Whats subponeas
Congressional subpeonas are bullshit. Mueller is /ourguy/
What makes you say that Mueller is our guy
You're a fucking shill that can't even spell /ourguy/ properly which means you don't even care about Jow Forums. Eat shit and accept death israeli faggot.
is this why they silenced alex jones?
Did they subpoena the 12 Russian Hackers or 50 Mexican Intellectuals yet?
Mueller is a 9/11 cover up artist and belongs in prison and later on trial, not being trusted to do anything in the DOJ.
Mueller was FBI director for 7 days before 9/11 happened and was forced to cover it up. Go fuck yourself and stop using these stupid fucking talking points you read off a list and have been reading for a year. It's sad.
Forced? Why didn't he blow the whistle instead of hiding for decades and continuing to cover up for crimes? He's dirtier than your mom's asshole.
Ok, im willing to ask, Mexican intellectual?
Can't imagine such a beast existing
>Mexican intellectual?
how fucking new are you
It's similar to the 17 Intelligence Agencies that agree, but they need more of them because it's Mexico.
>implying he wasn't put there specifically for the cover up.
Hhhokey dokey, then.
can you mueller fags fuck off
>stops mid show and shills
The day before the Mueller investigation started Trump and Mueller talked in a private meeting for 9 hours. Allegedly he was interviewing Mueller for position of FBI director, but Mueller was ineligible since he had already been in that position before. So clearly they were not talking for 9 hours about Mueller's possible position as FBI director.
I don't know if they did it in your market, but the cuckservative stream media here all ran the same line about
>q user people believe in crazy conspiracy theorists like mueller is secretly /ourguy/
It was the strangest thing. But perhaps most telling that they all hit the same talking point right away.
Local flagship radio every host the whole morning and I think even afternoon after the Q thing at the Trump rally was hammering that talking point near the beginning of the show in the course of the stuff they had to get through.
I'm too baked to understand
He's saying that conservatives are being manipulated by the media into believing mueller is /ourguy/ and that the "hammer" is about to drop.
Which of course leads conservatives to sitting back and doing nothing - "enjoy the show" etc. Which is exactly what democrats want. They want a passive republican base instead of an angry base, because an angry and engaged republican base would fucking destroy them in the elections and give trump all the political capital he needs to actually do what qtards are hoping he'll do if they just sit around with their thumb up their ass.
If you read/watch/listen to any of this qlarp bullshit, it's all the same spiel: We're taking care of everything for you so just sit there and do nothing like a good dumb easily manipulated rural/suburban retard.
The most important thing for conservatives right now is to get the fuck out there, organize, and engage with other conservatives. People need to get out to vote. People need to make noise against blatant censorship. People need to raise hell over blatant abuses. The more you sit there and do nothing, the more gains the democrats and establishment make.
Stop 'listening and believing' qlarps and start getting actively involved in whatever way you can. They WANT you sitting on your ass eating popcorn hoping the corrupt system magically uncorrupts itself. It won't and they fucking know it.
It's simple Pavlovian programming. Planting the association of two ideas in the minds of the plebs who just listen to this stuff in the background without thinking about it.
Idea 1: zomg Q user wtf is that? these people are weird!
Idea 2: these people are so weird they think Mueller is working for Trump according to some secret plan!
So, in other words, what this does is that first discredits the idea of the nutty Q larpers. Then it makes sure you know that the idea that Mueller is a good guy is equally as crazy.
So why they did that exactly I don't know. But what I would say is that the interesting part is they formed the drum-beat narrative around whether or not Mueller is to be trusted. That means whoever is issuing the talking points to all the cuckservative talkshow hosts is worried about Mueller for some reason.
Steele is a British citizen. That's as retarded as indicting Russians in Russia.
I can't wait for everyone to have to admit Jow Forums was right....again
Mueller needs a bike lock
But what I would start to think about is the Obama birth certificate thing. Everybody knows there's something wrong with it, and you probably thought for a while
>is this nigga serious?
issuing obvious fakes
But what that really was about was just keeping attenion on a controversy that couldn't be resolved, and then turning around and claiming the people who doubted the official line were all crazy racist conspiracy theorists. So, I would not be surprised if all this flipped Mueller stuff were a run-up to a similar plan where they have nothing better to do than get everybody to argue about Mueller instead of seeing that he's obviously a hardcore criminal.
