Alright here's the backstory
>Cop pulls up on car for noticing one of the passengers not having a seat belt
>When cop shows up at the window requesting the negro male to show up to court, full niggatry gets put on display and the chimp starts to show total disrespect to cop while yelling slurs at him
>Cop keeps cool and tries to get the nigger to sign a court order
And these same fucking niggers wonder why they get shot. Goddamn it why is it that we are forced to live in the same neighbourhoods as these same fucking savage beasts
Cop keeps cool while nigger yells at him
Other urls found in this thread:
Federal government is a kike, this nigger is correct.
hitler and the communists had the same enemies but were tricked into fighting each other and Europe instead
Niggers Vs pigs
Hard to say who I hate more.
defending a nigger chimping out
>mup da doo didda po mo...
Why can't niggers speak English? they've been here for hundreds of years
Tie your legs together do a one handed handstand and move towards me backwards in a zig zag movement bootlicker.
He's right you know...cops are city pig
only acting tough because he knows the cop cant do anything. bet he wouldn't talk to any other man like that lol
neger machen neger sachen, was sonst ist neu?
Got a permit for that opinion eh?
damn...what did he mean by this?
t. nigger
thats niggerish for "shot me dude, iam a porch monkey"
to be fair, i refuse to believe there is ONE cop who has been on the job for more than a year who isn't deeply racist
they don't act on it. per capita they shoot way more whites. but give any cop truth serum and i would be shocked if they were like "yeah i like blacks just the same as whites"
Hell no he wouldn't. He'd get his stupid fucking head kicked in. This country is going to hell due to the people like him. Yet there are people defending this man. What a sad time to be alive.
actually i have a buddy who is a puerto rican corrections officer
he calls me all the time talking about niggers because i am like his church confession
he hates niggers more and more every day.
everybody hates niggers. it's just a matter of admitting it
>Fuck 12 nigga.
>Give me a ticket for my safety "rolls eyes gay emoticon" "crying gay emoticon" on me fuck you pathetic ass junction
>city pigs man
t. Kang of America speaking american
>suck my cock boy
>Ye-yes officer
We're supposed to congratulate cops for doing their job correctly and not using deadly force? Nice one, bootlicker. I don't go where you work and congratulate you for taking my order and getting it correct, why should I care about a cop?
cop should’ve shot the nigger
The amount of niggerfication that has happened in the last 10 years allow is enough to make my blood boil.
t. kaffer
You have to go to court for not having a seat belt? Wouldn't a ticket be enough?
he was driving while black. Cops need any excuse to get their quotas man.
You can judge a society by how it treats its elders, its animals and how it lets subhumans treat law enforcement.
>inb4 bootlicker
I bet you'll lick that niggas boot when he breaks into your house and eats your dog's treats.
Always remember that most self-described commies are extremely low-status unemployed types by their own admission.
You tards created this environment, i'm sure you're an expert how "correct police etiquette", bottom line is this, if there are two people involved and somebody is going to die, society is going to choose cop over ape every time.
I may be wrong, but my understanding is that ALL traffic tickets require you to go to court. Speeding, lane change without signaling, etc. These are civil infractions.
The way you get out of court is to plead guilty to the infraction when you get a letter in the mail and pay the fine.
his moms reply
Blacks are all over emotional animals.
Bet those boots taste good piggy lover.
Even black cops are aware that they are more likely to be killed by other blacks. It's a known secret.
Blacks have no honor and they are dumb as all hell. Is humane eugenics the answer?
The uncomfortable truth is that eugenics works every time it is tried. It is simply Animal Husbandry applied to the human animal.
No one is suggesting being inhumane. But using the techniques of eugenics (and giving lower IQ people money to get a vasectomy or a hysterectomy), the human race would be so much more improved in a couple of centuries.
But it will never happen anti-whites will see to that.
And because of black/white breeding, the planet is entering into an era of dysgenics, sadly.
>webm unrelated, at least directly
>there should be no punishment for breaking the law
why honor pigs?
god, now i feel sorry for her. I met a few very nice black people, and i always feel bad for them being stuck and associated with the trash ones.
>guy doesn't put on a seat belt
>has to go to court as a result
anyone who thinks this is justified is a faggot.
>why honor pigs?
ur so edgy! :X
yeah, must be heartbreaking to have a child and come to this realization.
Better than having the taste of boots in my mouth. The police are here to serve the public and protect, not kill unarmed people to protect their own fragile ego.
what a solid mom, unless she's just putting on a show as she clearly failed him or the lessons went over his head.
t. father left the home
Based mom, I guess he dindu something this time.
You go to court if you're use the sign the ticket or refuse to admitting guilt on the ticket. After that the cop brings the paper saying you will attend court to fight said ticket. If you don't sign either then you are subject to detainment till it gets figured it out .
>"hurr durr niggers amirite?"
>"lol u r so edgy bro"
really makes me ponder...
You really thought this was the move?
His Mom must be white.
>Or maybe she got someone else to compose it?
Or maybe she is the rare black woman who is articulate and who takes responsibility instead of hating on the police? Wow.
