How have you improved yourself this week/month/year? Lifting isn't life, a well-balanced human being is productive, has hobbies, pushes him/herself to succeed, is charismatic, and strives to live the best life they can. Share your successes, failures, methods, and everything in between.
Basic Recommendations:
- Have a productivity Framework that is flexible. A mindset that gets you going.
- Use a calendar, like google calendar. Hours and shit for things YOU WILL DO.
- Learn to focus.
- Meditate.
- Do routines for things you should do periodically/daily, this should cover daily things or weekly chores such as laundry, cleaning, shopping.
- Identify and Eliminate conflicts within yourself.
- Focus on identifying the time wasters in your life and eliminate them.
- Focus on the essentials. If you try to do everything at once you’ll burnout. Little by little.
Resources: Good blog for self development Great tool for self devlopement, see the chapter on it Good blog for personal development
Welcome to political /sig/
Recommended apps:
DuckDuckGo or Brave
Boats for Voat
Recommend Websites:
Post any more apps/websites you think could help fellow /sig/gers improve their lives or get them away from Jew controlled world. (This is just a personal request)
For motivation
every time I see this image I get upset that the goats are ALREADY COLORED AT BIRTH
it's just promoting racial hierarchy
Roll to save the white race.
stop using duckduckgo
use instead.
duckduckgo still gives google money.
if you want to kill the beast,
then you need to starve the beast.
op pls
Would you say + Brave is a good combo?
The message was meant for ants (metaphorically).
Brave is actually also bad since they were designed for the express purpose of circumventing adblockers so that they can serve you approved ads.
it's a total scam.
What would you recommend instead?
it's an open source --> at the bottom of the page you can view/download their source code to verify that they're not doing anything shady.
pic related.
*open source search engine.
But what browser instead of Brave?
Who /fast/ here? About to end my 4-day fast with a weekend long burger and beer binge with my bros, then start a 9-day fast to de-bloat before class starts.
Fat ass me just had the wake up moment. I am now in the gym daily and have cut soda and all other liquid carbs from my diet
Aren't you suppose to exercise a muscle group only every other day, not every day, so they can rest?
Anyone have any good fitness/exercise/outdoor activities infographics?
If you’re looking for a great app to stay on a reading plan, check out serial reader on iOS. It breaks up works in the public domain into 10 minute chunks and delivers them daily.
Here's a big compilation of lifting routines.
Thanks man
I can't wait until this faggot-ass thread is permanently banned. To the fucking trash with you, kike blackmailing scum.
Yes, because the one thing the kikes want is for the only people aware of (((them))) to start improving themselves. It's totally a kike trick.