It happens at 6:06
Ethnic cleansing of the African American
Other urls found in this thread:
he almost looks Somalian
Is he ok?
"That feeling when the kush hits"
Can niggers be that Dumb to grab an officers tazer?
Imagine how expensive all that shit was, all those people, all the paperwork for shooting someone, and a fucking helicopter. For a goddamned nigger who just wouldn't follow police directions. Fuckin' A
humans are the dumbest fucking things. This entire situation is a fucking joke. Please tell me this is a simulation god. This can't be fucking real.
>not accepting help from EMS
he got goodified
ah shit ah shit ah shit ah shit ah shit ah shit ah shit ah shit ah shit ah shit ah shit ah shit ah shit ah shit ah shit ah shit ah shit ah shit ah shit ah shit ah shit ah shit
Have you ever seen a 400lb Somalian?
what are the liberals going to say about this one?
>just taze him
>tazer doesn't work, other guy's tazer is in suspect's hand
>just shoot him in the leg!
>cop shoots him in the leg
this is possible in america though
They are literally fucking retarded
>niggers are the dumbest fucking things.
he dindu nuffin
holy shit check this one out
Funny how a couple .40 S&W pills will wake a boon right the fuck up.
worst cops ever
I bet he thought it was a gun
Shooting niggers looks fun.
holy shit that cop died and they brought him back from the dead
based af
please say they killed this nigger
>when he starts screaming "AAWWWW SHEEIT"
fuckin lost lol
>Clary, 22, of Effort, Pa., was convicted June 29 of multiple felonies, including attempting to kill Seiple and Kelly. His attorney argued at trial he was scared and shot at the troopers because he feared for his life. Clary will be sentenced Aug. 31.
fucking shit
Fuck there needs to be a better type of stun weapon then a tazer cause they always end up not working cause botth of the electrical rod things dont go in
What a super power
>shooting at a car towards traffic
Cops are fucking stupid for this one desu
Was thinking the same thing. That was probably $250K wasted.
All because a dumb nigger wouldn't lift his shirt to be checked out by EMTs.
What about tranquilizer guns? Not thinking of the nigs safety, just seems it would be cheaper if the coon went sleepy time instead of having to do HVAC work to plug his leaks.
Cops should carry potent tranquilizers.
holy shit who gave Dumb & Dumber badges
Damn, that nigger is dumb or trolling.
That's why cops need to practice their Mozambique drilling more often. EMTs aren't going to waste time and energy if the nigger has a round straight through his face.
Wtf I literally watched this 5 minutes before seeing this thread
I mean not even that, dumbass nigger grabbed the cops tazer, thought he'd be king nigger. That's all it takes to get shot, how fucking stupid do you have to be
Yeah they clearly were taught something to the effect of:
>haha just shoot them in the leg brah haha
this ones even better
>hispanic white supremacist
makes me think about how spics classify as white males in fbi's most wanted
We need a purge. Now.
LMAO they look out of breath. Should have shot him earlier
Every single time I see an american cop firing a taser it fucking fails. At least 8 out of 10 easily.
The actual fuck!?
>"please cooperate"
>their face when
You put a car through a fence and into the gulf mf you gotta stay for questioning and ems treatment. Dindu didnt wanna get sent back to googamooga
Yeah, but think of the time and money saved by not locking him up.
Net gain imo.
I think its the kinda thing that depends on the weight of who you fire at, kinda like alcohol. So a big fat nigger like in OP's video, it isn't going to have much effect. Notice that nigger got shot and even then was still mostly fine, just constantly saying "Oh sheeeit! Oh sheeeit!"
He survived...
from an article of his arrest
"Instead of using mace or batons, the troopers tased Clary, causing him to fall from the shoulder into the travel lane where he could have been hit by a passing vehicle. The troopers then punched him multiple times. Fearing for his life at this point is why Clary, once breaking free from the troopers, got his gun from his car and fired at them."
so these motherfuckers cry when police use their gun "why didn't you use the taser", when they use the taser they cry "why didn't you use the mace"
fucking niggers
"why didn't you use your bare hands"
"why didn't you use kind words"
So, for sure, niggers lol etc
But th cop who’s filming clearly shouts “he’s got a taser” at around 6:10 and then at around 10:00 says “I don’t know he had a taser, I wasn’t sure” or something to that effect.
Point is, I hate cops.
I'm almost certain that the average lifetime net of having them in your society is negative $1-10 million per nog.
the guy was obviously mental. it's tragic that the us police force is not more capable of handling these cases, you can tell early on that he is not right in his mind when the med people try to check him out. they should have just cuffed him right there. I am no shrink or anything, but he probably had some sort of psychosis
"why do police even exist"
Good point
“I didn’t know he had a taser”
Autocorrect got me.