>Robert Mueller requests Trump-related portion of Manafort's trial be kept secret because it revealed 'substantive' evidence
>were all crazy racist conspiracy theorists
which other Presidents were required to show their birth certificates
Have they subpoena'd the sleuth known as Jow Forums?
If you've been keeping up with the flipped mueller user, you'll see how he's been rapidly changing his posting style lately. He now runs away after being caught and spends more time hammering on meme Jow Forums ideas in other threads to blend in. He used to stick around for an argument.
Also said Assange had been transferred into different custody about a month or so ago. He didn't like it when I told him I'd remember he said that.
I've only gotten a search warrant served on me so far.
Fakenews. He could have gotten a waiver. And I've never seen the 9 hours reported anywhere before
>I've only gotten a search warrant served on me so far.
Just keep posting as 'Anonymous' and you're probably safe. Deny everything. Hide your power level.
I don't have anything to hide. When they show up with a search warrant the seize your shit, unless in the case of Hillary Clinton.
But it IS fake. Independent investigators have been over this. Look up the 7 points of forgery on the Obama birth certificate.
They even found the document that they pulled from to make the fake.
Make sure to throw in a few periodic DRUMPFFFFFs
Probably shouldn't be posting #DemandVoterID memes like pic related. I think they're beginning to suspect this might be a Russian PsyOp
Hmmm. Could it be that Putin is working for the Russians?
we the russians now goy
sounds like a retarded conspiracy theory to me
The thing below the poena
Wait a minute. What if the Russian Hackers hacked the Russians? I bet they WOULD do something like that.
Two more weeks till school starts again guys. We're almost done with summer.
Goodlattes committee is kicking a bunch out
Fake and gay
Q made me so fucking relaxed. I lost my job because all i do is sit around and eat pop corn. Im not going to vote anymore, Q tought me that its irrelevant to vote or get involved. I just need to keep hitting F5 on my key board every 5 to 10 minutes, eat pop corn. Since all this child sex stuff & Clinton corruption has been outted, it made me super lazy and really just not in the mood to vote or engage. Learning the truth from Q made understand that I need to watch the show rather than vote or really even leave the house.
Q has done nothing to energize people. Thats why you only see like 30 signs at Trump rallys and like maybe 50 to 100 t shirts also. Q took all our energy. Your so right user.
Immunity for all
For the record Q never said mueller is ourguy, but the opposite. He is involved in cover up.
Q's cousin here. Mueller is deep state he's not going to get anyone in trouble who isn't expendable. You know who's expendable. Next Q drop in 2 days. Peace.
Pol/ was right in expelling Q? Or pol/ was right in believing in him?
Jow Forums was right in entertaining him at the beginning and dropping it as turned fake and gay.
Oh then I agree.
Q posted once or twice for real.
One of these things opened my eyes on the situation on SA. Then some larpers took it from there.
There are some good post by Q, before he become a tripfag. I think that was a real person or some people who connected the dots before everyone else did. What is going on right now is a huge psyop bey someone. And that someone is maybe connected to Trump in some way, maybe not. I'm not sure.
