Heather not hit by car!

It's been a year. I think Heather is eating a bag of chips, sucking down some cola while smoking 2 newports!

She wasn't hit by the car.

Attached: heathernohit copy.jpg (1200x721, 199K)

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/boards/pol.x/subject/Knowledge Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

>What is Black Cube, the Cambridge Analytica-linked intelligence firm?


>Twitter Sold Data Access to Cambridge Analytica-Linked Researcher

>New details emerge about Steve Bannon's ties to Cambridge Analytica

>Bannon oversaw Cambridge Analytica’s collection of Facebook data, according to former employee

>Israel’s Netanyahu isn’t worried about Steve Bannon and anti-Semitism in Trump’s camp

>How Steve Bannon used Cambridge Analytica to further his alt-right vision for America

Attached: 1507750083413.jpg (1798x1476, 714K)

I never saw that graphic, well done.

they trick everyone.

Attached: 1505593151783.jpg (843x477, 58K)

Why is the hair tied up in a bun

Black Cube shills are trying to paint this board in a specific light as we speak in preparation for this weekend's false flag "rallies" so that they can be blamed on Jow Forums to get this place censored.

Youre a kike. Cry wolf some more fagggot.
>everyone is FBI
Youre just a pussy. Everytime someone calls for war you start screaming FBI. Youre the fucking FBI. Opticuck. We need a god damn civil war. We need to hang traitors and reclaim our fucking country from commie foreigners. Youre the fucking FBI. You fucking faggot piece of shit. Your job is to quell any uprising so we all fucking die silently.

Attached: 1507056454874.png (602x452, 305K)

Attached: 1531560743037.jpg (691x519, 56K)

Attached: 1527442512602.jpg (392x294, 19K)

Nice pictures.

I dont speak glow in the dark though so i dont know what youre saying

Attached: 1518342165186.png (1030x353, 190K)

And your job is to make the right seem clinically insane warmongers. Enough to be called actual Nazis and consequently get banned.

And if that's not your job then you're incredibly low IQ for not seeing the consequences of your own behavior; you're either 12 or a nigger

The cow died, but was the Dodge fixable?

Attached: zzzAntifaIs.png (642x476, 860K)

Im insane. Youre my insanity. You fucking faggot coward.

Bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch all day long.

Never do shit

Fucking docile. Dodo nation

She was actually killed by one of the leftists that was in the "strike zone" injecting her with something.

That entire area was set up like a movie scene. They even had a modified car and a skilled driver.

The chopper saw too much and the NG took it down.

Did a KB about this a few months ago.


archive.4plebs.org/_/search/boards/pol.x/subject/Knowledge Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

>Why is the hair tied up in a bun
>in a bun
There is a burger joke in there somewhere. Get Q on it

It was an illegal rally, without a permit so stuff like this wouldn't happen. He was being chased by violent Antifa criminals that were smashing the cars belonging to freedom-loving members of the public exercising their right to free speech.

Tell the fat cunt to stay out of the fucking road and look both ways.

PIC: Michael Kadar, still not extradited for death threats, JCC's still sucking our tax dollars for the false-flag attacks they ordered on themselves for the sheckels.

Attached: michaelkaydar.jpg (678x381, 20K)

This is Fedposting.

They are planting these posts. They will use them to shut down 4chins. Cap this!!

im gonna post my sneaky cville jew man. trouble seems to follow him

Attached: sneaky jew sightings.png (1908x1328, 1.86M)

She thought she saw a whole ham shank across the road and had a heart attack trying to get to it.

Attached: 12a277a4230516c78c20096566a87a1e.jpg (720x554, 51K)


who cares? if he didnt drive that car into that crowd she would have been alive still!

Doubtful you stupid faggot, if you die because your arteries are so butter filled that a stroll on a hot summer day explodes your gravy laden heart, she didn't have much time for this world. At that level of obesity she had the lifespan at best of a carnival goldfish.

I don't know who any of the faggots in the picture are. All I know is the media said a WN ran over some fat bitch on purpose. I don't want to believe them. Give me your best piece of evidence that the media was wrong.

explain this image to me please.

do you wannabe alt right faggot neo nazi retards really believe she just so happens to have a heart attack right after a racist mows down a crowd of people? how can you be that fucking retarded? you do know the only cause of a heart attack is not because of health reasons? another cause is SHOCK, which is what her autopsy reported

with how fat she is a 9v battery would've shocked her into a heart attack. Face it you faggy bitch, even her own mom said she had a heart attack immediately after. Lolol defending a landwhale...here's the thing I just hate fat people. I could give a fuck less about left or right. You however are a sofa bison sympathizing bitch ass faggot. Lolol what a loser.

this necrotic Jewish guy who I kept seeing all over cville during the happening. jump to 1:33:43 and listen to him give his big act.
he is such a big jew

Brzezinski and Dugin are not jewish. Left one is a liberal polish democrat, right one is a russian autistic traditionalist

what the fuck...
I wish that was a gas chamber instead of an echo chamber.

Attached: 1530839058477.gif (400x400, 1.92M)

>when shills waste digits

Correction: Samefag shill


What post is he behind?

cville was so fake

anyone who inspects these psyops knows how laughable they are


I know a ((( Kadar ))) she's a bitch.

>There is a burger joke in there somewhere
Quick my, my burger fell out of my bun, find it or I'll have a heart attack.

What is David doing with that guy? Isn't he a Jew?

Is Pat little really that small? He looks like he's 5'8". 165lbs.

Isn't guy on left dead?

yea the Widow's Sons' Freemason Lodge was like 1 street over from the accident

Attached: 1437158517210.jpg (500x500, 32K)

I just want say.

I just wanta say.





I hope you can recognize

He's an actor.

Where does he live?

He was shipped in.

He's all over the board. He's telling them to break the law.

Unjust laws.

Fuck this JEW.

We want you to do real stuff if it means breaking the law.

>sneaky cville jew man
Was that fucker ever seen again?

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-08-09 at 5.43.45 PM.png (327x243, 112K)

he lives in cville. I used to have his facebook profile. trying to find the old collage on 4plebs but I can never find it. it had his name. he was friends on facebook with the sisters in the white car that gets hit

Yeah, the car was hit by her

>Yeah, the car was hit by her

Get your eyes checked. Here is a pick of the car.

Attached: werentgoatsnet.gif (852x480, 528K)

Wrong pic.

Attached: 1530306440178.jpg (980x617, 339K)

Wrong pic.

Looks fake. why is it so tilted?

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-08-09 at 5.57.04 PM.png (156x102, 26K)

watch some of the videos and try to match it up. something looks off in the photos


Attached: 1504152425888.jpg (1217x1207, 450K)

this guy here should be in the photos

Attached: cville car.png (810x394, 293K)

It's obvious she was a plant as part of a fake operation given her name which signals to others that it is a psyop. Heather is a plant Heyer is Hired. Plant Hired is her name. Case closed, end the deep state.

nevermind false alarm

Attached: dirty larry.jpg (1280x720, 203K)

Where the fuck is heathers pony tail?

Attached: whereisponytail.jpg (1604x912, 423K)

That is him. Back tire is about 2 foot forward, see the white line.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-08-09 at 6.12.19 PM.png (242x294, 150K)

All two all beef patties special sauce lettuce pickels on a Dodge Challenger bun. The Big Mac

>It's obvious she was a plant as part of a fake operation given her name which signals to others that it is a psyop. Heather is a plant Heyer is Hired. Plant Hired is her name. Case closed, end the deep state.

Yes I know it's deep state.

Girl with red back pack is like Free Icecream.

Heather is like. No fucking way. I have been dieting all morning waiting for this.