Good friend of mine invited me to a party, chances are there's going to be weed and alcohol. Been a teetotaler / abstained from any drugs and alcohol for my whole life, but now I'm reconsidering.
Should I stay right where I am or give it a shot just one time to see how it feels? Will this ruin my self-improvement and make me a degenerate?
When everyone is drunk af and hitting the bong, make sure you call them all degenerates and yell 1488 as you leave.
Isaiah Gutierrez
Well it was a ton of fun. There's "no such thing as a free lunch", though, my brain is all whacked out and I'm fearful that my relationship with substances will only deteriorate.
Jonathan Campbell
Just walk around with a cup of water
Nathaniel Cooper
dont go. you wont regret it. have a /comfy/ night with some friends instead, online prefereably
Alexander Martin
just do weed or drink. its not a big deal at all.
Asher Young
More important than deciding whether to drink and do drugs is deciding to decide things for yourself.
>will continuing to be a muslim ruin my self-improvement? Moderate alcohol consumption has net health benefits, reducing chances of several cancers by 20-30%. Moderate drinkers live longer than both heavy drinkers and non-drinkers.
>abstained from any drugs for my whole life No, you haven't. Caffeine and sugar are both mind-altering chemicals. Lots of things are drugs. The key to this (as with everything) is moderation and responsibility (which is a relative term, as there's no moderate way to try heroin, for instance, and you should stay the fuck away from it). A drink once a week is more healthy than not drinking.
Who would have thought? Being able to chill out with friends and have a beer every once in a while is more healthy for you than being an autist?
Honest advice is go there, have a beer, play some games, and talk to people you haven't met before. Just don't get wasted, and I'd lay off the pot.
Logan Gray
if they don't become HABITS neither weed nor alcohol will cause you any problems in life (assuming you're not a nigro who'd get pulled over and arrested for it) if they do become HABITS then they will become problems, and if you do them repeatedly they WILL become habits. so simple, most people can't handle. but here's the key point - YOU are not that one special guy who'd be able to keep getting high on the regular and never become habitual about it, you are just a statistic waiting to happen. choose wisely.
Benjamin Lee
Well you have to be 18 to post here. So if you have went that long being a queer. then no, you don't need them.
I can't drink anything without being sick in minutes - even the smell of alcohol makes me feel sick, think there's something wrong with me desu - but the first time i was drunk i enjoyed myself even though i was sick so i think you should give it a go.
Lincoln Stewart
Moderation user, stay off of hard drugs, don't do it to be cool, do it if your curious about different states of mind. Did I say moderation, fucking moderation
Brandon Cruz
Don't do drugs, especially not when combined with alcohol (wee + booze = depression). If you must do something, just stick to moderate alcohol consumption. Tell anyone who tries to pressure you to fuck off. They aren't a true friend.
Jaxson Price
Good advice here
Jaxson Nguyen
Thanks for all of your insights Jow Forums. I've made my decision.
Grayson Nguyen
So you goin?
Joshua Ramirez
Dude it’s not that big of a deal. Don’t make it a habit. Anybody that says they don’t have a vice is a dirty liar and are normally sick because their vice is too degenerate to tell you what it is. Have some fun while you’re here on this earth. Don’t take it too far, and make sure you stay centered, but jesus dude it’s not that big of a deal.
Kevin Diaz
so what was it faggot are you a pussy or not?
Jaxson Morris
started smoking weed at 20 nothing wrong with it it could feel bad if you're not used to social situations, your first time you usually want to be doing what YOU want it would be your best high, make it a good one getting cross-faded on weed and alcohol is fun and makes it easy to socialize (alcohol generally does too but weed is nice) either way, you're in the prime of your life and you should do what you feel would make you happy longevity and money is pointless if you're a prude about it
Bentley Johnson
Lay of the weed and other drugs on the table, a little bit of alcohol is fine though, although it really depends if you like the taste, just don't take too much and don't drive home if you drank
Kevin Gonzalez
Weed is definitely very bad in tringapore. Aren't your laws strict af???
