Shopping in Wal-Mart and saw this lovely family. Snapped what I thought was an inconspicuous pic but I looked closer later on and saw the look she was giving me.
You get the feeling that there's something she's not proud of?
Shopping in Wal-Mart and saw this lovely family. Snapped what I thought was an inconspicuous pic but I looked closer later on and saw the look she was giving me.
You get the feeling that there's something she's not proud of?
Other urls found in this thread:
Who do you get to take photos of you, your wife, and your wife's son at Walmarts?
probably just wondering what the pedo with the phone is gonna do next
They could have bought-err adopted it.
Isn't this just how American genetics work?
She probably thought you were some perverted creeper that could do harm to them.
I would have make sure she saw me give her the stink eye.
100% chance that they are democrats.
hey idiot, the way you take creeper shots is by pretending to talk to someone on facetime
>"ok im in the toy aisle now, what do you want me to grab, hatchimals?"
>actually just taking a picture
literally america
She probably thought you wanted to molest her niglet.
Why do cuckolds always sport the american flag? Is it just pride in doing the most american thing one can do, raising the bastard child of a sub-human spookbeastly flaplipmonkey? That would make sense.
Good. Keep up the good work. Don't hide your disgust. It's what separates you from them.
now I'm imagining OP standing there, with a Katana in his right and a phone in his left hand taking a picture at a Walmart and the only people who didn't instantly run away look at him like that.
Based and redpilled. I also make sure to give every fat old german woman i encounter with a 20 year younger negro boyfriend who is obviously only in it for the residence permit some dirty looks. That will teach them and save the white race for sure.
Thankyou. Just spat my morning coffee everywhere smartass
he probably got a vasectomy. its crazy but sometimes vasectomies fail and the baby produced has a genetically muted amount of melanin
>Dream big princess
Should have pointed to the sign and said "SNAP" and then walk away.
this image hurts
That's what she said. And the retard believed it.
Promise you'll kill me before I become that guy
She's thinking hey I'm a princess, I'm going to dream big.
Kid doesn't look mixed, they could have adopted him.
Now what do you guys think is worse, racemixing or adopting a child from another ethnic background?
Walmart is full of coalburners.
What I really want to know is what that man was thinking? He should have kicked that coalburning whore to the curb!
Good call. I'll have to keep this one in mind.
She knows, that you know, she's a Shit-Skin lover.
>Kid doesn't look mixed, they could have adopted him.
Don't know his skin isn't black as a full nog would be and his hair is as nappy as some half nogs I saw.
You are creepy. kid is just as likely adopted.
Clearly not his niglet. She’s pissed because you took a pic of her unsuspecting cuck. Soon he’ll get tired of her shit and will leave her and the niglet. Burn the coal bitch....words words words.
Good job, now her shame is the internet for all to see
Should have mouthed the word "nigger" to her after getting caught. That why she would think your just a racist instead of a pedo. Pollacks all know its better to be a racist than a pedo.
Don’t look like hipster faggots who’d be interested in adopting.
This is actually a good idea. My wife is still pissed off at me because I asked her to take a picture of an obvious transvestite, who "caught" her taking a picture of him in an Ann Arbor restaurant. He looked about as real as Dee Snyder from Twisted Sister.
>Start accosting, attacking and killing people in public places user.
Fucking retard. No giving the stink eye is not going to save the white race, but at least it's something. It's a verbal cue for them to know that others are disgusted by their choices. Public shaming is a very healthy and necessary thing to keep undesirables in check. Think about how the general public reacted to mix race couples in the south in the 30's and how they'd be shunned and openly mocked, refused services and in some special(not enough if you ask me) cases the nigger was hanged. Fast forward to today and onions boi faggots like yourself cannot even give dirty muslims in your own county the stink eye for being there, so now fags and trannys load up their rainbow unicorn dildos and insert it into their child's rectum and you sit idly by and ignore it and let life just keep going on. Seriously fuck off with your black pill bullshit.
Race traitors deserve to be shamed.
Everytime I see white women with niglets, I give them an evil look then shake my head. They die a little inside everytime I do.
LMFAO. Made me KEK faggot.
I doubt it. The little niglet is probably from her ex
>this post
No wonder you are 56% mutt already.
Why is she taking her little monkey out for a stroll?
The only thing that trumps "Racist" is "Pedo."
Making it the perfect response when someone calls you a Racist.
Doesn't matter if we create a white ethno-state then the problem will always solve itself. Just to be safe, no half-breeds though, breaking the law by living here and not being white or not being more than 75% white (non-kike) then you get death.
Well done OP, look at that little pickaninny all dressed up like a person. You did the right thing snapping that photo, that bitch's shame is natural and justified.
Ultimate kek !!
The sign just to left of pic. "FREAM BIG PRINCESS"
Stupid fat fingers
>Now what do you guys think is worse, racemixing or adopting a child from another ethnic background?
Probably accepting a SO race mixed child. Both are abhorrent. But there's something so cucked about accepting a SO halfie child. For starters, accepting it means you know your woman has plowed a nigger or other inferior race. Then your cucking yourself hard by raising another mans child, and unlike whites, you'll be getting no assistance(money or babysitting) as daddy-bix nood is long gone in some other girls pants planting his seed again.
selfish fucking assholes, should kill themselves in private
Better to just ignore. Most coal burners enjoy pissing people off.
ayyyyy dios...
