British people explain this tradition please. Why.
British people explain this tradition please. Why
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If the Jews didn't kill your royal family you might know why
who else here /walkthedinosaur/ ?
This is literally a simpsons still
It's a praetor class hive insect doing a submission dance to another member of its hive born from the royal brood
Your current royal family IS Jewish, Nigel.
Too far Nigel
what's the matter Jow Forums, intimidated by a strong and stable woman?
finna get dabbed on
Too soon.
I don't understand it either. That's a balding faggot with a wife way out of his league. Maybe if we had Alfred the Great or Longshanks, kneeling would be a good thing.
she cute
l o l
I think of that russia meme when I see her. You know the crawling goblin creature. Any got it for reference?
Ouch, get fucked ruskie.
This coming from a people who worship a dusty old cunt who won't stop her country falling apart and her family from being blacked.
She's the prime minister of silly walks
Honestly, her and some of the other Euro royal families is what turned me off monarchy. They use none of their influence to stand up for the interests of their people - which is, really, they're one fucking job, and the reason they in theory get to enjoy their life of luxury. Exile them to the Congo and nuke it from orbit. It's not that we need to be sure, but it sure would be fun.
Conservative Party is a left wing party at this point. Labour is far left an UKIP are centre right
I think they would choose death over sharing this world with your wretched people.
Learn how to fight a fucking war
Kek here you are niggo
>British people explain this tradition please. Why.
oh my fugging god
my sides, Fucking absolutely gone
Why are Anglos so passive? They are almost never willing to fight. It's pathetic.
Yall were disarmed. You were shifted from citizen back to subject.
low test
Jesus Christ man, take it easy.
Theresa shows respect by bowing, now, it's a great way to star a hug, but here's when Theresa and William go wrong. They tiptoed back from each other, instead of creating a power embrace. Here's what i would've liked to have seen.
>Theresa places her palm on William's face, and then goes in for the hug
>As a sign of respect, William moves Theresa's small finger out of his eye line
At that point I would have loved to see him boot her right in the head. Not tradition, I know, but it should be. I think we should adopt this tradition from our Aussie brothers.
>ruled by incestuous dictators is the ultimate rebellion against jews... the jews said so!
And this is why the UK is shit.
Time you faggots shifted the Overton Window, then. Get on it.
Latvian soldiers killed royal family.
Damn. Right in the feels. *bows head*
Kindly refrain from nigger language, please.
Holy shit Nigel, kek
They were only hungry. pls no haet.
Latvian boy go out look for potato. Later come back to village, say "I found potato, I found potato!" People in village come and look, but there is no potato.
Later, boy again go look for potato. Come back to village, say "I found potato, I found potato!" Again people in village come and look, but again is no potato.
Third time, boy still don't find potato and die of starve. People in village eat boy.
That's just good female manners. When a lady shakes a mans hand she must simulate as if she is cowering before him.
Ah you see, well, because, I mean, This is a tradition born out of British mannerism. Every person in britian is traditionally apologetic no matter what, but we have brought in Africans in to colonise us as an apology for colonising them. So every time a black african looks at a brit, by tradition he mist give all his belongings to him as an apology.
I'm sorry. I am truly sorry. But I would be sorrier if I fought anyone, I would take an apologetic fit and die.
Once again, i'm incredibly sorry to disappoint.
I'm sorry about your sides. I will mail you my sides
how about no leaf nigger
Please some one fuck my wife.
One of your grandkids will get passed around to be assraped at Prince Andrew's next pizza party if you don't show proper respect
kek I was thinking just the same
wtf is this shit lol
Theresa looks pretty spry
I would
Why didn't we do more to help?
some kind of snibbedy snab
you missed the bit where she low blowed him and gave him the pedigree..
thats not even a proper curtsy. dumb bitch
your dick is jewish
>gave him the pedigree
....came inside her?
careful leaf, we'll bully you ten times harder than the arabs.
Why did the British royals change the elegant curtsy into the sniveling grovel?
My sides
technically they were british royalty just as much as they were russian
This is beyond a curtsey, its obsequious. A disgrace. What a disgusting, desperate woman she is. Vile.
Where the hell are they? Why do the buildings look like some community college?
Go puck a moose you maple-loving faggot.
Get fucked Dmitri
She does kind of disgust me
Like a hag or vvitch
Those Khazar hellions destroyed beautiful Tatiana.
Burn them in hell forever.
you are a disgrace.
she looks like a beautiful, elegant swan.
To be clear, I am a monarchist (sort of, not these ones); and even I think that the democratically elected leader of the nation shouldn't be grovelling like a worm.
If your swans look like that you should call the humane society.
chosen by God > chosen by the public
You must get your glasses on the National Health Service.
There should still be a dignity to her position and she lacks it.
see this on pol .. next day see it in the daily mail.
>chosen by God
Please don't tell me you actually think this
ya idk i'd rather fight even if i ended up getting curb stomped rather than just comply and do whatever the fuck that dudes doing jesus christ
Stop. Just stop. Please, this is horrifying. I don't want to think of you as a racist, but you seem hellbent on coming across as one. This isn't political. It's us and it's personal. Turn the air down but don't come to bed tonight. Just stop.
The bongs are slaves. Their only purpose in life is to serve monarchy and die for the good of the few.
the fuck you usen that hard r for bro?
Somebody's butthurt that the old cunt is cucking their nation.
wow wow wow! language please! this is a family friendly board wathc the racist tone man cmon now
meth posting on /pol