>also, where is the father's response j/k
Low hanging fruit over here
6/10 bait
why do you have to disrespect someone who’s just doing they’re job? stop thinking EVERY cop is after you cause they’re not! some are really just trying 2 do they’re job keep everyone safe because your momma you kept talking about would’ve been devastated if something happened 2 u
>I met a few very nice black people
Michael Brown died exactly 4 years ago TODAY.
It shouldn't be against the law at all. seatbelt laws are fucking retarded. But law enforcement NIGGERS need every chance they can to suck more money out of your wallet like the fucking jew kike grifters that they are.
>muh bootlickers
Fucking faggots.
>here’s your ticket sir, next time buckle up
>hE gOn mUrDeReD hIm bECaUsE hE pEePeE sMaLl
Black people will record themselves acting tough and ignorant for internet clout. They are retarded children.
Niggers should be happy to have white man's law enforcement and system of justice.
Because look at how niggers treat other niggers in Africa?
This wouldn't happen in an ethnostate.
They've killed for less. White boy who got shot and killed for no reason, remember that? Don't let race blind you to the police state.
Did the father make a statement?
just suck
>They are retarded children.
people wonder why their countries and communities are shitholes
Holy shit i almost forgot, there were no real festivities in Ferguson today.
How ignorant can these people get
>officer escalates the situation and is the only once to utilize any form of violence while the civilian tries to de-escalate the situation and only tries to get the cop off of him
should have been fired immediately, he had absolutely no right to anything that he was doing, the man was not violent, yet he pulled a taser, he did not physically fight back, yet he pulled out a nightsick and started beating him on the ass like a child
actually, I take that back, he shouldn't be fired, he should be prosecuted for assault
This is correct. It's much better to let Jamal fly through the windshield. As a matter of fact, take the warning labels off of everything and let nature sort things out.
Actually if you want to drive on public roads you need to follow the rules. If this guy gets launched out of the car he could hurt someone else, a pedestrian or whatever. I can’t think of a worse way to die, getting killed by a nigger missle.
>just takes it and doesn't even fight back
deserves it, should have just beat the shit out of that nigger the second he laid a hand on him
It's an old lady.
Exactly. Fuck the police.
Surprising they are not trying to make white people feel guilty in Ferguson today for a nigger getting killed after committing a felony and then trying to kill a police officer who was just doing his job.
Blacks somehow still believe Michael Brown was innocent.
>no words
I talked to a cop one time about this. He didn't outright admit it but he did say "if I say anything about that I'll likely lose a lot of friends".
yeah, i read the filename afterwards
Do you think most cops are aware of IQ racial statistics?
The cop was professional enough, but the negro isn't exactly in the wrong. Cops are there to fuck you over. Notice how he said "you don't have to sign it," but didn't explain the repercussions until pressed? They are only incidentally obligated to protect you, but even then the supreme court ruled that they aren't required to.
>try to be a good mom and raise son right
>he still gets brainwashed by rap culture and turns into a thug
Right in the feels lads.
Maybe he'll learn something from all this. Kind of doubt it, but hey, at least we can hope.
Cop showed extraordinary professionalism, by the way.
I probably have as much of a problem with authority as you do, even the idea of being pulled over enrages me, but most cops do their jobs normally. The shit that gets filmed is extremely out of the ordinary. Why would someone film a completely normal, peaceful, and reasonable officer that let someone off with a warning? There's more "examples" out there of officers doing ridiculous shit because that's the stuff that gets filmed, and it feeds back into thinking that all or even most cops do this absurd shit.
Also that cop was a nigger, what do you expect?
>At 12 o'clock pm
>The police officer stopped me for having my seat belt off
>I am very annoyed with this situation for my lack of basic grasp of the law
>I would like my refund to be penetrated Rather than this
The black individual was just having bantz with the cops
If there was a police state, you'd think thrice to write shit here you little Americunt city rat.
Thanks for translating american to english
Made a thread to honor Michael Brown.
Refund = rectum
>fug da poleeze BLM
>proceed to bring in thousands of niggers and durkas
>get acid in face
He's LARPing as a tankie. I wouldn't take it too seriously.
>Refund = rectum
Uhhhhh…. what a post.
Refund = rectum
police state =/= no freedom of speech you fucking retard
>Court summons for not wearing a seat belt
Is this some leaf law? Give the nig a ticket, which he'll just throw out the window and get a bench warrant for later.
>Faggot ass niga man ma mama man shhieeet
what does his mom have to do with anything. Is he reminding that he has a mom he has to go home later to jack off on her carpet and beat her up for it?
I despise the police.
Why? Because they are not here to protect the good. They are a for-profit bureaucracy established to protect the evil and corrupted FROM the good. Due process is an illusion. Citizen to citizen community policing is the only recourse of healthy civilizations.
Do police keep the population in line? No. The lynching rope does. From the lowest cracked out nigger to the highest Jew banker, the rope eliminates all ills to society.
It's fun watching niggers get BTFO by police, but this goes beyond the feels of niggers Jow Forums.
>Excuse me fellow gentleman, but I'm afraid I must decline this legislative punishment issued to me, on the grounds that you are a homosexual. Additionally, your dermis is of high melanin content. I'm willing to testify to these facts, on the life of my biological matriarchal parent. Furthermore, it has come to my attention that there is a strong odor emanating from your buttocks. Good day, sir.