman who doesn’t kill isn’t a policeman” and wants to reduce the age of criminal responsibility to 14. This iron fist belongs to an authoritarian worldview. In 2016 he dedicated his vote to impeach the then-president, Dilma Rousseff, to Carlos Alberto Brilhante Ustra, commander of a police unit responsible for 500 cases of torture and 40 murders during Brazil’s dictatorship. The charge against Ms Rousseff, who belongs to Lula’s Workers’ Party, had nothing directly to do with Lava Jato. But in paying tribute to Ustra, Mr Bolsonaro was asserting that the values of the dictatorship, which governed in 1964-85, are the antidote to today’s corruption. Mr Bolsonaro has reinforced that message by naming Hamilton Mourão, a retired general, as his running-mate. Last year, while still in uniform, Mr Mourão suggested that, if other institutions failed to solve Brazil’s problems, the army could. The left is mainly to blame for the country’s ills, in Mr Bolsonaro’s cold-war-tinted view.

Attached: 1502398432321.jpg (1024x1044, 375K)

Other urls found in this thread:,7340,L-3738491,00.html

It's happening

Attached: Captura de Tela 2018-08-09 às 14.46.52.png (567x444, 395K)

Bannon can't keep getting away with it!

Fucking niggers calling Bannon a "marqueteiro" and an alt right pundit.
I'm not sure this is good. It would be nice if he helped, but it seems that the right in Europe and the US is oblivious to what happens down here.

Is the Imperial Prince actually going to be his VP?

Bannon still works for Trump, you are now getting the full weight of the us government behind bolsonaro bros


Until now, I haven't seen no one talking about this as racism, nor the alt-right.

It's fucking happening! I wish Bannon came personally to Brazil to support the Messias.

One could wish

Well, that's dumb.
Who then?

bump, niggers

Mourão, a general!

How much tv time does he have right now?

Hardly relevant given his now liberal POV, a poor choice by Bolsonaro.
Sad, he just lost millions of Monarchists votes.
Well, maybe not since he's still the better than the other options.

7 seconds I think, but who gives a shit, it's all about internet now

Prince will probably be his foreign affair minister

>ignores elderly and impoverished
That's a good way to lose.

This speaks volumes about the left in this country.

why do you think monarchy would be good? sounds so gay

Bring back the Empire. Make Brazil great again.

What can we do, man
Political ad system was always fucked up

Remember Enéas

>Someone raized for birth to rule a nation sounds gay
Some illiterate, corrupt commie is somehow acceptable.

>muh liberalism
faggotry to appeal soft voters

Paulo Guedes seems cool, but I'm more aligned with fashy economics

it isn't. I just don't understand how a monarchy would be the most appropriate solution

This sounds good, but I ask myself whether it's not too late for date. I mean,there will already be debates today.

>lost millions of Monarchists votes
you live in a bubble

Let's hope something good come out of it

>21st century
>people unironically support monarchism

this is why you will always be a 3rd world country, brazil
>What is Black Cube, the Cambridge Analytica-linked intelligence firm?
>Whistleblower: Cambridge Analytica used Israeli firm to hack Nigerian president
>Twitter Sold Data Access to Cambridge Analytica-Linked Researcher,7340,L-3738491,00.html
>Israeli Company Investigated by Robert Mueller’s Team Shuts Down
>New details emerge about Steve Bannon's ties to Cambridge Analytica
>Bannon oversaw Cambridge Analytica’s collection of Facebook data, according to former employee
>Israel’s Netanyahu isn’t worried about Steve Bannon and anti-Semitism in Trump’s camp
>How Steve Bannon used Cambridge Analytica to further his alt-right vision for America

unfortunelly this :/

>fashy economics

fuck usa
fuck israel
fuck jews
fuck liberals

also, good afternoon, my fellow jungle dwellers

I hate Brazilians


unfortunatelly no

You don't read your own information?

> Ele agora comanda uma fundação que busca promover a chamada "direita alternativa" no mundo.

Which country is likely to become a 3rd world shithole?
Luxemburg, Monaco or Germany?

>he just lost millions of Monarchists votes.
literally two overweight children

Esse termo, 'direita alternativa' mal foi falado ou citado pela mídia, quando virar um meme nacional e tentarem associar Jair a Charlotesville, eu começarei a me importar.

