>Dutch politician commits suicide after saying she was gang-raped by Muslims
>Dutch politician commits suicide after saying she was gang-raped by Muslims
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if she was one that shilled for immigrants, good riddance
Why would doctors and engineers need to rape? She's just a nazi bigot
>raping this
She was a member of en.wikipedia.org
She’s far superior than any jew could ever attain
white people did this
is that pro sand nigger?
maybe she did it because it was a lie and she couldnt bear with it
"The party fielded a controversial motion in the 2007 general deliberations on the immigration budget, calling for a stop to immigration from Muslim countries."
Victim blaming, and women slut shaming!
I activate the defense cards of anti-women hatred, rape victim accusing and bigotry.
It's your turn sir... Good luck!
Which party?
Anyway, good, its finally the politicians getting enriched. Usually it was working class women who had to live in cheap districts with vibrant diiversity that were getting gangbanged and then called "racist" by politicians if they complained
>The Party for Freedom (Dutch: Partij voor de Vrijheid, PVV) is a Dutch nationalist[5] and right-wing populist[5] political party in the Netherlands.
Apparently not.
My apologies.
>The Party for Freedom (Dutch: Partij voor de Vrijheid, PVV) is a Dutch nationalist[5] and right-wing populist[5] political party in the Netherlands.
real leftwing pinko commies there, huh fag?
Next time click a fucking link you lazy nigger
when will it stop?!
She should've taken a bunch of sandniggers out before killing herself.
That’s incredibly sad, then. It should’ve been a libshit. :(
cringe, amerimutts know nothing about european politics outside of their own (((two-party))) bubble.
>1 post by this ID
Women raped by niggers/sand niggers are usually liberal virtue signalers who want to be the one with hip nigger pets or who volunteer to aid them. Most normal women have strong aversions to avoid those kinds of people and wouldn't get raped unless they're jumped in a park or something, and European women are quickly learning why American women are so scared of parks at night, ps it's not because of savage white American men.
no thanks kike faggot
Not cringe, it's an inevitable consequence of asymmetries in power, global importance, and size. The US has 50 states plus the federal government. An American might know about some politicians in the UK, Straya, Japan, China, Russia, etc. But get too minor and yeah people won't know anything at all.
Stupid cunt didn't report the alledged kidnapping and rape. I call shenanigans.
post by this ID
Let's increase that count.
"right-wing populist". That means usually anti-sandnigger.
>Implying everyone in America is supposed to know the parties of every other nation in the world.
>being this unironically retarded
Were both of his parents Jewish? That's a real askhenazi woman right there.
t. her angry dutch husband
>kike faggot
kikes are subversive parasites you fucking retard. I was trying to help you out so perhaps you wont look like a retard, but hey, why not, call ME the kike.
Nice job you lazy nigger
Actually she did blame Arnoud van Doorn who is a convert to Islam.
What everyone else said before me, and we dont have only two parties you autistic Dane, just two popular ones
The worst part is a cry for sympathy. From who? The people who would sympathize already agree with her, hence no need for this. Those who don't care, the left and mudshits, are literally evil and will just be happy she is gone. The sooner the right realizes the left is LITERALLY evil the sooner they will wake the fuck up and stop crying about hypocrisy and asking people to let shit 'sink in' constantly.
>Says Arnoud van Doorn of Partij van de Eeneid is behind it, a political rape to keep her quiet in council meeting.
Who?Why?Is he a muzzrat loving faggot?
She was a conservative woman that advocated reducing immigration. This is a legit shame.
This is why you have to fight, Dutchbros. This is your reason.
you sound fat
calling me a lazy nigger is helping me out? fucking kys schlomo
To be fair, half the time your parties are retardedly named and are opposite what one would expect.
Why is Netherlands full of muslims and dindus? Are they full of Jews as well?
kys stupid nigger
He was a former member of Geert Wilders's party who then quit and converted to Islam.
>She was a conservative woman that advocated reducing immigration.
our political party system is complete shit,
there are more political parties right now then there have ever been the vote is splintered, while the immigrants all vote for the pro islam party / pro black party etc.
i fucking hate democracy
Heard of it? Some people still feel it, you wouldn't know that would you. Libcuck..go back to virtue signaling pedophiles and mental illness.
>memeflag cancer
All Europeans are naturally oriented to be fucking cucks desu. I honestly see no other explanation for why Europe is so irreversibly fucked.
Well his father was a filmmaker who worked for Hollywood so...
