They’re chemically neutering you!!! And the government isn’t stopping them. Receipts are LOADED with BPA, which is fucking with your endocrine system, your brain, causing cancer, increasing obesity, and more. Literally, the most widespread artifact of consumer culture is killing us. I’m not exaggerating, user. This is so fucked up and widespread that there should be a massive crusade against these fucking things. Anything using thermal paper gives your system a MASSIVE dose of powdered BPA (pseudo estrogen) that leaches through your skin every time you touch one of these fucking things. Look it up, user. Your very manhood, your prostate, your children are all at risk. Tell everyone you know to avoid the receipt Jew. It is unconscionable that no one has done anything about this yet. People in the service industry and cashiers are especially, HIGHLY FUCKED. Godspeed user.
>“There’s more BPA in a single thermal paper receipt than the total amount that would leach out from a polycarbonate water bottle used for many years,” said John Warner, Ph.D., president of the Warner Babcock Institute for Green Chemistry.
>Research has linked BPA to an increased risk of breast and prostate cancers, cardiovascular disease, and reproductive and brain development abnormalities. Because it mimics the biological activity of estrogen, developing children face the greatest risks from BPA.
>A chronically high estrogen level disrupts the male and female reproductive and endocrine systems. BPA has been found in well over 90 percent of American adults and children. High levels are associated with altered thyroid function, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, impaired liver and kidney function, inflammation, hyperactivity, and impaired learning. In men, such levels have been linked to reduced libido, lower sperm quality, and altered sex-hormone concentrations. And in women, these levels have been tied to reproductive effects such as polycystic ovary syndrome, infertility, miscarriage, premature delivery, and an increased risk of breast cancer. Women may be especially vulnerable to the BPA in receipts.
Nolan Morales
if you dare someone to eat one they will get gynecomastia
Julian Williams
based chink poster
Ayden Brown
Should be easy to test if this is real in a lab, with some rats and a daily fresh bed of reciepts. How long do you think it would take to see results?
There are people who actually take receipts? Theres the option to get it digital or for small purchases just tell them to throw it away and monitor your account closely.
Dominic Peterson
There are still humans handing those things out user. People with families, pregnant even. They’re handling that shit all day every day. Everyone went nuts about BpA in water bottles years ago but no one gives to shits about receipts which are twenty Brazilian times worse. It’s got to be a fucking conspiracy
Matthew Watson
I wonder if that shit is covering all printed goods.
Jackson Russell
It’s in a lot of shit. Tickets and other printed items. This thread is being slid hard
Many companies selling BPA free thermal paper use BPS which is almost equally fucked up! Watch out!
Joshua Powell
Don't quote me but it may not as bad as you think since it didn't have oils/water to act as a solvent beyond regular handling.
Luke Jenkins
I will start to. It’s important. I told this poor young fat girl today working at a Pizza place, and she almost started having a panic attack. She said she’d been working most of her life behind the register and handling these things. She was super fat, which might be typical for someone working at a pizza place, but you can bet handling receipts has contributed. SAD!
Jacob Green
>not wearing neoprene gloves whenever you go out it's like you WANT to get aids
Joseph Torres
I'd say a month oughta do it
Justin Diaz
>still using paper receipts instead of email receipts
They’re used far and wide, user. I thought most people knew about this but I quickly realized that almost no one has any idea. That’s the only reason I’m posting this. I bet my balls that receipts kill more people than guns and terrorists in this country and no one has any fucking idea about it.
Dominic Garcia
Xenoestrogens are in a lot more things than you'd ever believe. The stuff is in beauty products and lotions, aresols and other air products, and most egregiously, BPA is used to line the inside of around ~80% of all tinned can food.
god bless you user, i just got to know thanks to you, already telling my friends too
Oliver Harris
You have to touch receipts to sign them. I'm tempted to wear some kind of fucking gloves all day even when it's hot.
Asher Hughes
ok because you are all retarded, this is a bait thread, taken from /b/, notice the items on the receipt, clearly for using a cucumber as an impromptu dildo
Aaron Thompson
I masturbate with and onto Wal-Mart receipts.
Daniel Perez
I usually say "No receipt please/Oh, no receipt" when offered one, because I'm an alpha male.
Zachary Garcia
A bait thread? /b/? I don’t even go on that cesspool of traps and tweens. I used the image bc it was borderline funny. Kys for trying devalue this important info.
Eli Barnes
your saving souls user. thank you for your service.
they have unironically been called the "curse of civilization". There's a nice guide on avoidance and decontamination I ripped from a medical journal. But It's too high of res for me to post in the thread
Thank you user. You are doing a great thing telling all your friends. I was even thinking of paying to print out flyers (on non thermal paper) and putting it on people’s cars to spread this shit. It’s really fucked up, and something needs to be done.
Oliver Lewis
What if this is leaching from the landfills and turning the freak'n frogs gay?
That is certainly part of it, but frogs breath through their skin, so they manifest extreme consequences of this kind of thing far quicker and more severely. But in addition to that women are taking birth control pills and pissing excess estrogen into the water supply. It’s super fucked up too, but receipts is an easier and more immediately impactful obstacle to clear first.
Jayden Clark
Camden Sanders
I know this might sound like hippie shit but would hemp-based plastics and paper prevent this?
Brandon Cook
post manboobs pls
Sebastian Collins
It's in our toilet paper, we're fucked.
