Discord : 9MEZcKU anglos welcome

Generals are published every day around 16:00 (GMT+1).

Jow Forums is an English language website. Please post in English. Mods will Archive the Thread if you speak French.
Don't chimpout, be civil and constructive.
Don't forget, Big Brother Is Watching You!

Don't reply to Shills and Trolls : they aim one thing, your nerves, your intellectual time and things they could use against you or the movement

Drop all the infographics/videos/youtube links That you think could be helpful.

Podcasts (méridienzéro)
Nouvelle Edition de Rivarol (opposition controllée) :
previous threads :

Attached: Flag_of_French_Sudan_(1958-1959).svg.png (1200x800, 7K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>culture générale et histoire
Céline : voyage au bout de la nuit ; mort à crédit
Brasillach : Poèmes de Fresnes
Montreynaud : dictionnaire des proverbes et dictons
Jaworski : Te Deum Pour Un Massacre (jeu de rôles)
Dante : la divine comédie
Bloch : la société féodale
Bainville : Histoire de France
Venner : Histoire et tradition des Européens, 30000 ans d'identité
L'intégrale des oeuvres d'Aristote et Platon
Machiavel : le Prince
La Boetie : discours de la servitude volontaire
Tocqueville : oeuvres complètes
Rousseau : discours sur l'origine et les fondements de l'inégalité parmi les hommes
Saint Thomas d'Aquin : oeuvres majeures
Rattier : encyclopédie politique française
Delaisi : la révolution européenne
Maurras : la contre-révolution spontanée
MacDonald : The Culture of Critique
Hitchcock : The Synagogue of Satan
Rushton : Race, Evolution et Comportement
Orwell : 1984
Raspail : Le camp des saints
Rousseau : du contrat social
Obertone : guerilla
Chateaubriand : mémoires d'outre-tombe
De Villiers : les mosquées de Roissy
Bigeard : Adieu ma France
Houellebecq : extension du domaine de la lutte
Barrès : trilogie le roman de l'énergie nationale
Gomez Davila : Les Horreurs de la démocratie
Camus : abécédaire de l'in-nocence
Rouvillois : crime et utopie
Dard : la nouvelle droite et la société de consommation
Bastiat : pamphlets
>connaître l'ennemi
Hertlz : l'État juif
Claude Levi-Strauss : race et histoire
Marx : le capital
von Mises : le libéralisme
Sowell : race and economics
Joule et Beauvois : petit guide de manipulation à l'usage des honnêtes gens
Le Bon : psychologie des foules
Bernays : Propagande
"Gouverner par le Chaos"

Attached: 1533828148089.jpg (1070x770, 503K)

>Hollande loue avec l’argent des Français un superbe appartement à 14600€/mois rue de Rivoli

>Nouvelle plainte pour conflit d’intérêt contre Alexis Kohler, le numéro deux de l'Elysée

>Bandes à Paris : comment en est-on arrivé à des bagarres dont le seul objectif est la recherche de la violence

>Quand le préfet de police remerciait son “cher ami” Benalla

>Plus de migrants dans la restauration ? Un élu LREM en remet une couche

Attached: 5b6c428009fac25e7b8b4567.jpg (790x444, 61K)

Attached: End-of-Days1.png (700x707, 821K)

Attached: this-is-darkness-60x60-1300x1295-blur (1).jpg (1300x1295, 191K)

Attached: cleon-peterson-shadow-of-men-mca-denver-01-1.jpg (1200x800, 86K)

Other news :
>A """"cyclist"""" stabs an old man in a bus

is this open war yet?

>« Un passager s’en est offusqué », relate une source policière. Un autre témoin entend l’agresseur « demander à sa victime s’il parle arabe ». Ce dernier, qui ne semble pas le connaître, l’enjoint de « le laisser tranquille ». Le cycliste sort alors un couteau, le poignarde à la carotide et quitte le bus. La victime tente de le poursuivre, mais s’effondre sitôt sur la chaussée.
>demander à sa victime s’il parle arabe.
fucking swede at it again.

Small Chan for Frenchs :

Attached: 1533654276179.png (283x283, 92K)

nice try DGSI

Far from it, but a huge redpill for the other passengers.

Attached: 1533840048628.jpg (2230x1840, 3.43M)

am i being detained?

Attached: 1523577252428.jpg (184x274, 6K)

merci monsieur l'agent


Attached: 1533059747520.jpg (1430x1072, 539K)

Is the DGSI like the French equivalent of the FBI?


Attached: 1532002555499.png (717x891, 859K)


You can say hello to DGSI here :)

Worked hard on that shit, no idea if anyone is gonna use it it actually kek

Attached: 1532352789077.webm (640x360, 2.68M)

what's the point of this ?

kek that yellow nigger has no dick.
a bait
shill this on Jow Forums first, then we'll see

Mostly for test purposes actually, still a beta version

Bump for QTs.

