Daily reminder that if you are a person of color who supports Trump / GOP you are working against not only your own interests, but the interests of your family and everyone who looks like you. You are working in the best interest of people who do not care about you. In fact, they probably hate you and at best see you as a convenient political prop. You are not a "critical thinker" for supporting someone like Trump. You are an Uncle Tom (or whatever the equivalent term is for your group).
Is there anything more pathetic than a black republican?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's good for employment. Being a based black conservative is a full time job these days. Lots of speaking engagements and Daily Wire interviews and wives to fuck.
A white democrat.
>you are working against not only your own interests, but the interests of your family and everyone who looks like you.
The welfare thing kinda didnt work for the last couple decades
Why do white democrats come on Jow Forums to be racist against black republicans. Shaking my head senpai.
A white Democrat.
Yes a black democrat
>Is there anything more pathetic than a black republican?
The entire left wing in America honestly, blacks on the right are the only smart blacks in the nation
Black unemployment is at the lowest rate ever under Trump, you are such a brainlet, and a racist too.
I posted here a month or so back. But I'm a black, Army veteran, college graduate, firearm instructor and I vote Republican. So does my black wife. Kids go to a private Christian school, we do not listen to rap or condone any "black movement" because it's all based around hatred and not equality. There is nothing wrong with wrong with black people who want out of poverty by choosing to not be victims of the democratic party. My parents voted Republican, I vote Republican and our lives are great.
>Why do white democrats come on Jow Forums to be racist against black republicans.
Because democrats don't actually care about anyone, the moment you stop being a good goy you become the enemy to them
That's because Decision Theorists are more intelligent than Critical Thinkers.
>Is there anything more pathetic than a black republican?
Lot's o' things are...
A black democrat
A white democrat
A yellow democrat
A brown democrat
A red democrat
A hope a black republican kills you or another communist in revenge for 6-14-17.
Yep put Democrats in control of the inner cities and they'll turn out as great as all the inner cities that have been controlled by Democrats for the last half-century
Thank you for your service
I pray to the Lord for your safety
Please look out for the Left Wing Donkey Death Squads
They will forcibly abduct your family and imprison you all on the donkey plantation if you're not careful
It is not racist.
White Republicans are largely terrible people, but they are at least working in their own best interest. Black / Brown Republicans do not actually benefit from aiding Republicanism. They can only be motivated by deep-rooted insecurities and self-hatred. There is nothing respectable about it.
I give them credit for saying " fuck it", and not caring what a bunch of lying assholes who have never done anything for them or their families for generations think anymore
>Why don't you dumb niggers like us anymore? We give you free shit.
>Black / Brown Republicans do not actually benefit from aiding Republicanism.
Dumbest shit I've ever read.
So basically your position is
>Get the fuck black on the donkey plantation
Okay thanks for letting me know what you think of me, now if you ever said this to me in real life I would call you out for racism. If you're white do you think your white Master would side with you? I would look into your post history and find out every racist thing that you said and post it on Twitter and alienate you from all your stupid liberal friends because that's what I am I'm an Internet troll. It's what I do baby. I will alienate you from everyone you know by giving you the label of racist.
Black unemployment has been trending downward since long before Trump came into office.
Trump has done nothing to help black people (or other PoCs) in this country. He has done nothing to help poor white people either.
They can try. But I'll die a free man before I'm forced to live on the plantation with people more racist then the down south rednecks. (I have a few friends like that) and we equally hate most black people. When I tell someone on the left that, their head explodes and the liberal space time continuum is torn open
Motherfucker do you know where you are?
Look at the fucking URL
>Is there anything more pathetic than a black republican
A black democrat? Wait no, a white democrat. Wait, no, any democrats.
trips of truth
God bless you and America sir
Why would blacks want to stay with the party of slavery? The fact that LBJ tricked a bunch of them to switch to (D) in the mid-60's is amazing, and a testament to the power (((they))) once had.
Now folks are waking up, finally.
No..I'm exercising my right to determine what policies or persons I support.
I as a black man don't need your punk ass to tell me what is best for me. Slavery ended a long time ago, and I would really like to see others stop trying to keep black people stupid..so they can use them as a political crutch.
