Why doesn't anyone take Libertarians seriously?
I don't understand
They're literally delusional leftists filled with degenerates and drug users.
>Unlicensed bakery
>Unlicensed 3D printed machine gun
Isn't the left against this
Leftists dont like the free market or guns. Libertarians are their own special brand of crazy.
>libertarians are leftists
>Leftists dont like the free market or guns.
They just want it to be socially-just free markets and guns!
Why shouldn't le merchants be le happy?
Because you can't enforce libertarianism.
because they are autistic individuals who have no contempt for society or those around them. its all about me to them.
Begone shill.
>tfw classic American ideals/values are conflated with "do whatever you want lmao"
libertarians and ancaps need to be executed
The American Libertarian Party is awful. Their idea of freedom is corrupt and devoid of a firm moral stance. In short, read Hoppe.
>they have no contempt for society
Wrong. They like libertarianism because it frees them from all social tension. Real libertarians have contempt for all.
"Few are worthy of love."
-Ayn Rand
I can't imagine why....
Don't help those idiots by using their language. Mutual freedom is liberty.
Liberalism, or all variation, is where the left is born. Fuck you. We want border and limit, not retarded freedom.
Stop heroin. Stop watching porn.
I want to crush your retarded freedom with the power of the state, and make you happy.
how much coke do you need to be on in order to think that hat is a good look
Kike ideology.
>Austin Petersen
I've seen this image before but I never knew who he was. Didn't he just lose a primary for the MO senate seat on tuesday?
He's a globalist shill
This. Typical libertarians are not actual libertarians. They want the reward without the cost. In this case, they're Liberals with the veneer of intellectual backing.=