"Two recent studies published in Environmental Science & Technology have shown that BPA and cousin chemical BPS used in “BPA free products” but also highly estrogenic in nature, are much more pervasive in our common, everyday products than we could have imagined
The two new studies mentioned above involved examination of hundreds of samples of paper from everyday items such as toilet paper, paper towels, napkins, newspapers, magazines, tickets, and even business cards.
Most of the paper samples tested contained the hormone disruptor BPA, BPS or both.
How and why the paper was so contaminated is a question that requires further study to ascertain, but for now, the key is to avoid thermal paper as much as possible as this is the worst offender perhaps because it is often recycled and may somehow become contaminated during the recycling process. The ink may be involved in the contamination as well.
In fact, it is best to avoid touching all recycled paper period as BPA and BPS absorb readily through the skin – you don’t have to eat it to have them enter your bloodstream. If your job involves handling thermal paper receipts, for example, best to wear gloves. And, if you can turn down receipts and instead rely on an online itemization of your expenditures, that would be a good step as well."
I can help you with designing flyers and stuff if you are serious about raising awareness.
Leo Hughes
Fukn wat, is this real?
Ethan Butler
Just say oh nonononono
Alexander Butler
Yes, there are studies on it.
Brody Fisher
So if I use recycled toilet paper i've been dabbing my asshole with estrogen? that's the gayest shit i've ever heard wtf
Jace Taylor
Eli Nelson
BPS is worse, funny enough.
PROTIP: all plastic is toxic. BPA free plastic likely just has BPS.
Camden Thompson
I am serious, but I’m a designer as well, so I’m okay. But thank you user. Much appreciated. Please design and print your own though if you can. Everyone should, honestly.
Eli Parker
Nathaniel Lee
This is some high effort trolling. I’m impressed. However, reported and saged. OP is a talented faggot
Could this explain why girls are hitting puberty and getting larger breasts earlier? All part of (((their))) plan as well?
Adrian Cook
You must be from one of the Chinese factories selling us your poison. How do you live with yourself?
Nathan Watson
*Screams internally*
Charles Wood
holy fuck im a cashier in my summer job
Dylan Lee
I hope that’s not true. Giving my son pacifiers that are “BPA free.” Need to look at all this shit.
Lucas Wood
>the ink The whole point of thermal paper is that it doesn't require ink dummy.
Justin Cooper
This is fucked. So fucked. What can be done? Seriously
Jordan King
>used to use old receipts to floss between my teeth >developed gyno despite never being fat Wish I'd known sooner.
Also, "BPA free" is a marketing term, as it's just replaced by another equally potent chemical. All can linings have it, as they're lined with an epoxy. Drink beer? BPA. Glass bottles? Caps are lined with epoxy. There's no escape, and it's no wonder testosterone levels are declining globally.
Fact: everything man-made or natural either directly reduces testosterone, or is an endocrine disruptor. Meanwhile, literally nothing increases testosterone. Imagine if the inverse were true, and chemicals were raising testosterone: it would be a national health crisis as women would begin growing body hair and developing deep voices, etc. So how come when it's men who're affected, nobody cares?
Nathaniel Torres
Quit user. Make a big stink about it and mention a lawyer, they’ll work something out for you.
John Williams
Looks like you can order BPA free toilet paper and paper towels online. I think I'm going to avoid recycled paper products.
Andrew Campbell
you just saved some trans out there alot of money
Henry Scott
gotta avoid BPA and xenostrogens too
good source
will replace all my toiletries/hygiene products this week
I ate two and literally became gay for about 3 days. Barely avoided catching the aids...
Christopher Collins
Yup. Sorry to deliver the bad news.
Nolan Morales
nice digits bro
idk i dont want to be made fun of
Grayson Murphy
It is not the chemicals, anons. It is the tight pants. Skinny jeans were created to render men sterile.
Brody Peterson
What about smoking marijuana rolled up in a receipt paper joint?
Grayson Collins
fuck man i did some research this shit is in everything
theres no way to escape except moving to the woods and drinking out of wooden cups and bowls
Jeremiah Mitchell
you can't avoid it entirely but you have to try and least reduce your intake drastically to preserve your health (((they))) are poisoning us all the time this was a hard pill to swallow...
Here's something I don't get: why do the jews fuck up themselves too? They drink water, get receipts, and wipe their asses too so aren't they just as affected by BPA, lead, söy, fluoride, etc?
Austin Nelson
Levi Carter
>"here you go, will that be cash or card today?" "card thanks" >"sure just tap when ready" tap card >"would you like a receipt?" "no thanks" >"sure, have a nice day" "y-you too"
silicone might be somewhat safe. seems over 350F it might offgas fromaldehyde and other shit but high quality silicone should be safe. consider how they colour silicone, though, since colours require some sort of chemical (like ones with bpa)
Brody Torres
they have resin linings to remove metallic taste, these linings have bpas
Isaac Robinson
theyre not doing it on purpose its just all plastic contains this shit and plastic is in everything
Sebastian Morales
so lets see:
1) Women take birth control pushed by jews and piss into our water supply, we are drinking their estrogen piss 2) Our Foods are genetically modified to give us cancer 3)The water is injected with a medication of Flouride to keep us sedated 4) Now we find out that the paper we wipe our ass with is filled with Estrogen too
Xavier Diaz
The big thing is thermal paper has POWDERED BPA. All these other things are bad, but not catastrophically dangerous bc they don’t leach into your skin like powdered BPA