>live in pol cave
>visit b cave
>see long nose tribe put strange berries in river
>now see cave paintings there about monkey tribe mammoth meat and ungabungas with mammoth meat
>Make grug think
Live in pol cave
Other urls found in this thread:
me also see gruggles disguise ad monkey tribe, make me want to bump their head
>long nose tribe worried
>short nose tribe build smoke huts
>make long nose think
>is grug forgetting the holobung?
>6 long nose tribes were killed with mammoth farts
Me a pretty grugette
>long nose tribe tell grug about tasty beans
>grug eat beans and no longer hunt
>grug want to pick berry and flower
>grug now want to be grugette
>beady eye tribe swim across river
>find berry eyed tribe
>berry eyed tribe produces juice when bonked
>juice taste really good
>we bonk more
>we drink more juice
>juice causes strange dizzy feelings
>entire tribe procreates together
>we remember this for next time
Grug have question
If Holobunga happen why long nose tribe not walkthrough smoke Hut door to escape
Why Long Nose grug breathe in Mammoth fart
Grug no hate long nose tribe
Grug just want know truth
>basketball tribe wonder why other tribes no play
>basketball tribe dindu nuffin
>other tribe say we smash n burn everything
>make basketball tribe very angry
>basketball tribe smash
>u did this
>stretch foreskin big
>so big friend penis fit inside
>i put friend penis inside my foreskin
>feel very good
>we pee on each other from the inside
>very very good
>we rub and rub until white pee squirt out
>we no want grugette stinky bitch holes now
>The Sausage Tribe block door
Okay makes sense to grug but still have question
If sausage tribe block door
Why then long nose tribe no use war club to Bonk sausage tribe
If did that long nose tribe could escape
Did sausage tribe take long nose tribe war Club
Why then long nose tribe want take grug war club
It make grug think long nose tribe want put grug in smoke Hut
>son of sky grug say long nose tribe evil
>kick long nose tribe out of desert cave temple
>son of sky grug get crossed by long nose tribe
>shit on floor
>put fingers in shit
>make writings on cave wall with shit
>write story of magic sky grug
>tell cave friends story is real
>kick round rock when no one looking
>everyone see rock rolling but no understand how
>tell all sky grug moved rock with magic
>rub fire stones to make fire
>move fire with stick
>put fire stick in bush when no one looking
>everyone question why bush is fire
>tell all sky grug make fire with magic
>tell all i am son of sky grug
>everyone give me free food and sex and favor now
>i am king grug now
grug go see vee tribe
see monkey tribe worship
grug tell vee tribe monkey tribe not good
vee tribe eye water about pol tribe
big control tribe come and destroy grug message, tell grug to leave cave for three great lights
>Me never say long nose tribe is always good
>grug hunt mammal
>long nose tribe trade for rock IRA
>rock smash crash 42008 BC
>long nose tribe tell grug buy more rock
>taco tribe move in grug cave
>no one like grug
>grug bad man untrue
>long nose tribe give taco tribe grug mammal
lol that's literally this video