Owen Hill
Just don't smoke meth
Cameron Clark
Or heroin
Dominic Green
Its worth a try mostly to find out its not actually all that interesting.
Tripping absolute shit in the woods is cool as fuck though.
William Perez
Been drunk af at a party and unironically yelled Heil Hitler / sieg heil on my way out several times. Didn't smoke.
Justin Flores
Been there, done that. I'm 21 been in college for two years. >nicotine Gives a head high, mild stimulant. Can give slight headache. Most positive effects go away if you get addicted. >Alcohol Inhibits motor functions, if you aren't retarded it won't effect your personality much, might make you more confident. Drink water you won't be hungover. Effects REM sleep, don't sleep drunk unless you don't have plans or plan on sleeping longer. >Weed Occasionally euphoric, can cause paranoia, can make you lazy and feel slightly dumber or more creative. Wouldn't do it on a week day. But many people do it every day just like alcohol, I find it degenerate. Also bad for REM sleep too, don't sleep high unless you don't need to get up or you sleep earlier. >Cocaine Overrated as hell, lasts for like 45 minutes, expensive, its like a weak adderall. Vyvanse is way cooler imo. >LSD Hardcore, make sure you have 12 hours of free time to do it your first time at least. It's very intense, not for the psychologically weak. Only mental side effects, negatives can be mitigated if you keep reminding yourself its just a drug. Also watch out for fake LSD/research chemicals. >Shrooms Not much experience with them, but seems like a weaker LSD. Seems more casual and only lasts like 5 hours max, but I've never done a lot. >DXM Disassociative, effects vary widely on dose. Did it only once through gel tabs, I think it was around 250mg. I felt like I had to control each individual joint or muscle like a robot. >parties can be a lot of fun, play games and talk to people. don't do them too frequently and don't avoid responsibilities for them. Wouldn't have casual sex at one, the girl is intoxicated most likely, can pin you for things, it's degenerate, and you will probably regret it.
Jayden Diaz
Don't destroy yourself with garbage. If your friend is a good friend then pull him out of it. If you can't then seek better friends.
Andrew Harris
been drunk multiple times at parties got everyone seig heiling one time it made a jewish girl leave early pissed as hell crying. why cant I just be normal.
>MDMA Can be good at parties, can be good to just do with friends, good in most circumstances. Very euphoric and cannot go wrong psychologically usually like a trip. Maybe at worst things can get awkward and uncomfortable though, but then you just need some alone time. Lasts around 6 hours, stay hydrated but don't drink too much. I've done it a few times and never had a bad comedown, but some people feel drained. Don't do it frequently and don't do a lot of it or you can permanently damage your brain, unlike most of the other drugs ive talked about. >MDA Felt like a super stimulant to me, I wouldn't be surprised if it was like meth or something when I did it. I never did meth to my knowledge but I don't know, I was hyperactive and EXTREMELY charismatic, then I crashed extremely hard and felt very weak. Didn't even last long. So yeah I don't think my description here is useful. >Caffeine Makes me euphoric, gives me energy, minor crashes, makes you poop, on an empty stomach can give you nausea especially if you have too much.
Jose Jackson
Little beta faggot I am open about my politics everywhere, I had a jewish girl and a half negress try to fuck me.
I went on to make out with that jewish girl on her birthday and got her number. went on one date with her and never called her again after that date. oh god i'm a monster.
Would never kiss a nigger jew or paki. Anyone else is fine. t. Mixed race indian
Isaac Hughes
I'm feeling pretty content where I am, so I think I'll stay here. I don't need them to have a good time, and focusing instead on raising a family, making money and being successful with no extra worries sounds better desu
Plus my family has a history of alcoholism, so there's that too. We'll see where I end up compared to my friends as the years come along. Thanks anons
Good man. My friends are the primary reason I tried all the shit I have, and honestly I regret it. I thank my girlfriend for pulling me away from them and making me find other people. Her dad doesn't drink alcohol or anything. He just has a chronic gambling problem LOL.
