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This is what happens when you have crooked cops who will facilitate a media narrative to undermine our country. That's why there's 45k indictments. To deal with everyone.
I wouldnt have stolen the shoes but then again I am so white I dont even know if air jordans are nike brand or not
Early crime preventation, nice.
Imagine never having a dad tell you, "son. don't steal".
All they had to do was not steal shit. I guess it's too much for your average niglet.
>its a dystopian future when we put cheese on mouse traps and mice get killed for wanting the easy cheese
72 shootings, all they want is their prints. Do you think those nogs wiped down those rounds and wore gloves when the loaded those mags. Wait and see.
That's literally not entrapment
Entrapment would be if a plain clothes cop said "hey I want you to steal those for me"
They literally just stole
Fucking liars
entrapment is only when they are made to do something they wouldn't do. as long as they have an option to not to do it, it isnt entrapment
You could just not take the shoes.
If it was food or something, I would be more sympathetic but it is high end shoes.
I’m not a fan of this style of policing tbqhwy. It’s really lazy.
Wait the fuck a minute I just looked it up
It's not like it was a fucking pickup with clearly visible shoes in it
It was a sealed box truck
And the youngest """kid""" they arrested was a fucking 21 year old full grown adult
Also it wasnt the police who set up the truck
It was an independent group who just had the cooperation of the cops
>I’m not a fan of this style of policing tbqhwy. It’s really lazy.
Sometimes when I go fishing, I'll use an automatic fishing reel and go fuck off for a while. It's lazy, sure. And it works every time.
You just need one parent or adult or sibling to do that.
But you know they cried and said. "Keep me in jails, my momma finna beat me"
>It was an independent group who just had the cooperation of the cops
Basically To Catch a Predator. Of course people still cry entrapment.
well well well
> impoverishes people
No, those niggers just want another pair of high-value brand shoes, just like the ones they're already wearing.
So they can get on their high-value branded "cell phones" and take pictures to show off to their nigger friends.
So their nigger friends can get on their own "cell phones" and send pictures back of the 24k Gold decorations they've put into their mouth.
These people are not fucking impoverished by anything except their own poor choices (driven socially AND biologically) and by being brainwashed by endless consumerism to have an empty hole in themselves that can never be filled with all the shit they buy (or in this case, steal)
If there was a single person who was arrested who was ACTUALLY BAREFOOT and doesn't own a single pair of shoes, then there might be a point to saying "Impoverished" because not even having a single pair of shoes is actual poverty.
>21 year old kid in the ghetto
he was getting shoes for his kids, all twelve of them
shhh. you're going against the narrative. you might be jailed.
when what is a description of reality goes against what is narrated by society, the narration is merely a delusion.
thank god reality doesn't give a fuck about the delusions people have, or you'd truely have flying pigs and people bouncing off sidewalks when they jump off buildings.
To Catch a Nigger with Chris Hansen when?
Put out some grape soda and a bucket of KFC next time.
Impoverished people dont know the difference between right and wrong?
What in the FUCK is going on in Chicago? Someone explain like I just blew in from Reddit.
How is this a crime if the kids says he found shoes just lying there and though he'd take them to the lost and found at the nearest police station? Do amerimutts really get arrested if they find a wallet on the ground and just pick it up?
That faggot makes it sound like a pair of Jordans is a necessity. Are the niggers going to eat them?
Oh for fucks sake. When a left-wing news outlet puts out a headline, you stop there and don't read any further. Quit being a racist and vote Democrat, user!
Niggers in the south and west, progressive white faggots to the north who have never been to the niggerhoods, and a kike mayor to top it all off. Shits fucked.
Those niggers have bigger things to worry about
>source heyjackass.com
>if you take something that's not yours if you're impoverished and it's right there in front of you, then it's not stealing
That's not what entrapment is. Presenting you with an opportunity to commit a crime is not entrapment you fucking morons. You were in no way forced or obligated to steal those shoes, regardless of your financial state. Also, if your financial state is in such disarray, why the fuck would shoes be your go to thing to steal?
Oh right, because niggers are fucking stupid and take things like toilet paper during riots.
>easy-to-grab goods in front of them to tempt them into jail
Meanwhile I remember the story of a few asians running a store in a nigger infested area, and they had security windows and a bunch of other security things becase they were sick of getting robbed. Well, a politician claimed that was racist or something and banned stores from having this type of security. Anyone here know the story and can dig up a link?
