>italians aren't white ok? They're niggers. Tarantino and his rape fetish told me.
Italians aren't white ok? They're niggers. Tarantino and his rape fetish told me
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Daily reminder that white people aren't white. From Europe? Not white. No one is white. There isn't a single one.
pic related is white though
Daily reminder that some Italians are white and some aren't. This should be really obvious, you fucking autists.
That nose ain't white!
based cuckold poster
Whiter than you muhammad.
is she white? She's from the same area as the girl in the original pic.
She's half white, like a Castizo.
no we are not white
maybe 30% white
Not white.
You should disregard everything tarantino says. He is a mega cuck.
She is not half white nor a mestizo or castizo lmao, she is pure race from his zone which happens to be between Europe and Africa which makes them have a nearly brown skin.
Facial structure reveals she is clearly part Arab
It's not fair how some of them look like mulattos while others look like vikings. You can't be proud of having shit brown skin.
this girl here is lebanese,shill
based arab rape baby poster
her name is michelle sciarra you autist. She's 100% italian. Says so on her instagram.
just like americans are 100% white with irish and german ancestry only right?
she is a rapebaby then
no she isn't
she doesn't look italian at all
There are diferent facial structure between Italians, maybe from historic racemixing or just the natural mutations (imposible from you or any scientific to prove)
Your argument means nothing.
It's historical racemixing and you know it. That doesn't mean "nothing".
You can be proud of whatever you want, the only requeriment is truly believing it.
Before the multicural caos we are now in Europe people with "shit" skin (tanned skin or with ligh-brown skin) where considered beatiful as it contrasted with the rest viking-like people.
That thing about being attracted to the different and thus the genetic diversity.
>First the proof then the believe
Something not followed here in this website, that's how we ended believing in delusions like the jew world domination.
look at this southern italian NIGGER. Just disgusting.
Normally people on int would not respond to this thread because it's just stupid, yet on pol everyone does. How come? Are people here much less intelligent?
Or they dont have much with who to talk. since we got some neets around here
my dick says she's white.
Moors were Berbers an Arabs with little to no sub Saharan admixture
*Southern* Italians aren't white.
her lips though
the girl in the pic is southern italian you fucking mongoloid.
Also, who else just saw The Godfather? That one screaming Italian slut was so annoying. You know which one I mean.
because 'white' is both political rhetoric that is important to ethnonationalists and a misnomer, so it makes for great bait on Jow Forums
divide shill
thanks for the input pablo
she has handsome facial features that would generate a beautiful son, i'll marry her.
she looks like she smells a bit
this to be honest
but it's a good stink because of her barbarian genes
You post the same garbage with the same image with the same meme flag each day. What do you get out of it?
Those lips need to be added to the white gene pool then.
yes. She is the descendant of smelly germanics who never bathed. She most likely stinks.
im surprised humanity survived this long
Sicily girl? You are a dumb. She's obviously French look at the bread
>They're niggers
Niggers is good. Italians (we call them "Tschniggen) literally are subhumans.
She must be genetically northern then. Her skin is far too pale.
>ywn smell her sauerkraut smelling pale germanic feet
>south italians are white
>posts women that clearly have germanic ancestry
I mean it doesn't disprove your argument, but it's like saying that the spanish are moors
>Niggers is good.
der ewige Bergjude strikes again
fuck it post moar
here are her feet if that's what you like
very g*rmanic looking
Enjoed watching the first parts of the video. Wonder what idiot came up with that. It's so stupid that it already starts being entertaining.
that is what they smell like