Hillary Clinton campaign and DNC gives $12 million to their attorneys Perkins Coie
Perkins Coie hires Fusion GPS to investigate Trump during the campaign
Fusion GPS hired former MI6 agent Christopher Steele to dig up dirt on Trump
Christopher Steele created a fake dossier and delivered it to Fusion GPS
Nellie H. Ohr worked for Fusion GPS at time of the dossier creation
Nellie Ohr passed the fake dossier to her husband Bruce Ohr
Bruce Ohr was the associate attorney general with the U.S. Department of Justice
(Bruce Ohr was later demoted twice for failing to disclose that his wife, Nellie Ohr, worked for Fusion GPS)
Bruce Ohr gets a copy of the dossier from his source (his wife) and voila it is at the FBI
The unverified dossier was presented to a Federal judge and used to obtain warrants
The application for the warrant included the dossier and a Yahoo News article as evidence
(Think about it - an unvetted fake dossier and an internet news article to spy on the President)
The FBI purposely omitted the fact that the dossier was paid for by Clinton and the DNC to the court
The FBI omitted that Yahoo News was one of 5 companies briefed by Fusion GPS about the fake dossier
The Yahoo News briefing fed the dossier's information directly into Yahoo writer Michael Isikoff's story
The FISA warrant application relied on the Yahoo News article to corroborate the Steele dossier
It was circular logic, the article was born from the dossier, it did not colloborate it
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court (FISA) issued a warrant to spy on the President
A fake dossier and a fake internet news article were enough to illegally surveil the President of the United States
This is worse than "collusion," this is the stuff spy movies are made of
This is treason
Russia isn't a US vassal state, Britain is
the only thing covered up about 9/11 is how bush was advised that it was likely but did nothing, knowing how it would prime the USA to be succed by the military industrial complex for billions and billions of gubmint gibs.
That's why it moved to the other chan after a while. You get a better mix of autists and onlookers who don't know about the general history of chan culture and therefore face a difficulty in interpreting the larger-scale moves.
newfags, basically. But it's enough to turn the drama into a self-perpetuating cycle and then who knows where it's going to spiral out to. At that point of the operation, the point is that it does spiral out into whatever people en masse want to believe that it is. Standard stuff.
It's an insult used to emasculate white men
Niggers call whiteys subpeona (small penis)
There's a whole bit list of people to go through. Bush was just the front man like all presidents are.
btw same guy who decided to publicly give the go-signal for cracking down on the pedos is one of the people quite willing to testify in federal court about what he knows.
Yeah. I 2as following the threads on pol/ first because of the SA info and a possible relation to Las Vegas shooting, then just to figure out what the fuck is going on. I'm not about to follow it on 2xchan cause I don't have the time. It's very dependent on normies, I completely agree. Normies with a short memory and prone to fantastical conspiracy theories. It pushes me off sometimes because Trump is going to be blamed on it when it goes down.
On the other hand I think that whoever took over the larp also has some info, or is from some sort of think tank but the way they use this info is to force people to uncover shit for them. Obvious, but sad
I hope Mueller tries to subpoena the president. The ignorance would astronomical. Plz Mueller be as corrupt and stupid as I think you are. Mueller should seriously consider suicide. He's literally fooling minorities and white people that hate themselves. That should be illegal taking advantage of fuxking retards. Prepare your soul Mueller. It is now mine. I told you I was gonna take ur soul.
It's typical. Even if you come across what seems like a good source it doesn't last forever and you always have to wonder what the other motives and influences are because at various points it's going to wind up trying to push things in a direction that you're not into yourself, whatever your outlook might be.
This is simply the nature of counterintelligence, and why a place like Jow Forums is a great resource for average people to be able to sort out trolling and shitposting well enough to be resistant to it.
>mueller investigation has guilty pleas
>was able to convince a trump appointed judge to flip cohen's office
>but he's the retard guize i sware
Speaking of sources. This is some nice dot connecting. Nothing huge but very nicely organized
I've seen him before so I'm not sure what to think, but so far these are straight up facts.
It's Happening!
kek first post is literally
>Nice try faggot. Mueller is /ourguy/ and Israel WILL BE NAMED.
It's like that guy never sleeps. I'm like him that way, but I'll be the first to tell you I'm not a normal person. So that brings in to question what his motivations might be or, if you think he's just manic and delusional, what is it that's wrong and why does he get so excited?
Sometimes it just takes time to wait for somebody to slip up. I once caught Obamaleaf, and I don't know if he was drunk that night or once, but he wanted to share how he'd just gotten banned up and shut down from a buch of reeeeeeeeee venues and came back to Jow Forums to seek refuge and relax. All humans are fundamentally psychological, so it's always a question of what makes them tick and where their psychological weak points are.