Ask me what you want, bad spammers won't get a reply.
Ask a jewish Israeli
Where did you keep my foreskin
In a lollipop factory
Let me get a felafel sandwich
Let me get your wallet
How can you justify this? You already got your Jewish state, why do you continue to make life miserable for the Palestinians?
Do Jews really hate Christians or just Christ?
Who said I justify every Israeli action?
And who said I support Israel taking land from
why do you think you are worthy of an AMA thread
Ostensibly most Jews do, since as far as I see it, leftist Jewish parties are pretty unpopular? Or am I wrong?
did you know you're related to Iranians?
so why not just go back to Khazaria?
Khazar milkers pls
Israeli jews are different than rich american
jews, in Israel many israelis are retarded and hate non-jews, some to an extreme, while some hate the religion or don't share the jewish hatred for goys.
how do you feel when people talk about world orders and secret oligarchies, upper echelon rich people etc, do you feel safe from that or do you feel you'll always be an exploited wagie
Are you aware that you've been memed and your bloodline will be but a sacrifice for saturnic cultists? Are you stupid or just to prideful to see through the memetic webs they e ensnared you in? Or do you welcome your doom for their gain?
I believe most american jews are hypocritical
and while being left-winged and share some empathy towards arabs still justify the core actions of Israel.
Ashkenazi jews are some sort of hybrids, original jews might have a relation
Many here aren't white ashkenazis and are ugly in contrary to common belief, sadly
>Ask me what you want
post BenSis milkers KikeGerm
If your asking about jewish power - I'll say this, the ashkenazis do have power
Care to elaborate?
If you're talking about shapiro, sadly I do not possess this information, but this kosher milk would be great
>> unaware or playing dumb.
Many such cases
Either way, good riddance
Assuming you're serious - Most Israelis justify
Israel taking land, me personally - Israel isn't the best but it sounds better than khazaria.
Rich American Jews hate goys too.
They are going to have to go.
Do you want them shipped to you or do you want them dead?
Why is Likud so strong in Israel, in your opinion?
tell your mates to just stop being impossibly greedy cunts and trying to control the universe ok
Why are saphardics so much worse?
I can get along with a normie ashkanazi but these saphadics are just seething with hatred. One of them gave up the game and was quoting the talmud to me about how goys all have to die. That nigger single handedly convinced me that Hitler is right and made me natsoc.
What's israel end game without an influential diaspora in all Western governments ?
So when are you gonna say fuck it and carpet bomb the shit out of "Palestine"
Practically? People are stupid and perhaps
prefer the current evil fearing that bigger evil
could might reign, though the first reason is
a lot more likely
Lower IQ I assume, though ashkenazis are
a lot more left-winged that other jews
fuck off alboturk
Did rabby suck you dick?
Why doesnt Iisrael aly themselves with America even though we help pay for your military?
What are israeli jewish girls opinions on niggers and gibs in general, I've heard israel is pretty solidly socialist?
The vast majority
What happens in Eilat? Seems /comfy/
Why don’t you like spam?
do you guys want Europe turned into a coffee covered, culture less cattle continent?
dear KikeGerm,
have you ever considered that centuries upon centuries of "persecution" is because you and your people are demon seed who were born to invert, subvert, pervert, and destroy?
Frankly I think you should ask that your own
government, it's his job taking care of americans, Israel is just fulfilling its interest
White ashkenazi girls look a lot better than mizrahim or spharadim but are also a lot more bluepilled and leftist, a lot less "racist" than say mizrahi girls which look a lot worse and have lower IQ, in general non-ashkenazis girls hate them a lot more but are stupider and uglier
Is it alright to bomb and glass your country for shit and giggles?
Ask the government, many Israelis would love that I think
Open boarders for israel.
Even if it was, would your country or more specifically your president, do that?
It is better and has a lot of hotels and fun stuff , but it's insanely hot. Many go there in Israel for vacation.
Where would you map on this image?
Also, answer honestly
No sadly my president is a puppet for the kikes. When people compare trump and hitler I get pissed because he is nothing like hitler, but I wish though.