Well pol? Have you thanked journalists for their service to our country yet?

Well pol? Have you thanked journalists for their service to our country yet?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Thank you CNN for reporting the President's eating habits

Yeah, I've thanked RT a few times.

Thank you, Media, for selling us the Iraq war.

Can we thank alternative media? They seem to need it the most as they're fucked over by just about everyone, meanwhile CNN pretty much just broadcasts shit and cries whenever Trump calls them dumb, stating it's "an attack on free press", while most CNN journos get off with 7 figure salaries...
So yeah, thanks Media for making it seem like you're free press and anti state run media, when really, you want to control the state.

I'll let Kris Paronto speak for my opinion (pic related).

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>journalists spin state department sponsored lies to start wars
>soldiers go to die
>journalists: "hey, we served our country too!"

this can't be real

alright guys which one of you wrote this


last paragraph

This is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen. The fake news media comparing itself to the brave men and women of the United States military is completely despicable and these people should be ashamed of themselves

Thanks CNN for finding MH370 and educating me about how frank Capra movies are sexist and Morgan freeman is guilty of sexual misconduct. Also please go out of business ASAP.

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put them on the defense, start thanking them for all the shit they were wrong about

>cnn is like soldiers on the battle field
These faggots would be pissing and shitting themselves even before a battle. These arrogant fucks are so annoying

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Of course the media are egotistical pieces of shit. Nothing new there.

>MFW this is real

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I'll thank CNN reporters in Saudi Arabia

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>pats self on back

>sucks own dick

>shits in own mouth

>"Yum" they said


Journos and politicians will meet the same fate on the day of the rope.

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CNN is the woman of the news media

wow media kikes saying they deserve respect like people who were willing to die for me. Can we gas CNN


Why are the stakes so high? And what is CNN's investment in "the stakes"

I like to watch the live local news and if they’re close by I’ll totally drive through their shot honking my horn and flipping them off. I always get edited out and I never see myself on the TiVo but it’s fun nonetheless. I advise all anons to flip off any reporter you see. Fuck them.

Trump says mean things about the press which is bad and dictatorial.

Have you ever considered protesting outside their offices? Could be fun and chill if you bring some liquor in a water bottle and just get wasted with your IT'S OKAY TO BE WHITE placard.

I'm legally barred from protesting but if I could, I'd do that all the time. Being a nuisance is great.

>legally barred from protesting

Not allowed to say. I CAN say that judges have way too much power in this country, though. Kinda bullshit to be honest.

When the free helicopter rides start, the journalists go first.

Thank you CNN for colluding with the Hillary campaign and meddling in our election by secretly giving debate questions to Hillary before the deabt.