Thread Theme | Téama Snáithe: National Party │ Páirtí Náisiúnta: │ Join the party and spread the word/memes in your social circles online or otherwise. Téigh leis an bpáirtí agus scaip an scéala / na méimeanna le do chairde ar líne nó eile.
Blaming migrants for a non-existent "homelasness" problem. The bank system is to blame.
Cooper Lee
Fine Gael supporter here. Ask me anything.
I have my criticisms (I wish they'd end the drug war and codify freedom of speech absolutely), but they're a solid party committed to liberal democracy, and are not ideologues.
I just thought it was the most interesting question to ask you. Though it's not really interesting at all.
Isaiah Anderson
Syrian war is pretty much over, they should fuck off home, half of em aren't even from there, why are you here faggot? Take a wrong turn on the way to reddit?
Robert Cook
no but you said to ask you anything
Xavier Ortiz
>us Pretty sure you hordes of unwashed Saxons dogs have been brought to heel for the disproportioned period of your history, and now your state is that of conquered once again by hordes of unwashed barbarians.
>not longing for eternal war resulting in the total destruction of one or both fucking faggot
Jaxson Barnes
Last year, the state issued over a thousand deportation orders. 140 of those were carried out. The number of asylum seekers being rejected at the border is decreasing, and if asylum seekers can manage to appeal a rejected claim for at least 5 years (very easily done), they will be quietly granted access to the country. Bogus asylum seekers leach from the taxpayer and occupy accommodation. Fine Gael have never waged a war on drugs, nor have any other Irish political parties. I don't see how having no ideological grounding is a positive, merely means policy can be influenced by external powers with vested interests, most recently the corporate/NGO abortion lobby. We're being displaced mostly by white brvders if that makes you any happier, pic related
I did you meant that you were horrendously gay and don't like the concept of dying horribly in battle against the foreigner and prefer tranquility due to having a crippling fear of an old woman wearing a party hat.
Start false flag attacks in NI. The British military builds up there to "keep the peace". Do a major false flag in London then send an ultimatum to us, demanding our army to help them and enforce a curfew throughout all of Ireland. Rightly we tell them to fuck off then the British say they have to invade to protect their people.
Daniel Foster
Brazillians are bringing their leftist nonsense to Ireland,
footbook .com/ brazilianleftfront/
Cooper Martin
can we start a race war already? We won’t solve our issues politically and I’m fucking itching to kill a few niggers, chinks, gypsies and brazilians
Jordan Martinez
Our govs have an increasingly busy future ahead just controlling civil dissension and climbing crime/terrorism. Chance of what you describe is .01%
Camden Foster
That already happened. They year the British Ambassador was killed, and the British Embassy was burned, the UK gave Ireland an ultimatum to give over all intelligence from G2 and the Gardai to them. This deal is still on going.
Nolan Foster
were gonna outbreed them
pagan bitches and godly men building huge stone buildings and writing new epics about the race abú
Ian Howard
>He thinks false flags will make the brits come back Lad, Terrorism happens all the time and no one gives a fuck
Jonathan Fisher
*leech (because this phone's driving me mad)
Cameron Cruz
What's the difference between the Provisional IRA and the Real IRA
Mason Ramirez
I need to vent some bile and fury eirepol. >Work in bugman prime hive >Programing >Too young to freelance/not enough experience to self employ >Three lads I work with are top notch and now legit friends and lifting buddies >Trump and Brexit is now the opening line of dialogue for bugbois like they are all NPCs from skyrim >I had the common sense to keep my head down and just work >My friend didn't, >Mandarin oranges left on his desk one morning? >lol, ok free oranges I guess? >They assumed he was against the 8th >Big banana named my department during a meeting and said we are "basement boys" etc >The same people who make us sit through endless seminars about "fluid skills" and occasional sends some pajeet from QC to "intern" with us >All my friend said was something like "It's complicated. . .I dunno maybe I would vote for Trump if I lived in the US" >Complaints by female staff because he used a one room toilet marked as "ladies" but it was the closest one to us and nobody uses it.
The Irish tech world is experiencing poz at light speed. I don't mean to toot my own horn, but if I wasn't there as a CS grad, working with these lads, the social pressure would crack them. They would have no choice but to roll over and play bug so they can pay for their mortgages and feed their kids. They are the reason I pound weights, otherwise I would be pounding whiskey and beer.
Blake Bennett
One are Sell outs, the others have made Nationalism a mormon-esque cult.
Dominic Powell
I'm saying I don't want the conflict with England.
I would suggest Gregory, she was essentially an anglo writing about Irish mythology. She is known best for what is essentially a primer on irish lore (Lady Gregory's Complete Irish Mythology), it's very readable for the modern man. I am confident that there will be a copy in your nearest 2nd hand book store.
Dominic Barnes
this may be a dumb question but i want to know if Protestants in the south are in some way are bullied by Catholics at all ?
Josiah Taylor
>personal Q. Hey guys. I'm learning Gaeilge in a few months after I get more comfortable with Japanese. Thanks for the link to the pastebin, any recommendations? >political Q. How do you guys feel about NatSoc and White Supremacists?
Ian Robinson
I love you irish cunts
Joshua Bell
Kek, seriously what are you guys doing importing a million somalis when you all only have a population of five million?
Nicholas Richardson
Most Protestants in the south either moved north or converted after independence.
Juan Harris
From my experience in a catholic secondary school and from talking to mo cousins, yes
William Morales
Levi Lopez
Sadly, no. I grew up across Ireland, and they either have no interaction with them or in Dublin are fully integrated.
Nolan Cooper
Not Somali's, the notion is that they will be mostly EU citizens. The growth figure is correlated with the projection of labour demands.
>How do you guys feel about NatSoc and White Supremacists? I don’t mind them but we only need the Irish, not the english, poles, lithuanians or niggers in Éire. Also i’d prefer a non-government eugenics system rather than r-selection system
Christopher Richardson
In living memory as someone posting here: no
In living memory: yes.
From 1921 to the civil war there were atrocities against protestants, especially wealthy landowners with estates, the worst case involved an SS style retaliatory execution of 10 protestant males in 1920. There was a soft bias against prods, but generally the court system kept institutions in line, to the point where during the boiling point of the troubles (69), we shrugged our shoulders about a protestant minister.
I want you to come away with this: religion in Ireland is an issue of identity. The historical image of Ireland walking lockstep with Rome is laughable. Protestant/Catholic is a synonym for a deeper issue, not comparable to other nations. (or WAS considering the amount of negros we are importing).
(((MARIO ROSENSTOCK))) made a super hilarious radio skit about Bumlbph which was really really funny.
Elijah Carter
Logan Sanchez
>implying weebs spend time to actually learn anything. Nip is for work. Irish is for fun. Agreed. Ireland for the Irish.
Jonathan Lopez
Most of us believe that an ethnic group should rule its own nation, and nobody who is alien to the nation should have a say in the running of government. I won't speak for us all but I have sympathies for George Lincoln Rockwell and Codreanu.