Ayden Clark
Only rarely do the mods allow us to socialise and talk about our life problems on Jow Forums. Im used to the mods purging everything, but tonight is special.
Adrian Johnson
People waste so much money on weed especially, some will smoke a gram or more a day. At the very least that is $10 gone. You could've used that to commision art on fivver, put it towards a business, or anything else really LOL.
Andrew Adams
stay clean, dont be a degenerate.
Mason Ortiz
Anyone else notice this too?
Asher Peterson
I see things moved to Jow Forums sometimes. I understand the reasoning but they ought to understand that Jow Forums is a community.
Jayden Diaz
Do it if you're not a bitch
Hudson James
>either way, you're in the prime of your life and you should do what you feel would make you happy Somehow how I don’t think someone with a fag meme flag should be giving out advice. Don’t smoke weed user I smoked for 10 years weekends, parties and then daily. Quoting it was the best thing I ever did. Atleast with a drug like cocaine you get a real quick understanding of how addictive anything can be. Weed isn’t really all that addictive but it becomes a habit and then eventually a dependency. It’s callled the devils drugs for a reason because by the time you realize your addicted to it you have already scheduled your life around using it. Don’t fall for the weed jew or listen to faggots ever
I would say dont so drug and booze fren i've done both and seen many who have done both. it very often ends up being a trap where people begin trying to smoke and drink and snort their problems away and they become crutches to your problems hindering your natural development in finding ways of tackling your problems and handling your emotions. basically they dont help you grow as a person. and some people find themselves falling behind in life because of them. dont fall behind fren get ahead and find ways to improve yourself and grow as a person.
>this dude I know nothing about totally didn't do drugs! >he never got drunk! >I have literally know way of knowing shit about hitler's interactions with drugs throughout life but I will avatarfag him as a figure of morality. k
Angel Jenkins
>this dude I know nothing about totally didn't do drugs! He didn't encourage it. >he never got drunk! Strawman >>I have literally know way of knowing shit about hitler's interactions with drugs throughout life but I will avatarfag him as a figure of morality. He was a man of excellent moral character. Hang yourself degenerate!
Just keep your drinking moderate especially if its your first time drinking. Like 3 drinks an hour max.
Alexander Johnson
It's only a problem if you do drugs regularly (more than once a month). Don't get too drunk. Pace yourself. You'll be fine. But you're probably better off not getting into it. You might be the kind of person who just can't help themselves.
Angel Wood
I've decided things for myself my whole life and I'm a kissless suicidally depressed virgin. Like OP I'm also a teetotaler but if I had known where I'd end up I'd probably have tried a bit when I was younger as a social lubricant.
Jaxson Hughes
Drugs wouldn't help you.
Grayson Torres
As an aside don't smoke weed ever, it's purely for literal faggots.
Anthony White
So basically you have no idea his stance on drugs? His not encouraging it says nothing at all about his stance. How sad is it you adore a man you personally know nothing about? You have no way of knowing he wasn't a junkie. Point being he isn't a great pick as a advocate for abstaining from drugs. for Everything you know is likely pulled from Jow Forumss cult around him. Sorry man.
Nolan Mitchell
don't be an idiot and start with that shit if you already haven't.
if you start with weed you are going to start to smoke that shit each day. you are going to need it to sleep eventually. why waste money on that shit
Ethan Perez
William Green
>So basically you have no idea his stance on drugs? His not encouraging it says nothing at all about his stance.
National socialists discouraged drug use. What are you even on about? I think his stance was clear.
>How sad is it you adore a man you personally know nothing about? You have no way of knowing he wasn't a junkie.
I know plenty about him, some say he was, I find the sources dubious. Regardless, he didn't encourage it or openly show it, so yeah he clearly didn't believe it to be right.
>Point being he isn't a great pick as a advocate for abstaining from drugs. for Everything you know is likely pulled from Jow Forumss cult around him. Sorry man.
