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How can one country be so fucking cucked?
Nathaniel Martinez
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Jonathan Phillips
Is that map Uruguay? It was better under our rule.
Mason Wilson
yes, the sweden of the south
equally cucked but poorer and with a large emigrant population
William Hughes
Sweden is probably less cucked than your country, stupid Amerimutt.
Amerimutts are always putting themselves on a pedestal regarding Sweden, but the truth is your country is 10 times worse and it's already too far gone for recovery.
Sweden will most likely elect SD in this upcoming election, and inevitably the voters will get disappointed because Jimmie cucked the party too hard, meaning the voters will move even further to the right. Ultranationalist and far-right AfS will be elected in 2022 and all non-Western immigrants in Sweden will be deported and Sweden has now become a white ethnostate with gun rights.
Meanwhile in Amerimuttistan, you will still be fighting wars for Israel and gobble up everything the Republicucks say.
Thomas Williams
>Sweden will most likely elect SD in this upcoming election
meanwhile in reality they cant form a majority and will be cucked out of power
Chase Ramirez
Most optimistic and unrealistic post ever
Justin James
Stop reminding me, I just want to feel superior to someone.
Jack Cook
Talk about wishful thinking
Jason Flores
I've been to both and they are complete opposites. Uruguay is a normal country. Their only bad influence is argentina.
Lincoln Powell
Im not gonna defend sweden, because i hate them.
But it's true that USA is infinitely more cucked in every way shape and form, no matter what kind of a joke president they elect that call themself right wing in any meaning.
America is a shit country.
Jacob Cook
>Uruguay is a normal country
ooh boy you must have gone there ages ago then
they're 30 years in front of of argentina down the rabbit hole
Austin Clark
Fuck off you fuckning monkey
Christopher Carter
Based Danskjävel
Daniel King
At least we don't have terrorist attacks
Dylan Cruz
Woke dane
Jason Bell
This. Even though I'm not very fond of Sweden, I agree with the Dane.
Sweden is in a much better position than US.
BLUMPF (or any republicuck) is the most "far-right" realistic candidate you can find in the US, and there's no real resistance in America while Swedes legitimately have people from Nordisk Motstandsrörelsen (a pan-Nordic and NatSoc organization) trying to revolt against the government.
Don't worry, in about 5 years time Sweden will no longer be seen as "Swedistan" and the "SWEDEN YES!" memes on this board if AfS comes to power. Then we can all laugh at Amerimutts.
Lucas Price
you did import a bunch of terrorists tho, willingly
Jayden Davis
Tyler James
u tell me? they fucking cut baby dicks!
Samuel Wright
But they didn't try to blow us up
Logan Green
Skål granne
Logan Bailey
Brandon Davis
>Sweden will most likely elect SD
Aren't the Swedish Democrats basically like the Republican Party in America?
Leo Walker
>ages ago
less than a decade ago
Ayden Foster
no, they have an edgier past and more welfare
Alexander Nelson
They already tried to leave this country
Thomas Perry
they are social democrat but with an immigrant policy
Ryan Gray
You can't really compare it to the US, the geopolitics and sociocultural factors are too different.
SD is definitely more anti-immigration than Republicans, but they might be considered "left" for their socialist economic policies.
You NA mutts really have a screwed definition of what is "right" and what is "left".
Parker Perry
based and redpilled danebro
Jacob Lewis
>edgier past
So do the American Republican and Democrat parties. So what?
>more welfare
Just what Sweden needs. More bait for the migrants.
Cooper Jackson
finally someone that can look past the memes
Aiden Adams
Take your meme flag off you potato picking Irish cunt.
Jayden Gutierrez
Wow, im from both countries. hahah strange seeing this image.
Xavier Gonzalez
their past is as literal neonazi skinheads, 20 years ago, not 200
Bentley Kelly
Unironically this
Lucas Ramirez
Unironically this
Cooper Bailey
Also BTW Uruguay is 10x better than Sweden (also whiter)
Cooper Myers
to be fair he's not wrong
Leo Martin
yet when I check your flag it says sweden
James Nguyen
The Democrats had the KKK, what did the Republicans have?
James White
look towards
Angel Hernandez
Sweden is a lost cause, get over it already.
Evan Taylor
Being associated with wignats doesn't impress me.
>not 200
Trump just got elected. Pat Buchanan was edgier and almost won the 96 primary.
Levi Bell
>USA is infinitely more cucked in every way shape and form
This is true, a higher percentage of Trump voters think that "diversity is our strength" than your typical Swede, it's absurd how cucked we are.
Wyatt Sullivan
SD 2018
Adrian Rogers
it has a flag that doesnt stand for anything, so it cant fight off evil
Josiah Lewis
>Calls Uruguay cuck and the sweden of the south
Jokes on you because being flooded with progressive ideas is undeniable proof that we are white. Heh, nothin' personel
Now seriously, why Sweden though? I thought we were more like Canada, you know, pretty liberal, and the only ones who notice us do it because we are the neighbour of a much more popular and similar country.
Brody Russell
.t retard with no knowledge outside fake news and memes. Retard.
Words of truth my nördic bröder
Connor Collins
why not move to uruguay then
the NRA and weird militias
the sweden democrats weren't associated with anything, they were literally fascists, thats their historical origins
Carter Allen
similar level of cuckery and feminism
Carter Flores
Det här
Zachary Powell
>why not move to uruguay then
Logan Jenkins
All my family over there have turned from happy go lucky to ardent nationalist in a decade. The tran senator getting done for corruption was the last straw.
Libertad o muerte is now in the conscious mind again.
Jace Moore
go home then
>ardent nationalism
no such thing in that shithole
Carter Bell
What the fuck do you know?
Noah Baker
show flag chileno.
