Oh no no no, what mental gymnastics will Trumptards come up with to deal with this
Oh no no no, what mental gymnastics will Trumptards come up with to deal with this
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Don't women in america feel ashamed that the president has chosen a immigrant? I would hope it would encourage them to return to more feminine values if they want to be supported financially.
Fake news
Simple answer: she's white. it's not that we don't want migration, we just don't want the migration of niggers and spics.
at least the spanish are the same species.
it's a pity they are raised to hate your nation
The same reason Bernie pays taxes at the rate they are now and not how they would be in his communist utopia
I honestly dont give a fuck kike, because:
1. she's white
2. president can pardon anyone
3. white
I wouldn't mind if Melania herself got deported. Stop foreigners from taking up residence in our country.
>the Spanish
You mean the monstrosities that have been breeding since the Spanish settled and mated with the natives of central and South America.
lol melania literally is an anchor baby lol
If we send back all the nonwhites who have used this to move their whole family to America then we can send back Melania's parents.
But that bitch is not white at all.
Produce a picture of her with white skin.
She is brown as fuck.
>inb4 muh tan
She's white, and is the leader's woman. Why would I protest?
But...but...but...he.....that's diff....uh...you see ...it's really not "chain....uh ....wow....sheesh ....ok...what I mean is...uh....ok.see....here's....
Oh no they did it the legal way instead of just walking over border? The horror
They gotta go back.
He isn't against immediate family chain migration dumbass.
He's against cousins, aunts, uncles etc.
her parents
We hate non-Western immigrants. They need to be severely limited.
Western immigrants are far more welcome.
So this option should only be used by libs and non-whites? It makes sense to use it if it's available, and to dislike it at the same for its faults. The two don't contradict each other. Besides, Melania's parents would not lose their sleep over not getting the citizenship, only those who are planning to abuse the country and its laws are protesting against the removal of this system.
>New York Times
Fake news retard
>NY Times
Here's my mental gymnastics: I don't give a fuck. How have the media and the left not realized by now? Trump can say and do anything. Our resolve to stand behind him is unshakable. We elected him for one reason: to cause massive chaos and asspain. On that, he has delivered masterfully.
don't need any mental gymnastics, just don't really give a shit about this kind of journalism because it's not gonna change anyone's point of view and only further radicalize both sides.
so fuck off.
kys kike loving jew
They're white, who cares
Yeah, Chain migration was and is still a bad thing. However we don't punish people for a crime in the past if it's a crime from a new law. One day we'll shut their dirty, lying Jewish mouths.
Blah blah blah muhh drumpf is a kike wahhh wahhh israel is the onyl thing i care about wahhhh but im really not a shill i swear wahhh wahhh
Why do people think that we are bothered by Trump's hypocrisy? Or his lies? Of course any person with a brain knows he has done plenty of both. But he's white, he's trying to keep shitskins out, he's trying to do everything to slow down the degeneration of this country while you sit there and bitch about him bringing a couple Western immigrants from Europe.
they're white, I dont need to justify shit.
fuck you.
>inb4 slavs arent white.
Fuck D&C too
they're white
Melania is brown as fuck.
Produce a picture of her with pasty pale skin.
Heh heh, melania's parents came in, let in the entire middle east now!
I've had a lot of Mexican friends, and no they are not the same.
They are white, so it's okay.
I care 0 as long as MAGA
Are you retards literally blind?
They are brown as fuck!
They are not white at all you cucks.
What happened to the wall kikey? You haven't noticed your Kosher President Bestest Goy has stopped talming bout the wall in favour of the "Space Force"? Oh and border hopping's up 250% ... lmaoing at your life.
Keep fighting the good fight my magapedes, remember you're doing it for her and her kind!
As long as they are european who cares?
as brown as the ground on my feet...
Simple are white they probably won't Rob us
I voted for Trump because of sanctions and high terrif's have ruined China stocks (Among other country's) and ours are going strong.
Finally a president who gives a shit about American economy rather than what other countries think of us.
Go back to sucking your moms tit.
This is why anyone born beyond 1990 is a fucking moron or a faggot who believes all straight white people are "over privileged" rather than recognizing their own faults and refusing to work for a living.
>border hopping up 250%
You mean more people getting caught? Citation, turbonigger.
What's the best way to piss off the left AND get them to try to shut down chain migration?
I'm not against chain migration.
I'm against shitskin migration.
Yeah nobody cares, sweetie. Gotta get back to enjoying my Supreme Court.
>he's trying to keep shitskins out
>he's trying to *do everything* to slow down the degeneration of this country [my emphasis]
Citations (eg specific legislative action) most definately required you fucking deluded cuuuuuuck but let's face it you're probably just another JIDF subhuman.
I don't see it as hypocrisy. Literally have no problem with saying one thing and doing another anymore. Being principled conservatives is what got us to be 56%.
So youre admitting youre nazis.
If trump had his way they couldn't have done this.
No, Nazis kill people that don't toe the line. We just want a functioning country and a reasonable immigration policy.
Its chain migration plain and simple
>we just don't want the migration of niggers and spics.
commie/fascist/slavs no problem.
So Trump was willing to get rid of chain migration even though it would inconvenience his wife's family? That's integrity.
or he doesn't like his in-laws
Google "border crossings up", turns out the brown fucking hordes swarming across your borders don't believe ultra-kosher administration and their supposed "border crackdown". Only you magapede chuckle-fucks can keep Rabbi Trump honest on immigration but you're too lazy or deluded to do so. Pathetic.
Uhhh....is the lawyer wearing an orthopedic boot?
...that fucking boot again.
Congress hasn't submitted a non-cuck bill that would end chain migration, though.
Imagine you walk into an adult boosktore and buy a fleshlight. Then the guy at the counter who sold it to you just kinda hangs around at holidays and tells you stories about what an awesome fleshlight it is and the times they had together.
That is inlaws in a nutshell.
Don't care if the wall isn't done, considering the media, the establishment, the politicians of both parties, everyone is against him. You're like the idiot that cheers at someone kicking someone while 10 guys hold them down.
>One family legally immigrates to the US
>A literal flood of third world mestizo savages invades unlawfully
>These are the same thing
muh hypocrisy
Oh hi Ahmed, how was your day?
He wasn't allowed to ban it
Maybe now the Left can be against it as well
Who cares? We don’t want brown migrants from third world shitholes. We don’t want “the browning of America”. I don’t care about being a hypocrite, let’s just start being honest so it’s no longer socially unacceptable and they all know their place.
Well Trump ran on "I hate the donor class and I won't take their donations, I'd know I am the donor class" so what's new?
No, if Melania's parents helped other people become citizens, THAT would be what Trump was complaining about.
Uh oh boys he called us nazis. Time to close shop.
>founding fathers are nazis
fuck off
OP is a retarded cunt. The average chain migration sandigger brings 14 family members with them, and they aren't SCREENED based on merit.
I think being the parents of the first lady, a woman who made millions of dollars as a model - with no criminal record - means they can qualify for Citizenship, no?
None because nobody cares.
thats how you left scum react to an actual fact
Spanish have always been muslim mutts
Why not take advantage of the system if you know how it works and it's still in place?
>So youre admitting youre nazis.
And proud of it you heeb fuck. Get in the oven where you belong.
they're white. don't you get it yet shitskin?
brown people can be based