Your time is coming to an end, kike. The Hitler youth alone would justify admiration towards him.
like most here I lost my virginity whilst drunk, it was really awkward sex though. and it was two the same day I porked in two cousins and my entire class knew it, I was so emberassed when I had to go school on monday. I was 17
the youngest one was just 15, she lied to me about her age and said she was the same age as the rest of us. Beside those two there was one other chick that were not in our class. ugh I've done so much stupid shit while drunk. Around the same time to at a party I took a fire extinguisher and just sprayed it on people inside. the girl who had the party had to get this cleaning service to come and remove all that dust it cost over 10k fish shekels then, that's really much for 16 year olds which I was then
I did shit like that all the time
Christopher Adams
You should just go to the party and have some fun/meet people. You don’t have to become shitfaced to have a good time. Weed and alcohol were central parts of my life in my teenage years and fucked my shit up pretty heavy, but that’s because I am a retard with an addictive personality. If you’re not completely retarded like I was and understand how important it is to take things in moderation then don’t do it.
Drugs were quite common under the third Reich, as well as addiction. That's besides the point anyway. Hitler's personal stance on drugs is far from clear, and as you've noted, the only sources at all on the matter indicate he was quite fond of them himself[spoiler][/spoiler]. I know this might hurt, but from what we know it's more likely than not he was an addict. I think all you know about Hitler is just what you WANT to know. Cute pic btw. Strange how you're doing exactly what Hitler described in your image; you're real fast to accuse me of being Jewish when called out.
Bentley Scott
i do drugs alone while playing video games
no alcohol now though, only sugarfree monster
Jack Walker
who needs beer when you are on a nonstop diet of amphetamine and sausage
Easton Jenkins
Same here I threw a tire through some random poor guys windshield one time when I was 17 and shitfaced drunk. Also lost my virginity at a party and 15 minutes after we were done my buddy lost his in the same bed.
When it comes to moderate drinking vs no drinking, are you sure that's it not just a matter of having a social life that makes you healthier? Drinking once a week is a sign that you actually have friends to enjoy drinks with while never drinking could be a sign that you're very lonely. Non-drinkers probably have a much higher rate of depression, anxiety and other mental health issues, all of which deteriorate the body.
Luis Campbell
And there it is: a nazi scared of facts. It ever gets old
Adrian Wright
Did you even read the pdf? It clearly says that they discouraged drug use, and that they were primarily used among veterans and doctors. I think it's time to fucking kill yourself rat.
I can summarize it for ya. Basically there weren't a whole lot of regulations for them. Drugs were relatively common on the street as doctors prescribed them willy nilly
Evan Young
came here to post this.
Nathaniel Price
get drunk as fuck you pussy, you might get your dick wet. stop being a massive faggot and party, jesus christ.
Justin Reyes
Nah, but don't smoke the weed in a very social setting or you'll become a weird quiet recluse. >t. projector
Ryder Cooper
Anything within moderation, and above all, don't be that hero. Don't overdo what you might not be able to handle. And drink some water if it makes you feel better.
Jason Reyes
I never said they where banned, that's a childish action anyways.
Gen Xer been shit-faced. tried recreational drugs Definitely didn't gain anything from the experience and definitely made a few poor choices while intoxicated. If I had it to do over again, I wouldn't. It's not that I regret anything, I just didn't gain anything from it. Haven't done any drugs in 20 years, or drank in 10. Not because I quit. I just have no interest. I'm very lucky though, many of my friends became addicted and it ruined their lives. They all started it by "wanting to try it" or "know what it was like"
Aaron Richardson
Great advice user, thanks.
Carter Perez
don't do it. i've been sober for 6 years and my brain hasn't recovered and probably never will. i struggle with simple tasks like a total retard because i fucked my brain up so badly. don't listen to anyone who preaches moderation, moderate degeneracy is still degeneracy and will have a negative impact. stay home and read meditations by marcus aurelius. your life will be forever better for it. if you find yourself alone frequently just remember what christ said in john 15:18-19 >If the world hate you, know ye, that it hath hated me before you. >If you had been of the world, the world would love its own: but because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. the world hates people who are better than themselves, be glad if you are rejected by it. just look at all the great men throughout history who have been rejected by the world, and then aim to be among them.