MAGA motherfuckers.
>Is there anything more pathetic than a black republican?
Yes, a black Democrat.
No one has victimized black people more than the Democrats.
False. They choose not to help themselves and are throwing temper tantrums because "he be razisst" all the while holding their own self down. Again, I'm black and my life has never been better.
>"Bettering yourself is a betrayal to your race. If you're black and successful, you should just vote like the rest of your race so they can continue to mooch off your success while providing nothing"
For their own and their family's best interest, it is far better for a semi-intelligent black person to vote for a republican.
Fuck yea brother! MAGA
So the "black movement" is about hatred, but a party whose modern form consists of people who idealize the civil war and left the Democratic party once it started appealing to black people isn't? What you're doing is borderline child abuse.
Theres nothing greater. Seeing liberals lose their shit and devolve into the very thing they claim to hate most (racists) is fucking glorious. Go get that YouTube cash black conservatives.
OP is the descendant of a southern house nigger. Gotta keep'm on the plantation right Massa?
Those are the niggers with over 80IQ lol all 10 of them lol
Yes, that's pretty much the entire view of the democrat party
>We love blacks except for when they get uppity and think for themselves
>Trying to D&C this openly
Jews are terrified that blacks will side with the whites.
>Seeing liberals lose their shit and devolve into the very thing they claim to hate most (racists) is fucking glorious.
Fully agree, it just shows they have no actual convictions and it's all an act.
The left can't recruit. You should know Jow Forums isn't white and already doesn't wanna hear your shit
Not his fault that you Democrats are racist scumbags who want to keep the Black man down
>Child abuse
>but a party whose modern form consists of people who idealize the civil war and left the Democratic party once it started appealing to black people isn't?
hahahaha the old "the parties" switched meme. You get all your politics from reddit?
>borderline child abuse
That's a low fucking statement to make over someone you don't actually know simply due to their political beliefs.
Your moral compass is fucked.
Child abuse? Sending my kids to a Christian school, raising them with value, integrity and honesty is child abuse? Not allowing them to be victims of the far left further polluting their mind with "let's kill whitey" is a bad thing? I want equality, but I got it by earning it. Not smashing car windows because a police officer had a legal and justified good shoot.
What's child abuse is teaching kids about hatred. Allowing them to change genders. Not teaching them about hard work and honesty. About "gimme gimme gimme" that's what you want and teach. THAT MOTHER FUCKER IS CHILD ABUSE!
Which critical thinking numbnutz came up with 58 genders?
A black democrat. *bada tiss*
I'll be here all week guys, don't forget to tip the waiter.
Wrong, my area of the US is on a major upswing for the first time since 2008
t. Poor white Appalachian
Yea, it's just a coincidence that the geography of party affiliation has completely flipped since the 60s.
P r a i s e, you sound like a great father who actually looks out for his kids.
You're a good man.
Of course there is: a black Democrat.
Any non-white person with an and above average IQ would do best to vote republican instead of the party of gibs and degeneracy
Trump is literally copypastaing Salvini.
Appreciate it gents. I do what I can
Remember the libfaggots in OR calling the black ICE agent a nigger? Funny AF
Can't wait for Trump to do pic related.
Black Republicans are just smart enough to know they prefer a majority white country
Forcing your children to ignore their black skin and the context that comes with that is what's child abuse. You are raising children who will not be equipped to handle the harsh realities of America.
>Is there anything more pathetic than a black republican?
The white civnats who call them based
oh hey. looks like the crackers are here to get their vote slaves back
You are such a fucking liar.
Dems are just worried because opinion of Trump is starting to rise among the black people as a whole... More people with influence are starting to be unafraid to support him.
I never particularly liked Kanye's music..but I won't deny his ability to make some of his fans actually even just CONSIDER..that what they are being told by the media are lies.
Why do you think suddenly everyone is getting it from mainstream media or politicians?
Trump supporters=Russia
#Walkaway=Russian Bots
Alex Jones/any other YouTuber=Fake News.
It's obvious how scared they are right now... they are seeing people wake up from their decades long sleep.
Typical liberal racist
Vote like the rest of your skin color or die right right liberal you people are a joke
Has the left gotten more retarded since I abandoned them? I almost think you're a right winger false flagging as a left winger to make them look dumber than they do already. Theres no way you could POSSIBLY be this stupid.