Since when is it socially acceptable to use facetime outside out loud ? I start to see patients watching youtube vids, out loud with full max sound in waiting room. Usually it's a shitskin or a nigger and some don't seem to understand why I asked them to turn it off. Fuck this world.
Oh good lord ...
She's probably angry about the pervert taking pictures of her kid.
I'm indifferent. Let the fat, ugly ones bleach the black guys. It only bothers me when the white girl is decent-looking.
What walmart? I think I know her...
Why does it seem like White females are going for Black males, and White males are going for Asian females?
I saw a lot of that shit in California.
It doesn't matter how attract or nice people they are. All race traitors are disgusting, & coalburners are no exception. Period.
Your a fucking weirdo dude. Typical of your sick kind.
I'm sorry, what is it you're doing in the now dune coon infested shithole that your country is to curb the influx of invading shitskins? Nothing? okay, got another ad hominem or some other wise european anti american crack to say? At Least my country is on a record bender of deportations.
This. What most people don't realize is everyone will be the same at some point and then they will end up shooting each other over who's gang gets to squat on the Whitehouse for the night.
No, you point, laugh, and openly shame them. They wont know what they did wrong if you dont. Theyll just think youre a rapist or pedo and alert security or the cops or the local news.
it's two non whites
She might be disconcerted about the fact that some Aspergery fuck-goof is taking pictures of her and her family for no apparent reason? Either way, that kid clearly isn't even hers; he's too dark to even be half white.
Your wife lied to you user, its 7:53pm, do you know where your wife is? Mines cleaning the dishes in the kitchen.
>Go to Walmart
>Toy Section
>Take pics of children
Nigger, you’re going on a list, trust me.
Security has your image officially on a list of potential pedophiles.
t. Ex-Walmart security admin
I act like a fucktard and when they look at me i say:
>Alta, hassu Problem?
>Was kuckst du?
>Either way, that kid clearly isn't even hers; he's too dark to even be half white.
They can get pretty dark just being in the sun.
Seen a few half coons just like that one.
His skin isn't even that black compared to most African Americans.
Based and redpilled
Just another person saying it's creepy to take pictures of kids in public, and that's probably all she was worried about.
He has a tiny dick. Look at his feet. It's not a surprise that he is sacrificing himself at the altar of Tyrone. His kids would have been small dicked betas. Its better this way
Surprised Loss Prevention personal didn't alert the on site officer.
Behold!!! the happyness of a that guy, hes titi fucking her every night and you know it.
The world is the way it is because the left has removed shame from it with bullshit buzz words like fat shamming slut shamming and anti-semitism and the like. Shame is important to a funtioning society.
>I saw a lot of that shit in California.
Same. White males are going for asian females i think because they are more "traditional" and feminine. Especially in SoCal. The white women, are all extremely stuck up and think they all deserve the be fawned over and expect to marry a millionaire despite dressing like crap, being fat, not shaving their arm pits or legs despite only being 5-6 out of 10. Nogs on the other hand will fuck anything and prefer not to fuck their own women. They're also incredibly persistent with trying to get into women's pants, and like i said before these fat ham beasts expect to be fawned over, which niggers will until little tyrone's due date.
Be that as it may, I know what OP is getting at: he's going with the whole "basedboy got cucked" angle. The kid is probably just fuckin' adopted. When people post shit like this on Jow Forums, they are just trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.
I always love that the white dude is such a downsy potato that his mogoloid features make his kid look more asian than the asian mother
You have to shame the guy, not the slut she is a lost cause already.
The guy can still leave her and turn his life around.
>being in Ann Arbor
There were more mistakes than just getting 'caught'.
>just adopted
>adoptting a niglet
Wrong. Tall one is a black man. Short one is a coalburning white whore.
Texas, that's Pete Rose. He could do way better.
lmao true
>has something against people having helper monkeys
are you blind? shes clearly mexican/latino you fucking imbecile
>get privacy phone cover for 5 bucks
>turn brightness down
>open camera
>take pic with volume button while holding phone down at side
>no headphones in
>people wonder why no one is responding
Is that Chris Bell from Big Strong Fast?
Good, that's called social shaming like i outlined. While the stink eye is non verbal, it's still sending a message of unwelcomeness. I applaud you for verbally saying something though, because most people dont. I myself, try and make their lives harder. When i lived in SoCal, i'd dump my trash into their beaner truck beds(no trash had any personal ID) in various neighborhoods. I'd constantly be yelling at nigger homeless people asking for money.
Not a kid. an animal.
this is america
Since when was the word s o y b o y filtered? What is this kikery?
Racemixing thread?
What do you think is going on here anons
Jesus user why do this to my sides so late, didn´t even see at first
>Shopping in Wal-Mart and saw this lovely family. Snapped what I thought was an inconspicuous pic
What kind of weirdo takes picture of random people at walmart?
She's got a Caucasian skull to me. Latinx skulls are different.