Kayden Perez
>no such thing in that shithole
It seems like someone is assmad huh, show your flag
Jonathan Bell
there is not a single strong right-wing, let alone nationalist movement in uruguay, no parties either and no proeminent politician
They're worse than sweden
Cameron Jenkins
Regarding Sweden maybe you would be better off if you tried thinking further than your nose goes and stopped choking on fakenewsmeme cocks.
Joshua Peterson
Jacob Wright
I think that is because nationalist and hyper right parties gain traction when the country is on a crisis
Ryan Howard
>there is not a single strong right-wing
Its like the US, its basically a two party system.
Matthew Harris
20% of your people leaving and having no jobs + rising crimes and even inviting fucking convicted terrorists into your country is a crisis
sure, sweden is totally gonna become BASED
any day now, sven
why dont you go home too?
Xavier Rogers
more of three-party one, and thats considering the leftist coalition made up of a bunch of parties as one party
socialists, whites and reds are three sides of the same cuck triangle
Anthony Taylor
You do know that historically the 2 parties are representative of the country and the city respectfully.
Julian Barnes
He doesn't know about PERI...
Henry Allen
I own rural property in Paysandu faggot. I will retire there after I finish making money here in about 15 years and live the Gaucho life debt free like my forebears
Robert Thompson
You seem to really hate us
Chase Rogers
Eli Cruz
He clearly knows some thing about Uruguay. He is either a Uruguayan trolling or a mad argentinian.
Dominic Miller
>Sweden is probably less cucked than your country, stupid Amerimutt.
Thanks. I needed a laugh.
Justin Davis
both cucked
then stop leeching off the australians and go home, spic
who doesn't?
Adrian Hall
>Hates Uruguay
>Knows some things about Uruguay
>"who doesn't?"
Perhaps he really is an argentinian
Asher Gutierrez
Yeah you are right that America is pretty far gone, but your irrational optimism regarding the future of sweden is the same irresponsible complacency that let America slide down too far. America is the way it is because every fucking election, people say “well maybe a next election everyone will become based and we’ll turn right wing again” and it never fucking happens. Be careful and learn from our mistakes
Justin Brooks
I've been thinking of staring a libertarian party, but the idea of fracturing the right even more sucks.
But fuck, only having Nokick, Cuquito, and that monumental faggot of Amado as opposition sounds even worse.
Nathan Taylor
I am not leeching faggot. My mother is an Anglo Aussie and I was born here. My father came here in 1973 to escape the death squads. As far as spic goes my fathers side is literal landed gentry going back to Galicia, Spain and I have hereditary titles from the 13th century.
Maybe if Jews weren't running around dobbing people into Dan Mitrione and his cronies for free torture lessons my grandfather would not have been shot in an attempted assassination by the "police" and my father at 17 would not have been "arrested" and held captive for 6 months. Literally the Aus government gave special dispensation for my immediate family to evacuate via Buenos Aires under false names.
The worst part for my family is they were always fully committed nationalists that hated commies and wanted the republic restored, after Bordaberry sold out the country. My Grandfather hates the Tupomaros for example.
Brayden Long
go home and stop mutting shit up in australia, then, you commie cunt
nobody is stopping you, if you're such a nationalist
Gavin Gray
My money is an assblasted Chileno. Going off my experiences with their diaspora. They hate we are better at football than them and Aussies like our accents more.
William Cooper
to open uruguay's borders up?
Julian Perez
What kind of fucking meth you been smoking, Lars?
Oliver Miller
I am literally pedigree anti communist you fucking retard. My mother's father was a Commander in the air force in Australia in WW2 and was one of the organizers in the 40's 50' and 60s of the anti communist militia here in Aus before it was broken up and outlawed.
Isaac Clark
They're already open, no one wants to come except some Venezuelan that tries to get citizenship to enter the US without a visa.
He's trolling.
Oliver Johnson
>literally pedigree anti communist
>purged during anti-commie purges
>still bitching about it
sure thing, pinko
Andrew Thompson
He is a southerner leave him alone
Alexander Martinez
kek, he's ate too many röde pölser
Dylan Cox
In Uruguay anyone who was a loyal republican was purged or dissapeared retard. The commies operated in broad daylight and nationalists were hunted under the false proviso of anti communist activity when all it ever was, was a CIA torture manual training event. Uruguay was a guinea pig. Sure there were commies but the vast majority of the country hated them - most Uruguayans knew Tupomaros were mostly Jews and refused to help them.
Anyone who spoke of patriotism was marked as a commie. My uncle was a uni student who was actively recruited by Tupomaros told them to fuck off and a week later was arrested for commie activity. He came to Australia finished his biology degree and ran the blood bank in Sydney during the 80s and 90s.
I am a hard working tax payer who spent half my life working my arse off to get ahead.
Andrew Morgan
satan checked
Christopher Brooks
Have respect for your masters, cisplatinian.
Robert Fisher
You can't even govern yourselves
Isaiah Hernandez
It's not easy to govern a massive country with 210,000,000+ people filled with nogs.
Wyatt Cox
>crispy fried onion
What the fuck is this?
Charles Peterson
Brasil will fracture itself into at least 3 countries in less than 100 years.
This is a prophecy.
Matthew Price
So is Montevideo a good place to holiday? On account of the low population and bbq.
Jordan Hill
Oh yeah? Well try THREE MILLIONS, hope you heard that right you favela monkey.
Isaiah Bennett
Then why do you want to add another 3 million
Benjamin Hughes
Apparently it didn't in 200 years but it will in less than 100
Ethan White
Because it's rightfully ours
Jackson Torres
What is your claim on us through?
Ryder Watson
Jaxson Brooks
Less than half of Rio, irrelevant.