If Jow Forums were deleted tomorrow, Which website Jow Forums Would go?
If Jow Forums were deleted tomorrow, Which website Jow Forums Would go?
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fuck off jew. The fact you're trying so hard to censor this place only exposes how scared YOU ARE. You retards also hire shills to make this place look worse than it actually is and perpetuate glow in the dark psy ops. This place doesn't need to be shut down. Black Cube and every other zionist organization does.
1.888 or 14.288 MHz.
Do not compare me to coin collectors, disgusting!
Pizzagate sub is back being relaunched by Isaac Kappy
Uninronically pornhub
I’d go back to spreading my propaganda in bathroom stalls and writing on money
So we're screwed!
>Zeronet on 0chan.
Oh no
The chan that is infinite. The one which starts with 8 and ends with chan.
I did not know this minds.com, Interesting
22 chan
fuck off shareblue
I just fapped and feel guilty.
Why cant you post it? It says something about spam
If you don't know, you don't belong there.
World of warcraft private servers
But this is actually an important question. I see the bulk of Jow Forums's userbase fracturing into numerous chunks.
You have a point, but there are too many newfags to know where to go in this situation. Most will probably hit the road to Reddit and set up camp.