Why should I get married when there is no benefit for me?
Why should I get married when there is no benefit for me?
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Humans are a ritualist animal.
It is a cultural thing, the ritual will make the bound stronger
If you don't get married and have kids your genetic legacy ends. Exactly as the kikes wish
>marriage has no benefit for men
"Redpilled": The Post
There's no punishment for the woman for leaving. If marriage was a business deal nobody would buy in
have a family
Lol wut?
>There's no punishment for the woman for leaving.
Her punishment is losing you. If you don't consider that as such, then what does it say about you?
>Her punishment is losing you
you mean the 25% of him that she doesn't win in the divorce. I think divorce should be illegal.
Thats only a punishment if you dont have kids which is one of the points of marriage.
then send them off to school to be influenced by shitskins, rap and overall degeneracy.
>I think divorce should be illegal
Wew dude lmao.
what is homeschool?
(((they))) have ruined the nuclear family. If we want marriage to be the way it was, were going to have to fight for it
I am going to be honest with you, user.
Completely honest.
The odds of you finding a woman raised on western values in the USA, most of Europe, or the developed world in general who will make a good wife is slim. A culture that empowers single mothers, constantly tells women they can do better, and never questions them for leaving a man on a whim has made them toxic and given how many are raised by single mothers themselves they feel it as a badge of honor to be one these days for some kind of retarded reason.
Good women exist, but they are rare in many developed countries and looking for one there is pretty much a fools errand. Go to a conservative country that is underdeveloped but not mudhut tech level. It takes a lot of time and money to find one there, and the inital attraction will 100% be for them seeing you as a way out of their shitty country, however, that is fine. If you can't convince them you are worth keeping around given that they came from a society where men can beat and rape the shit out of women with very little repercussions if any, they usually stick by a good man because they think they have found something special.
Women in the states never gave me the time of day for the most part. Those that I did date were extremely selfish and money hungry and contributed very little to the relationship besides sexual gratification.
They are toxic here. Don't buy local unless she was homeschooled by her grandparents or some shit. If she was kept out of society by and large, odds are good she will be a solid wife.
I have been married for a few years now and it was an adjustment, but the reward is a level of happiness and wholeness I didn't know I was capable of achieving. The fucked up thing is she is the one who swears she is the luckiest woman in the world and doesn't understand why I am always so good to her.
>The fucked up thing is she is the one who swears she is the luckiest woman in the world and doesn't understand why I am always so good to her.
Fuck I had a Japanese girl tell me that who I was dating in college, but her parents wanted her to move back and work for them. Now shes married to another guy. He's nice so I dont feel angry but I do feel like I am fucked because I have literally never dated an American girl who wasn't either flaky as fuck or always giving me shit tests because of some fucked up sense of false femininity
But I'll be dead. I won't be aware of any of it.
>A culture that empowers single mothers, constantly tells women they can do better
To be fair, empowerment is universally a good thing even if single motherhood isn't, and we should all strive to do the best we can in all aspects of our lives. It's just a matter of whether they figure out the best they can do before the game is over.
>The fucked up thing is she is the one who swears she is the luckiest woman in the world
Sounds like you're doing it right.
No huge party. Keep it inexpensive and tasteful.
Synthetic diamonds for the rings.
Get a prenuptial agreement notarized.
Homeschool your children.
There isn't if you're white. She'll probably end up ditching you and be hailed as "empowered" for doing so while you lose everything you worked hard for, and your daughter lets herself be embraced by every man of race.
Oh sorry didn’t realize you were a boomer
Also, I hate kids.
no she doesn't lose the man, she gets to retain exactly why she married him in the first place. In fact she has an incentive to divorce.
If you want to have children, marrying a good woman and having children with her is going to be the healthiest way to raise your offspring. Other than that, there is no reason
No she is taking 50% of you, and for most thots that is more than enough
Defining yourself only by your ability to be a beta provider is exactly why women don't respect you.
This board is just one giant self-fulfilling prophecy.
Love goes through two phases.
In the first, you are super attracted to the person, and you really enjoy their company. This is associated with dopamine, and resembles addiction in the brain. Even if you're infatuated with the person you're with, there are always people out there you'll be more attracted to, and get along better with. You just need to make sure you're both satisfied.
In the second phase of love, the partner becomes part of your identity. You "love" them because they symbolize the life you've built together, and part of the person you've become. This works best with kids. Rather than the dopamine of the first phase, the second phase is more connected to serotonin, which is connected to feelings of general well-being.
Think of dopamine like when you've eaten a dessert, masturbated, or watched a funny video. It's that ephemeral good feeling.
Think of serotonin like when you've achieved something meaningful, or when you've exercised. It's less intense than dopamine, but it lasts way longer. And unlike dopamine, it's actually connected to happiness.
Just had an unusually surreal moment
>Called my parents for the weekly phone call
>BS about whatever, Dad's backpacking trip, Mom's casserole, etc.
>Mom goes "You know user, your brother and his GF have been having trouble lately, so keep him in mind. She's been treating him really badly and he's fed up. He's going through what you went through."
>My fiance dumped me out of the blue two months before the wedding, went completely off the rails but over the past year I've gotten my life back together and I've been trying to move on
>Made it a point to not hate all women, but I'm also not going out of my way to meet any either
>"user, I'm happy I've had boys and I'm proud of both of you, but I'm sorry I had you now. This...is a hard time for men."
>My (probably) hardcore hippie Mom who lived in Cali in the fucking 70s is full blow realizing how shitty men have it when it comes to relationships and marriage now.
>"I've come to terms with the fact I will probably not have grandchildren. I'm okay with that now. What a terrible world to have one in now."
I guess that's what working at a liberal college will do to you. Pure fucking shit.
My mother, a hardcore liberal, now says shit like how the problem with the education system is how there aren't enough men in it.
Hindsight is 20/20, eh?