Isn't illegal to lecture PoCs or something?
Sorry I don't feel like associating with niggers, literal cucks, faggots ect that tend to comprise a large percentage of the Democratic party as a whole. I do what I can do distance my self from all of it even if I'm never to be seen as equal, I'll take it over being in a daily peer group with niggers. Uncle tom= Blacks capable of critical and abstract thought.
#walkaway from the united states plz
Stfu and go rosie you are a fat pig
That looks like bullshit to me. Especially since all that measures during the obama years is people coming off unemployment. It doesn't mean they got jobs just that they were cut off from benefits because they couldn't find one. I remember because I and many others were in the same boat. You are either ignorant or being deceptive on purpose you piece of human garbage
It doesn't matter what you think is bullshit. This is the same metric for unemployment being used by the Trump administration to tout "lowest unemployment evar."
Then its bullshit too. Either way, you're knowingly trying to decieve
You're sick, of course his children understand they're black they probably own mirrors, and how can you assume he isn't preparing them for the harsh realities of the world by making sure they do not end up another victim to gang culture or black on black violence.
He's there for his kids even when in most black families the father leaves, stop trying to character assassinate an upstanding black man because he holds different values than you if you have any at all.
Everyone forget Lawrence King and his Boys Town Nebraska supply of boys to DC.
white liberals
Yore right hail hittler
As a black man, it's hilarious how democrats are raging over black people finally waking up to how destructive their policies are for us. What have they done for us this last half century? The destruction of our family unit leading to 70% of black children growing up in single mother households; drugs pushed into our neighborhoods; dependency on Welfare so that we'd continue voting for them; indoctrination to make us hate whites and see them as our enemy. It's clear they don't have our best interests in mind.
This is completely false, and also Uncle Tom is used for that demographic you uninformed idiot.
Since when do republicans like blacks thats my real question? I mean every single day white trump supporters say the n word. Tell them to go back to africa. The trump supporters say the hate blacks daily. If i was black there is no way I would side with someone who calls me a nigger every single day
this is actually true
black unemployment in 2010 was 17%
in 2016 before trump is was 7%
Yeah, a White democrat
Everyday...source on these dubious statistics?
...aaaaaaand /thread
You’re cant believe your black. You come on pol every single day see what trump supporters think of you and you still like them?
Is your wife white and you want to breed your race out?
Whould they be better if republicans had control?
Probably not which is why no one in the city votes for them
i never understood why blacks think that democrats are the reasons their lives are so fucked. I mean i don’t remember obama telling blacks to have 6 baby mamas smoke crack and commit drive by shootings. They all did that themselves and will continue to do so regardless of who is in charge.
The top thread on here is a nigger hae thread
are you kidding right now
>Whould they be better if republicans had control?
>Probably not which is why no one in the city votes for them
Mind stating an actual argument instead of just supposition?
if blacks thought republicans cared about them. Why dont they vote for them in droves?
There are millions of things republicans can do to make their lives better
legalize drugs, prostitution, prison reform. They dont any of it. Democrats dont either but if you are gonna vote for shit at least dont vote for someone who calls you a shit skin.
Make no mistake, I don’t hate black people. I just hate niggers. Big difference there, dude
No. A thread on Jow Forums isn't proof of your claims.
I happen to be a black man that can read..and has also been blessed with reason.
Your "argument" is weak..and I felt like giving you a chance to change my mind.
I am intelligent enough to realize words like nigger only have the power I choose to give them.
Perhaps you are used to dealing with BLM idiots or some other ghetto trash..who blame the supernatural powers of the "Man" to keep them down?
Still not an argument. Let me help you.
If you want to make a reasoned argument that blacks would be no better off under Republican leadership than you need to explain the things that Republicans would do that would be detrimental to black communities, as the issue is the things that Democrats already do is detrimental to black communities.
You can't just say, "Look at all these things that someone somewhere someday could possibly maybe do and they would be good but no one does them!" and expect to have that drivel regarded as a legitimate argument.
>convenient political prop
>Is there anything more pathetic than a black republican?
A black democrat?