>mom found the maga hat
it's over lads
Mom found the maga hat
I'm sure she already knew you were gay.
what did she do?
>quality banter
>check flag
every time
>Tfw meemaw found the penis cauldron
It's over
>kek flag
>maga hat
>living with mom
it's all over now
>Tfw mom found the poop sock
? if she doesn't support you magaing you need to put her in her place, and your cucked ass baseddad too
Ausie bants in action.
>uncle unraveled the up dick pills
>tfw mom found the koala laboratory
>tfw grandpa found the scream tunnel
>mummy found the cum sarcophagus
My GOD, we need to save our children from such evil forces. I propose we increase holocaust class to half the school year, and the rest will be sex ed.
Sorry to hear that OP.
Just wait until:
>you find me banging your mom
newfag detected
What's newfag mean
That's very detailed it even has Bang's Root Beer!
>Dad sees trump hat
>Smirks and shows me the trump shekel his Jewish friend gave him
>Laughs harder when he takes out the Trump Chia pet
It is always fun visiting the family
>mom found
this is an 18+ board.
This entire fucking thread is filled with nu/pol/ who need to go back to RTD
It means lurk moar
it okay toady.
>mom found the back to r*ddit png
its over boys
>Hate politics since I was 8
>Come 2016
>Family starts forcing it on me
>vote Trump
>Sister in law rages
>Brother is surprised because he knows I'm not reactionary or troll type
>Brother doesn't defend me because it was my choice
>Sister is mad because she just wants free gibs and to brag about first female president
>Mom is surprised but supports my freedom to choose
>Dad spouts MSM rhetoric and hates it when I say the truth
>Aunts spout MSM rhetoric but gets surprised by the truth
>Niece is amazed nephew kind of gets it because he has experienced the bigotry of the extreme left for his skin color alone
>Haven't talked to my cousins about it since I rarely ever see them or talk to them since the start of this century
For the most part, unless you were blissfully ignorant or raised to be, you should know your parents and families values or at least bait them by acting ignorant.
Family hates me for having a brain and being centrist. The only reason I am centrist at all is because I understand both sides have their issues and concerns and thus a suitable compromise is possible but not like people care.
My family backed Patrick Little. Sorry to hear that you're surrounded by normies user. Who do you talk to about politics?
it means you must find a nearby tall building, go to the top, and off yourself from there
If you don't think this is bait, you're new as fuck.
I like how it always stems back to OP being a faggot
do you just ignore her when she yells quite down, leaf?
Because I didn't react with the typical brain-dead, retarded cutesy "approved" response of ">tfw mommy found the froggy folder xD teehee", it makes me a newfag? Literally KYS, faggot.