G1 already publish a BBC article about Lana Lokteff, racism and alt-right.

it is the gay slang for Fascism/Fascist

because democracies work so well, don't they?

Está associado ao Bannon e é merda suficiente.
O único momento em que ele foi associado da alt-right foi quando se tratava de um umbrella term que juntava vários setores da direita não tradicional.
Depois fizeram framing pra falar que é neonazismo.

Everyday I read the news, I didn't come to stumble upon it very much, so I would say it's ok for now

it's funny, because at the same time this will paint us as a target to foreign commies it won't get us the support of their opposition either, because everyone despises Brazil

Strongman leaders (e.g. Tito, Saddam Hussein) are the only ones who can keep squabbling multi-ethnic societies from disintegration

The DID?
Jeez. Lana is an ok chick, but one can't deny she's an ethnonationalist.
So to the brazilian left, that's probably worst than Hitler.

This. Thing is, a nation should aim to ONLY have strong leaders, and it should be responsibility of such a leader to keep the line of leadership forever strong.

Yeah, but the thing you have to remember is that the Left demonizes any right-wing opposition it can't control as "Nazi", and that label is quickly losing its effectiveness through overuse. People would rather be insulted by assholes than give up their individual rights and existing way of life

Just read the comment section.

it would be pretty useful if we somehow managed to make the more extreme lefties call their softer counterparts nazis too, infighting between them can only do us good

>that absolute cancer title in the link
i don't know why I even bother anymore

OMG pwned.
Our macacos are based somehow.

Bolsonaro é um lixo racista, machista e homofóbico. Já pegou propina da JBS, comprovadamente via partido e diz que não é corrupto. Fez declarações racistas, e incitou estupro. Está livre.

Enquanto isso, Lula está preso sem qualquer tipo de provas de que ele cometeu algum crime.

>Todos los cornudos malinchistas en este hilo poniendo de rodillas para la apropiación de los putos europeos.
Me dan asco.

Monarchists will still vote for him, also it's better this way for the royal family as they won't get this tainted in politics, they are supposed to be above politics

I hope for the sake of Brazilians that Bolsonaro wins, you all seem convinced he'll fix up the problems. Would be nice to vacation in Brazil and not worry about crime or anything.

The top-rated comment is bretty gud

Here in brasil they DO it.
They call PSDB/PMDB fascistas de merda, when those are just crypto-commies.

>Bolsonaro é um lixo racista, machista e homofóbico

Funny how this brainless Newspeak jargon is translated directly out of English into other languages. You on the Left decry "imperialism", but you parrot every empty, meaningless phrase invented by SJWs in the US

Que bait forçado

>Já pegou propina da JBS, comprovadamente via partido e diz que não é corrupto. Fez declarações racistas, e incitou estupro
Lol, is this bait?

>implying he's not all of those things
He said "if I see two gay men kissing in public I'll beat them up". About women, he said to a fellow congresswoman "I wouldn't rape you because you don't deserve it". About niggers, he said "I saw a nigger who was so obese he wouldn't even be good for breeding (comparing to cattle)"
how is that not homophobic, sexist or racist?

>hurr durr não tenho argumentos deve ser bait

>>hurr durr não tenho argumentos deve ser bait
Arguments against what?

>He said "if I see two gay men kissing in public I'll beat them up

Homosexuality is a social cancer, it shouldn't be encouraged. I don't agree with beating people up, but the opposite approach of promoting LGBT has led to my government basically forcing people to sign loyalty oaths in favour of it, and draping the entire country in rainbow banners

>About women, he said to a fellow congresswoman "I wouldn't rape you because you don't deserve it"

Right, because she baselessly accused him of being a rapist first

>About niggers, he said "I saw a nigger who was so obese he wouldn't even be good for breeding (comparing to cattle)"

Well is that a true statement, or not? Are you saying that white people are never compared to animals, or that it's only wrong to make such comparisons when black people are involved?

>how is that not homophobic, sexist or racist?

You can't make reality magically disappear simply by slapping a pejorative label on top of it

weak bait

> Argumentar com esquerdista.

