
the power of the supreme white race
So the myths were true then, you really are the master race

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>can't handle the bants
Pay debnts


>suck de pee pee in front of the home of jesus
*nglo bants

>muh sacred sites

Burn it all hail destruction, hail the revel. You (((civilization))) is in ruin and will be ground to dust.

Dunno why they are so upset, the greeks are the original cock suckers.

Fucking bongs

i am greek not israeli

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Absolute state of society. Who the fuck takes a wedding pic like this.

Absolutely degenerate.

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also they originally banned women from leaving the home without a man and banned homosexuality so what is your point

>it's niggers

Imagine my shock

>every swarthy chav is a nigger

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To see how many stavroses i can trigger.

>I am but a blind cog

And I'm just a tool of destruction. Flail around hopelessly, the only salvation is abandonment and a return to the garden of Eden. But you've demonized living in symbiosis with the gifts of the sun. You worship Saturn, wars, figures, currency, the harnessing of men's souls.

No your (((civilization))) will be snuffed.
Hail the revel, hail destruction.

nice larp jamal

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the dude is not even white
>can't differentiate between a mulatto and a brit
what thread you did not like on the catalog, (((Έλληνα))) ?

A socrates sucks what?

*nglos aren't even human, let alone white

they are white "master" race and even got light eyes

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the eternal anglo strikes again

Average British tourists. They're terrible, just terrible. The product of mass materialist culture.

also thats based

brits are the jewniggers of whites

welp, I stand corrected. Fuck those niggers

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>American tourists are ba-

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>oy lad, wan I wuos yar age, I did sam preety crazy stuff, amazin innit

parakalo, pou ennai to bar?


chekk em out

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Just ban the Bongs and you'll notice that most of your touristy woes mysteriously go away