>impoverishes people
Blacks have so many kickers in the US. All they have to do is apply themselves with a fraction of the effort as whites and they can be very successful.
based police
even worse, imagine having a mother encourage you to do it
>shoes sitting inside a van
>hmm I guess these are lost
>ill take them out of the vehicle and take them to the police
>all the Jow Forumstards ITT defending cops baiting kids into committing crimes
Do the same thing with poor white kids and I guarantee they'd react the same way.
>apply themselves with a fraction of the effort as whites
you lost them at this point Japan
>Baiting people into committing crime
Did you read what you just... oh, never mind. Hell, you guys aren't even allowed to own gardening tools or a screwdriver.
The American Police have no values, and I wish to replace them with the men who stop children from dying at Chuck E. Cheese. Finally, some good fucking enforcement.
This is an indicator of what it will be like during a civil war or enconomic collapse. When the stores are are cleaned out they’ll turn on the white liberals that have been defending them over the years by kicking down their doors. Just imagine a basedboy and his girlfriend hiding out in an apartment with a case of water and only a knife to defend themselves. It’s going to be open season for Tyrone and Jamal.
How does Chicago fund all those gun-caused surgery?
I think you might be right.... I hear Canada's Supreme Court ruled that people can be convicted of 'Hate-Speech' crimes even if what they spoke was the TRUTH
Federal Grants
Or, you know, don't steal everything you can like a subhuman animal nigger.
>When the kids went to take the shoes out
Holy fuck this is the most jewish bullshit I've ever seen. How can you misrepresent theft so blatantly like a subhuman kike.
>Those niggers aren't stealing, goyim
>They just wanted to air out some Jordans!
A truck full of sneakers, and they still fell for that comically obvious shit. What dumb niggers.
I stole by not reporting inheritance to the government. I saved about €100,000.
NIggers are small time. Lmao.
Is it really that hard to not steal?
Even I can't laugh about this, and I laughed at 9/11
You have to understand the typical nigger brain. They're not wired to understand or process logic. They see something that's not theirs, they want to steal it. They see a cop, they have to run.
Come on. Niggers have to break into things to steal a couple hundred dollars of shoes. Whites have to do nothing to make €100,000 illegally.
Who is really being entrapped here?
>You are supposed to know better because blacks are subhuman slaves.
Sounds a bit racist to me.
How are Tyrone and Jamal going to get out of da hood when the buses and trains stop running?
Have they tried..... not stealing?
>Its a bike
>that means anyone should be able to steal consequence free
>forget about repeat offenders
>forget about the value of a modern road bike
I'm poor as fuck but I still know stealing is wrong. Those kids are just idiots.
>5 sentences.
>all that shit.
Are you ma nigga?
If someone stole my bike I'd kill them
I know a lot of people who have bikes that if stolen would be called grand theft.
My bike wasnt cheap. If i caught someone in the act id hit them in the head with a piece of metal.
have they tried........ not stealing?
The best bait of all time
Cops are learning how to shipost irl
Ask your parents have they ever evaded tax and report back. Not stealing is harder than you think.
Wait....how does society imoroverish them? And why is stealing ok?
Can we fuel up the gas chambers please?
Society didn't impoverish these thieves. Their parents did.
You have to look at it from a niggers perspective. How would you function as a sub human 75 IQ pavement ape? How is he supposed to get clothes and shoes and stuff? You have to look at it from his perspective.
When the lying media says "kids", they mean thirty year old drug dealers.
It's called discretion. 3 months for theft is lenient. Even if it's "just a bike". 6 years seems excessive, but I can think of cases where it would be warranted.
Ultimately though, none of that matters. There is no case for "oppression" since a black person can't go to jail if they don't steal. The same applies to white people and everyone else.
Now thats what i call being tolerant!!!
Thumbs up bro!
A week ago there was a car with an open window , it stood there for almost 2 days, there was a lot of stuff that could had been stolen but nobody touched it because the people had some decency and didn't behave like niggers do
>Impoverished people dont know the difference between right and wrong?
Nogs are raised in such morally bankrupt environments that the very concept of stealing being wrong is alien to them.
I don't agree with doing this to kids, but when the press refers to black teenagers, they usually mean individuals in their twenties.
>Someone explain like I just blew in from Reddit.
"Fuck off we're full, you have to go back"
>Anyone here know the story and can dig up a link?
I'm calling bullshit. I don't believe they were using shoes. Everyone knows black people already spend all their money on shoes. Low tier bait.