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Is this neoconservatism 2.0? It sure does look like it is only now with different faces

I know but that's because psdb/pmdb aren't really the same voting block as other lefties. But to be honest, I don't think a party like PCdoB gets enough votes to justify thinking a rift between them and PT would do much of a difference.
Btw, daily reminder that Luciana Genro is jewish

more or less, but he is pro armament so he's useful

Attached: bolsonaro.jpg (645x546, 163K)

>Homosexuality is a social cancer, it shouldn't be encouraged
Nobody wants to encourage homosexuality. They want people to live as equals.
>You can't make reality magically disappear simply by slapping a pejorative label on top of it
The reality is that he's sexist, racist and homophobic.

Only rural and suburban retards vote for Bolsonaro. Smart city people all vote for Ciro Gomes.

> praises military regime
> "Pinochet should killed more"
> neocon

It's not neoconservatism ("invade the world, invited the world") except for the Zionism; Bolsonaro is more in line with traditional prewar conservatism. Anyway, what other choice is there? I would love to have even one candidate in Canada to vote for, however flawed he was

> Only rural and suburban retards vote for Bolsonaro. Smart city people all vote for Ciro Gomes.
Bait confirmed. Good try

>Nobody wants to encourage homosexuality. They want people to live as equals.

I don't know how far things have gone in Brazil in this respect, but in Canada we now effectively have state-mandated acceptance of LGBT via indoctrination in the schools, public support for the annual "Pride" bacchanalia and laws criminalizing any expression of disagreement with perversion

Se fode, vermelho imundo.

>Smart city people all vote for Ciro Gomes.
>Ciro Gomes.
O is that you Cirofag? When you'll start [blocktexts] to tell how good CIRO is?


>Atualizado 14/11/2017

Nigga, this is old as fuck, no one remembers this shit, and no one in Brazil associate Bannon with this, because the masses don't even know who the man is

> we want equality.

Nice try, queer.

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That's all a load of crap. What they call dictatorship was a regime that came to be on constitutional grounds after the president at the time voluntarily resiged.
And the only people who suffered with that regime were commies.

I just wish Bolsonaro was more redpilled about israel.

>but in Canada we now effectively have state-mandated acceptance of LGBT via indoctrination in the schools, public support for the annual "Pride" bacchanalia and laws criminalizing any expression of disagreement with perversion
This is one of the main points of Bolsonaro, being the main ANTI-LGBT indoctrination candidate.
The things will head this way if he didnt get elected.

They are equal already, what they really want is to change national culture. Go be pozzed on your private life, leave the nation alone.

LGBT people in Brazil just want to be able to be LGBT without fearing rabid evangelical fanatics who would literally lynch them in the streets just for being gay.

>a regime that came to be on constitutional grounds after the president at the time voluntarily resiged
and then a military coup was carried against the acting president
nice democratic regime

suburban retards

What does marqueteiro mean?

>who would literally lynch them in the streets just for being gay.
wtf i love evangelicals now

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>without fearing rabid evangelical fanatics who would literally lynch them in the streets just for being gay.

Funny thing, nobody was lynched for being gay in Canada prior to 1968 when it was legalized. I'll bet you're vastly overstating the danger in Brazil as well. Don't you have trannies openly dancing at the Carnival in Rio?

'marketing professional', an spin man, a media personal marketing guy

marketer, but it has a negative connotation here, akin to professional lier

Isn't that the guy who dropped a major redpill on the natives and african niggers being lazy? based as hell

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he's baiting, just look at the suburban retards and ciro gomes part
Btw, this might interest you given the chink invasion you're going through: Ciro is China's candidate

Yes, he said blacks are lazy and natives belligerent

>Don't you have trannies openly dancing at the Carnival in Rio?
yeah, Cirofag is that level of delussional, Canuckfag.

yes, and he was right, the problem is he forgot he was in real life and not Jow Forums

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But he didn't do it out of malice, he was trying to display his views on our racial heritage, just as bad he categorized iberians as a privileged caste and the source of administrative corruption, since colonial times. He is proud of our racial composition, he is a native himself.

I find it funny that the media tried to demonize him and in the end they end up enabling him to the people. Journalists are simply too far way from the people. Leftists were better in the past when they actually had knowledge of the poor population, nowadays they are a bunch of obnoxious globalists without any knowledge of their surroundings


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>and then a military coup was carried against the acting president
You mean the guy who was colluding with the comunist party in china????