Attached: capture.jpg (808x729, 112K)

Attached: i-aint-clicking-that-shit-nigga.jpg (400x400, 121K)

Like too good to be true or you prefer expressing yourself in a foreign language?

Probably both

Attached: 78476a4ee7a8b5b1caf4949491bff335.jpg (500x312, 21K)

who can make a soral merchant?

Attached: 14565152.jpg (501x585, 44K)

Attached: 1476723829993.jpg (500x500, 98K)


Attached: 93768370299.jpg (256x256, 16K)

Attached: 1531475698592.jpg (509x339, 18K)

Attached: sananda-jésus.jpg (900x617, 94K)

Attached: 1474531429770.jpg (250x250, 33K)

Attached: jpg.gif.jpg.jpg (225x225, 24K)

Attached: a24GLKD_700b_v1.jpg (700x413, 31K)

>Select all the squares containing
road signs.

Attached: 95qTHKT.jpg (309x309, 68K)

>image is 309 pixels by 309 pixels, a lot more than captcha squares
>filename is a 64 bit number, so you likely didnt type that yourself, just downloaded it
>file is a jpg, and most screencap tools use PNG

why would somebody go on the internet... and lie?

Attached: 1531515658320.png (483x470, 185K)

No I was just saying that the captcha I had to post this image was to select all squares containing road signs.

Attached: 1531326206301.jpg (637x622, 47K)

Attached: 1531515063063.png (600x600, 92K)

Ooh dude weeb!

Stupid nigger.

Attached: maxresdefault(4).jpg (1280x720, 90K)

I'm trying to make some money out of this cryptotrading by scalping and swing trading, but i'm always dicking around on jewtube when i should be trying to make money.

Attached: 1533064566058.png (590x619, 519K)

Just stack some Chainlink, and you will be ok.

Attached: 1532864161180.gif (320x212, 1.08M)

shoo shoo stinky linky

Attached: 1519733165642.png (900x900, 145K)

>t. no-linker

Attached: 1532847904733.jpg (1418x1160, 214K)

>that quote
kek, you fags are beyond repair.

Attached: 1519183888904.png (2600x3000, 3.76M)

That whore is a solid 5 on a good day mate.

Implying that your shitty parody is better.

Attached: 1532847150843.png (632x676, 342K)

Nice ID

Attached: 1533714011788s.jpg (250x242, 11K)

check'd and kek'd at your pic.
caps from the good ol days..

Attached: 1518365881575.png (621x453, 174K)

Attached: 1514566020231.jpg (640x480, 52K)

>tfw that flag is totally wrong

Turbokrautism!!! :DDD

Attached: vogelschiss.png (1569x1800, 170K)

Attached: 1532847483879.png (900x900, 413K)

Attached: 1532860600953.jpg (1341x1252, 320K)

the only solution you'll ever need.

Attached: 1516911771259.png (1153x326, 102K)

>leave Jow Forums for a week, go on Jow Forums to see how crypto is doing
>all chainlink
>come back to Jow Forums and chainlink is now being posted here

$1000 stinky KINKY linky EOY

if sergoy was a politician he would be king of the world already with shit like this kek


>Cryptocurrency start-up Confido disappears with $375,000 from an ICO, and nobody can find the founders.

>the only solution you'll ever need.

Attached: 1532852002401.gif (320x278, 2.59M)

that was the joke faggot

Attached: 1516423873787.png (951x972, 192K)

Maybe something in there might be useful for your next FUD.

Attached: 1532809334833.png (2740x1128, 1.1M)

lol i just don't care about link you guys are crazy deluded.

Attached: 1515888701482.png (1522x1076, 1.27M)

We will see...

Attached: 1525908304469.jpg (756x1118, 208K)

next time it's in Marseille something must be done

Attached: Capture.png (614x743, 424K)

someone need to sink this shit.

Attached: 1474568564878.jpg (250x250, 44K)

Where are the secret services when we need them...

Attached: rainbow warrior.jpg (1024x578, 85K)

ah c'est plus ce que c'était, ma bonne dame

Attached: click that shit nigga.jpg (2048x1604, 191K)

>Six men were found guilty in London on Tuesday of crossing migrants from northern France to England. The British investigators stopped them when they planned to use jet skis in their traffic, after several disastrous crossings.

Attached: migration en jet-skis.png (535x585, 517K)

Bijour à toute la dissidonce!

Attached: hollade.gif (270x270, 1.31M)

>A total of 25 Africans were aboard a car that was made to carry 8 people, 12 of them died. The death toll is expected to rise more.

Attached: 200503244-00112cef-1878-4fcf-b873-267c4a941a881.jpg (768x576, 63K)

>after several disastrous crossings.
>The death toll is expected to rise more.

Attached: 1532893003275.png (1172x675, 32K)

>The death toll is expected to rise more.

Attached: AiGasm.png (112x112, 22K)