title says all, post 'em.
I wonder what the backstory on pic related is?
Pol humor thread
Sorry frog bros but this shit is funny
I got one too
good one, france for when kannuukida is too big
>bitch gives you an F because of subjective opinion
This is why I hate American education. And I hate this country too as a matter of fact. Fuck you all.
eehhhmm what does this one test for?
>mfw I don't see a thing
that is the machine jews hate as they can't pull more math class hours out of you. thus they ban it for some things. we need right to arms here but only for our political faction. none for DENK or D66.
>.t art major
continue bashing the partijkartel sum more
Participatiemaatschappij principle, erected by CDA: people on welfare must, if able, do volunteer's work or community server to still be socially immersed in society and do their part.
PvDA: ''forcing people that can't work to work (mind you, playing with dogs in a pound is a volunteering task. a very boring and difficult one) is fascistic and evil''
Participatiemaatschappij has fainted.
fucking merchant
It doesn't test for anything, it's a skill. You have to refocus your eyes in a kind of unnatural way. Sort of crossing them, to reveal a hidden image. Try looking at a fixed point in the middle and defocus your eyes. It's hard to explain. This one is a happy merchant.
Keep fixing a point 30 centimeters behind your screen through the picture
I would follow him
its not just american, I was given lower grade for interpreting a book not in the way the teacher wanted (it wasnt even political)
they want kids to repeat what they are told instead of thinking for themselves
That's a newfag detector.
Tfw you don't like sheboonery, but at the same time, feel bad about this happening as someone who also has a vision impairment.
>Nothing in the "name", "teacher" and "date" space
It's either fake or a well deserved F because kid is too retarded to write his own name.
I think I got you beat.
This one made me laugh out loud.
i thought it was supposed to be white power producing windmills...
New fag detected
Holy shit has a point
yeah, but most people with welfare here are often utter trash
>mom & dad, bless them but by god they're worrthless. Dictionary discription of leech
>be 20, work 35 hours each week, fulltime nightshifts
>off-time spend on sleep and learning for my lawschool
>be the only functioning adult in the household
>earn money for household
>want to kick me out because I brought home a gf
every form of annoyance or drip of sweat triggers them to the core, they're just not fit for social-existance
Looks to me like it did work and she just didn't do a good job on the right eye
I have been here since 12 and i have no clue what that is besides blue birds
This one is obvi tho
are you sure the white lines arent supposed to be many swastikas?
then they should burn weeds with Westrom? welfare people can't volunteer - they'll lose their welfare for it.
Oh god I laughed a little too hard at this.
most don't deserve it anyways
Oh my god this one made me spit shit
You gotta do the thousand yard stare and move your face close to the monitor then slowly back... Your brain will click and you'll see it and laugh.
i cant see the kike... help me pls... im scared now
That's one of the best hidden merchants I've seen.
thank you Colombian Nazi Weed Pope
Stop letting D'Quandro use your mouth as a toilet then.
When you see it like a 3d picture it's success.
How's meme flag safespacing working out for you?
Merchant detected.
I sharted at this. clearly im aryan master race
Im trying, but no result :(
Does M'ammund let you post before or after his seed goes up your ass?
Sick burn meme flag. Did you switch to meme flag after people made fun of you or did you go with meme flag just straight up?
leave sven alone you memeflaggot. he has enough problems
Kind of you burger but I don't need to be defended against meme flags. They're kind of broadcasting that they can't stand the heat anyway.
Holy fuck I just got it. Many threads so many weird images and I finally got it. It’s surreal guys. What are these called? (Not merchants)
what is that?
I hope some user will make an attempt on Trump's twitter account and tweet this out. any chance?
No, I have air conditioning, Sven.
America isn't like your one big no-go zone that can barely keep the power on for it's own people at the sake of the housing and comfort of known terrorists.
Whatever you say meme flag.
holy shit I've been seeing this for years and only just now did it right, that's so fucking cool, thanks sven
The Jews' Magic Eye "3D" Poster™
they got superb elevation, they could actually use wind turbines. You Amerifats can't even build hurricane proof houses in tornado alley, fucking kek. Hot countries like Spain mandate AC in houses. how is it in hot parts of the US?
stereogram posters
Was this real lol
We have thousands of wind turbines in Iowa, Fin-Lite.
And it's as it is in all of free and capital America, the people that deserve 'it' have 'it'. Whatever 'it' you want to (pathetically) argue over.
An audible but modest kek
wind turbines are the poorest man's energy source. geothermal and hydro are your bois. nuclear if the land doesn't allow these. still, why does nobody in range of these US hurricanes build a sturdier house? each year it's time again and the devastation is colossal.
florida, texas, cali, and new jersey can get pretty hot
>90F 80% humidity
Thank you Columbian Nazi Weed Pope!
that's only more reason to use thick concrete slabs. no?
no man, concrete holds the heat like creazy, here in the netherlands its about the same, just less sun heat, but the concrete pushes temps to 100-110F
Hearty KeKs.
>Church existing on the Democrat side