Death of a Nation

Death of a Nation
Is it good, Is it bullshit?
I wont be able to see.

Anyway It's full on internet culture war

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It's retarded cuckservative garbage

I remember my Jewish boomer American history teacher in highschool made us watch one of his awful movies.
It was honestly the most surreal shit I've ever seen, the whole class was laughing their asses off.

>all those racists giving it a rotten score

Where can I watch this online

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D’souza is a GOP media operative. If you enjoy fantasy and fake news it’ll probably be at least okay.

Say what you will about Dinesh, he makes good propaganda. I am yet to see him make anything bad.
He is a cuckservative and a civic nationalist, but the propaganda he makes is pure gold. It works on an emotional level and he puts enough facts in there to make it impossible for leftist pieces of shit to try and debunk anything he shows. Most of the ''debunking'' is just someone saying that they disagree with his conclusions.

If you have parents interested in this kind of shit, everything Dinesh makes can be shown to them.

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Eh I saw a screen shot that looked like it was portraying Hitler in a negative light.
One can only assume he feels the same negitive Nancy way about the Holocaust.
I'll pass.

Dinesh Dsouza is an Indian uncle tom.

Lincoln was the bad guy, so you know it's a dumb movie

hey guys a whole bunch of NOT PROXY using people from other countries have strong opinions about a movie about America being show in America that is conservative

You can always tell by these words

He sides with whatever gives him prosperity and freedom. It's in his self interests.

You have to go back.

The only liberal thing I remember is he tried to say affirmative action was conservative because Nixon was Republican and helped create it.

>every critic hates it
>audience loves it

Can't think of a better endorsement.

>this guy who makes movies that movies theaters play and is a major public figure doesn't say Hitler did nothing wrong and publicly deny the holocaust so therefore he's shit
Shills are fucking pathetic

>the people love it
>the elites REALLY hate it
really made me think

>that 30 year old boomer who watches movies


its an extreme entry level redpilled but that's all you're allowed to play in theaters