>Whether he’s calling its members “animals,” or touting ICE’s efforts to “liberate towns from the grasp of MS-13,” President Trump has made a lot of assertions about the street gang. One fact is undeniable: the gang commits horrifying acts of violence. But beyond that, how much do we really know about it? In our latest Vox + ProPublica video collaboration, two reporters help set the record straight.
dey wuz gud boiz gringo it's not like dey be killin' and chopin' people into fish food n sheeiiitt.
Ian Green
They good boys didndu nuffn going to college n sheet. they gonna be DR's and climate change scientist's n shit.
Levi Williams
My brother works at a high school on Long Island. Two of his students were murdered in the last two years. Another female student, 14 years old, came to him to tell him she had to drop out of school because an MS13 gang member decided she was going to be his wife. He coerced her family to consent, and she was forced to leave. Cops couldn't do shit because she was too afraid to talk. MS13 ARE animals, and should be treated as such.
Blake Williams
nah man, they got jobs and shiet you just racist
Jace Ramirez
They're really bad out here on LI. Some members used pretty girls to lure kids in a car and they'd murder them. Its also known that they keep a list of people they want to kill. They also hacked up some immigrant kids for not joining and they were found dead in the woods. Fuck these people defending them. It makes me sick.
Xavier Stewart
Of course I am. Anyone with a fucking brain is racist. The differences between races is readily apparent to anyone who is willing to look. But being racist doesn't have to affect the way you interact with people, nor does it mean you want to commit genocide. It just informs my decisions on associates. By the way, it's all Salvidor illegals in MS13 apparently. They come in through Mexico; my brother hears it daily. No idea how they get across the border and all the way up to fucking Long Island, but whatever.
Carter Peterson
Dude, chill with the dehumanizing language. Chopping people up doesn't mean their any different from you or me. Love, not hate.
Lucas Price
I wonder how progressive Liberals feel after watching a drug cartel beheading/dismemberment video?
Xavier Evans
It's fucking brutal. Suffolk PD actually decided to enforce their laws and made a handful of arrests a few years ago, so they ambushed and murdered a squad car of cops. Remember that? Cops don't go to Brentwood anymore.
Carter Gutierrez
*They're I'm a brainlet.
Ian Lopez
I'm not really a passionate person, but these fucking murderers are destroying my little corner of the world. They need to be dealt with. There's a reason Trump gave his MS-13 speech here over at Hofstra. He knows. But we've gotta get some FBI shit over here, because there are whole towns that are basically the fucking Yucatan jungle.
Landon Diaz
Americans are paying compounding interest to issue their own currency. The Fed thrives on the left vs right argument. YOU are the chattel, while the Fed robs you blind.
I had some friends murdered by these fucks when civil war breaks out anyone donning their name will get the bullet
Juan Lee
>Fuck these people defending them. It makes me sick.
Leftys claim that Trump is exaggerating their threat simply because MS-13 hasn't grown that much in the USA. That's a fucking retarded argument, because MS-13 is already the biggest street style gang in the world. How much bigger could they get? It just really shows to me how Leftys just want to virtue single all day long & won't awake to reality until one of these MS-13 chumps eventually cuts their head off. People like me want to prevent that by keeping these monkeys out. It's dangerous how Leftys belittle the threat of the MS-13. What the hell is wrong with Leftys?
Ethan King
this is just more evidence that we need to get rid of all the brown people
Luke Mitchell
>What the hell is wrong with Leftys? They want to die. They desire to be slaves. White Guilt is their religion, and they feel that sacrificing themselves to the browned hordes is the only way they can repent to all of the sins their fellow white Professor Goldshekelberg taught them in their mandatory Holocaust class.
Oliver Diaz
but these pieces of shit think alex jones is bad for what he says?