Can the UK get any worse?

Attached: Dgjs7U1XcAEn9n_.jpg large.jpg (1000x563, 151K)

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UK hate thread?

Attached: 1526665130366.jpg (640x487, 55K)

United kingdom of Muhammad

At least you have Rose

Attached: 13525464_1049413965142129_913019772_n.jpg (360x360, 19K)

That's like asking if blood can get any redder, or if the sky can get any further away.

Attached: oh you.jpg (625x415, 39K)

If they go through with Brexxit, ya they could get worse.

Attached: Britain in the 21st century.gif (320x320, 3.86M)

this thread has been reported for hateful speech

Attached: Dg2T7NjWsAEg7oz.jpg large.jpg (800x400, 84K)

Attached: fake news.jpg (700x700, 110K)

Good to see bongs getting as fat as americans lol

Attached: 99d42764c7239cae9276be3d109504ce.jpg (500x375, 30K)

>Become less white
>New Labour gets elected
>The Tories get more PC
>Stopping Christain celebration
>More hate speach laws
>More censorship
>More monitoring
>NI leaves the Union (the last good part of Britain)

Why is she so cute?

Because white is best.

No. You sold yourself for prestige and money to royal, political and corporate courts

Now they have molded people's minds according to their preferences and you can't escape it

Who knows bro...

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He can't keep getting away with it!

Attached: Rambo.jpg (243x483, 28K)

>Stopping Christain celebration
already done and;
polish vermin detected. OUT.

If you want to know how bad it is look up the rains list!

Attached: 1490911949492.jpg (900x900, 43K)

>human being

Attached: a.png (500x649, 165K)

rains list link

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Yeah, most our country doesn't have to deal with this shit. It'll be 30 years till we are America tier.

Because she's a boy.

cant you see how pathetic it is? you are so desperate to be racist and hateful, but at the same time so conditioned and gutless that only people you dare to hate are those that pretty much look like you.

its like the only thing left in you, only way to be hateful that you allow yourself.

Because her ancestors kept her racially pure.

"When China was hit by famine" is a funny way of saying "When Mao directly caused a famine that killed tens of millions of his own people"

Attached: Mao's least favourite bird.jpg (1024x768, 154K)

Look we're very sorry that you lost but you lost!
Its been over 70 years now, cant you just let it go?


Chink kills millions of his own people
>muh hero
Brit kills millions of poos
>muh Hitler

the absolute state of meme flaggots on /pol

Winston Churchill waged war against the Nazis, and the Nazis wanted to support the white race by killing commies and kikes.

Attached: (((New world order))).jpg (670x960, 160K)

Have any of you fuckers thought about not living in a cheap part of the UK? I've not seen any of these problems.

Another bot already started an anti British thread with the exact same wording

pretty soon UK will implode because the only whites allowed to hold govt jobs will have to be faggos or lebgos or tranners