76 trillion years ago, Allah (SWT) formed the earth around the sun. He then tried to set bombs off in the earth because he wanted a new planet but failed to destroy the planet and instead made the moon, at this he decided to make mankind.
66 trillion years ago Allah created the black man Adam (PBUH) and his descendants.
6,500 years ago, the evil grandson of prophet Abraham (PBUH), Jacob, created the white man on the island of Patmos. The white man rose to prominence due to influence by Iblis (Satan) and conquered the world oppressing and enslaving the black man.
Allah (SWT) sent many prophets including Moses (PBUH), Aaron (PBUH), Job (PBUH), David (PBUH), Solomon (PBUH), Elijah (PBUH), Ezekiel (PBUH), Ezra (PBUH), John the Baptist (PBUH), Jesus (SWT), and finally Muhammad (PBUH) who gave the last revelation to mankind in the Qur'an. Jesus was not the Son of Allah but he was an incarnation of the Word of Allah who is the same as Allah. Allah is not three he is one, he is not Trinity, this is a corruption of the white Christian! Yet the Word is the same person as Allah and he became Jesus so Jesus is Allah (SWT). Now, Muhammad (PBUH) was a white prophet unlike all the other prophets before him who were black, but he understood himself through Allah (SWT) that the white man is the slave of the black man so Muhammad submitted and became the slave of the black man which makes him the greatest prophet who ever lived besides the incarnations of Allah, and so Allah (SWT) gave Muhammad the Qur'an.
In 1877 Jesus (SWT), who is Allah the Word, reincarnated as Wallace Fard Muhammad (SWT). He was a white man but this was Allah's plan to show how the white man must submit to the black man and be his slave. Allah (SWT) sent Elijah Muhammad (PBUH) to be his prophet so that he could submit to him and be an example to all of mankind that whites are slaves to blacks. Elijah Muhammad (PBUH) based all his teachings off of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the Qur'an.
Now in Ezekiel 1 the prophet Ezekiel (PBUH) was transported to Japan and had a vision of an alien space craft known as the Mother Plane. Ezekiel 1 is one of the few parts of the Bible not corrupted by the evil Jew. Modern days Jew kikes are not real Jews, they are white impostors! The Ashkenazim are evil scum of the earth and they need to be genocided. Hitler was right and a good man who understood the ways of the black man and secretly submitted to him. We must get rid of kikes and gas them in chambers full of gas to genocide all Jews. I hate Jews and all Muslims hate Jews because they are not real Jews but impostors. Anyway, at the end of time the Mother Plane will transport the black man to Mars and nuke earth, killing every single white man in existence. While on Mars the Muslim black man will achieve Christ consciousness and become one with Allah (SWT).
As Muslims we proclaim:
lā ʾilāha ʾillā llāh muḥammadun rasūlu llāh
Allah is the only God, there is no other! W.F. Muhammad (SWT) is an incarnation of Allah and we must worship him. Muhammad revealed the Qur'an to us, follow it!
Study the Qur'an day and night, and study the uncorrupted parts of the Bible too. Amen.
Austin Brown
this is the worst tryhard bait I've seen in years
Nicholas Walker
Do you have any scientific evidence of these events? Oh you don't, GTFO lunatic.
Hunter Williams
We will turn our attention towards Mecca and pray towards it five times a day for this is what Allah (SWT) commands us to do. Amen.
I am the tribe of Shabazz. When Allah (SWT) sends his extraterrestrials to take me to Mars you white devils will be nuked.
Justin Wright
Yeah fuck you faggot. Go eat some shawarma or fried chicken. Not usually into racism but you're a twisted fuck head. >muh false God fucked up while changing the planet >muh false God let black men create white men You're a fucking idiot. I pray for your death. Women drive in your country now. My wife doesn't cover her face. It's only a matter of time before the world unites and kills your degenerate kings for their crimes against humanity.
why are muslim poos so obsessed with islam and sucking mohammeds cock. I swear not even the arabs are this bad
Xavier Wright
Lmao. Dune coons are literal retards. Your goat that needs fucking, Ahab!
Connor Smith
I can't fucking wait until your get blasted in the nuclear holocaust about to come.
Kevin Perry
The are coping for their non-arabness.
Hudson Rogers
Islam will be destroyed and all muslims will go to hell.
Grayson Hall
I cant wait till reconquista 2.0 Serbian friends edition comes out
David Wright
>the white man is the slave of the black man >how the white man must submit to the black man and be his slave >be an example to all of mankind that whites are slaves to blacks >black man
You sandniggers are whiter than fucking snow when compared to the actual african niggers. You are implying that your race should be enslaved then
If you don't believe that, maybe take a shower once a while and maybe you could be part of the white master race some day. That could help you all get rid of the goat smell as a small bonus
Charles Jackson
Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.
Friday is the day of Venus and Green is her colour
Lincoln Flores
Shut the fuck up white devils, I fucking hate whites so much. Only good whites were Muhammad (PBUH), Hitler, and W.F. Muhammad my God (SWT).
Juan Hall
lmao muslims fuck goats kek
Noah Edwards
And whites fuck babies.
Of 206 convicted sex offenders in a men's prison a disproportionate number of child molesters were white and a disproportionate number of rapists were black. Of the 758 inmates in general, a disproportionate number of both child molesters and rapists were white (n = 171 vs 35 black men).
Of 206 convicted sex offenders in a men's prison a disproportionate number of child molesters were white and a disproportionate number of rapists were black. Of the 758 inmates in general, a disproportionate number of both child molesters and rapists were white (n = 171 vs 35 black men).
Of 206 convicted sex offenders in a men's prison a disproportionate number of child molesters were white and a disproportionate number of rapists were black. Of the 758 inmates in general, a disproportionate number of both child molesters and rapists were white (n = 171 vs 35 black men).
It saddens me how satan so easily brainwashed such a multitude from God to Islam. It also saddens me that those people could have all love and happiness in Christ but just spit in his face. Yes tribulation comes soon, and the muslims will be washed away into damnation
Austin Jenkins
I must go pray to Allah (SWT) towards Mecca now. Amen.
Julian Miller
>I fucking hate whites so much. >gives several whites who he sucks off >claims even his god and prophets are white Niggers and cave dwelling pooskins are ridden with cognitive dissonance
Tyler Gonzalez
to bad muslims are too low iq to figure out how to genocide kek
Parker Hughes
They were good whites because they all submitted to black men you fucking cunt cum skin. Now excuse me while I go pray.
Jonathan James
Ahmed bin Autist stop fuckong your sister, Mohammed says no to that
Parker Price
Abdullah shamalalalallalalalalalala Do you fuck black men?