>get raped by sandniggers and kill yourself to prove a point
Now THATS how you raise your polling numbers. Other yuros should take note
She blamed Arnoud van Doorn (A Dutch converted politician) who was ones part of the right winged populist PVV party. According to this woman who committed suicide Arnoud van Doorn commanded a horde of muslims to rape her.
Oh yea rings a bell, he's discussed in some threads here before, slimy wee bastard
Read the thread, leaf.
beats a goat.
1 memeflag poster isn't proof of shit.
So then search up the party you mongoloid. Its not that hard and im not working for you, if you dont trust a Wikipedia page then translate a page yourself. Also he isn't one post
What a waste, everyone knows muslims can't rape. She must have had some un addressed problem at home like her favorite show didn't have enough diversity
>muh unverifiable png
You can remove that memeflag now, Yitzhak. The goys here aren't buying the controlled opposition anymore.
its a wikipedia article you mong
It's right there in the fucking article, you mong. Her friends were quoted in the aftermath of the rape being reported:
>Willie is a very social, driven, intelligent politician who will never stop defending the free word and who will continue the fight against Islam.
Cunts want kike shit they eat kike shit, they want equality and freedom they get nigger dick
You want a hamburger and you get fries too
not as much as the usa, jew
What VPN are you using?
The Netherlands are beyond saving. 60% under 18 are muslim. They are done!
>The goys here aren't buying the controlled opposition anymore.
I'm talking to you. Not him.
I summon Chaos Emperor Dragon.
Everything explodes.
>not recognizing Geert's party
she's lying about being gang raped obviously. Anyone who believes this is retarded.
Why would I think you're talking to him, Amerimutt?
JIDF secured connection.
I refuse to believe you Amerimutts haven't heard of Geert Wilders and stumbled upon his party PVV on this board - unless you are complete newfags or just lazy/uninterested in European politics.
American politics is only a facade and a waste of time anyway. It is Republicans and Democrats and, in the end, they have the same goal. Independent politicians are a joke and have no chances of getting in.
Real ultra-nationalist and right-wing parties are getting significant influence in our politics here in Europe (just look at Sweden with AfS and NMR) while you faggots will still gobble up everything Republicucks tell you about shilling for Israel.
>average day in the netherlands
Dude, you are such a fucking fag
>Geert Wilders
we could all use more like him
>in position to do something about it
>kills self instead
fucking women
My god eurocentrism is cringe. Are you this insufferable IRL too?
So sad. I can't even imagine the pain she went through.
I mean it's just a rape, why kill yourself over it?
at first I was like
>why don't those ridiculous Dutch police just knock that dindu out?
then I was like
>well that's actually pretty smart
>they pepper sprayed him
>then waited for the dog to trip him
Then it's time for them to go into recovery mode.
Scrap what they can use and liquidate everything else.
If you can imagine a busy day at a kebab stand you can imagine it.
I know the party of freedom is right winged but there's no proof of her connection. Considering she's a city councillor in a major city she was probably a progressive roasty and earned getting toasty.
Head over to your local Madrassa and ask the friendly fellas to gang rape you and see how you do
Fuck off, vermin.
Im interested in european politics, ive been on this board for years, and ive only heard of this person and not their party you self centered dumb fuck
>gang rapes
>not enriched
Her people will never respect her now.
Meanwhile in Israel...
Releasing restraint level 0.
I guess because Migration from ex colonies. They have lots of People from Surinam. And many North Africans but no Idea why so many Nafris are there
Apparently you are.
PVV are Israel shills.
yes, even their language is full of yiddish slang like sodemieter, schlemiel, mesjogge...
When you get multiple schlongs stuffed in your ass by force, see how well you cope.
Imagine someone ordered that, but you can't prove it to police.
Imagine those rapists are just a small amount of a larger collective that can be set on you at any time if you vote wrong or try to seek justice.
Stupid fag.
All muslims and jews shitting up this place need shot.
Netherlands used to be land of kickboxers, you couldn't fuck with anyone there. Look at them now, just look at these numale weak cops. It's pathetic.
>Waaahh I had a bunch of pee pees inside me and it hurt better kill myself instead of getting the animals arrested
Stop being overly sensitive about rape, it's on the same level as a severe beating and much worse things could happen to you.
>Colonize almost entire planet
>Genocide 10m Jews and slavs
I guess
>you can't prove it to police.
yeah, it's not like the lacerations and DNA they left behind are a thing :^)
>woof woof
What's the dog trying to say ?
diversity is our strength
do you value virginity?
the kickboxing schools are filled with sandniggers and niggers nowadays
same for the gyms i visit there are too goddamn many of them and i live in a small town with only 50k inhabitants