I challenge you to subdue an unruly 300+ pound nigger with an attitude without suffering harm, faggot
That's what happens when you have human infrastructure in a nation of monkeys
I never understand why these idiots think they can just shoot cops and be on their merry way, and that thousands of cops won't be after them until the day they day for capital murder charges.
Thanks for the timestamp. Didn't want to watch 14 mins when I seen it in my inbox an hour ago.
Also this one was released today.
it actually scares me how effective cops are in the civilized world
here in mexico if you kill someone you simply dissappear for a few years in some god forsaken vllage and you can come back into society no fucks given
fucking scandicucks
Well then that fucks up the formula doesnt it?
Dead nigger=cheap niggers.
Living niggers, no matter where equals $$$$$$ of the white mans money
he grabbed the taser from the other cop, point is you're a dipshit
You're not required to accept help from EMS.
no they don't look like that at all
well user, this is what the police is supposed to be trained to do, that is lit their job in all countries except yours it seems. that's why you have to be I am not sure but over 1.80 m here to even become a cop. if you are a manlet you are disqualified.
but yes.... they have female officers because of muh feminism, they should not be allowed out in the field ofc. they always have to be with a real cop though
This guy in particular was required to accept help, as seen in the video
>that BBC drag at 0:34
Why didn't you just let him go?
Why didn't you give him a quick succ before you let him go?
Since I looked at a video of a man being killed I am an accomplice in his murder. Will someone please report me to the state?
But the state executed him so I suppose I have done the state a favor and will forgive my crimes.
yeah, why don't we ignorant Americans take training from you based euros on detaining without guns and doing our best to make sure every nigger survives
I like this idea. Like have the type of tranquilizer guns they use at the zoo on animals. And have them for unruly blacks who get out of control. Just put them down for a bit until they can be contained.
it's not about that user, but you clearly have a problem here. I am not saying that the reality in the us is different from here, because it is. But situations like this can be avoided. yes we all like to kill niggers and stuff, but ffs.
>mfw blowing a nigger's brains out for barely looking at me the wrong way
I think that shorter cop is the reason it went to shit. When they pull him back off the road, short cop spends way too long fiddling with his taser and then has to run back to the shoulder a second time to pick up something else before trying to cuff him.
then when perp pulls out the gun, short cop is standing right next to the car, and almost gets knocked over by the bigger cop, then promptly gets shot and fails to headshot the driver
He didn't die, retard
I'm not sure if he was in pain or rapping.
>cops now need a tranquilizer for a niggers who wont follow simple directions
jesus fucking christ
What fucking problem do we have? Why should the police put themselves in danger for the safety of the criminal nigger that doesn't cooperate?
kara boga took down 2 wh*Tes
why are europeans such cucks? like seriously we should hold an euro league where we compare countries and rate them on how much they try to defend the nigger invaders
italy would obviously lose every time
just adding if someone pulls a weapon here, it will ofc be mayhem. in worst case delta comes, those guys are not regular cops. if they scream to you. drop your weapon and lay down, you comply or you are lit dead within 1s.
they come if people have weapons, is org crime or whatever. then you listen, that's not normal police it's more like military. and if that is not enough, they will lit send military on your ass. I am actually not sure what those divisions are even called. right not after breivik shit and that utter emberasing failure, the police know have a phone directly to them
and no I am not claiming we got the perfect system, because we don't
Nigger thought it was a real gun.
They fucking pulled him out of traffic. How convenient that they left that part out
>He didn't die, retard
Thank God. I'm not an accessory to murder. I hope the state forgives me for sponsoring this violent assault.
Ok so it sounds like, where you are, its similar to the UK; where if the regular police encounter a suspect with a weapon, they have to fall back and call in the Firearms Unit, wait 15 minutes or more for someone to show up with a Glock, who will then finally shoot the fucker. Sounds totally legit bro.
I hope you get swarmed with negroes and arabs so you can see how uncivilized these beasts truly are.
It's called a firearm tazers were a mistake.
we have a saying here you don't shoot sparrows with a cannon
this is what I am trying to say
nah it's very different. the uk cops are utterly cucked just go there. it's funny they are like really polite and stuff and you can mess with them, if you do that here they will fuck you over so we often have fun with the uk cops while we are there because it's so strange.
nah in some places here now they armed because of the terror threat the other ones just have to go to their car, call it in then get their guns from the car. however in situations they call in delta such as if someone is armed
you're saying in your post that the nigger shouldn't have been shot and think that the nigger had something wrong with him
clearly you know nothing about niggers
niggers are violent anti-social psychopaths that cannot for the life of god think about any short-term consequences of their actions, hence why they resist arrest and inevitably get shot. They're also incapable of realizing that people can make connections between past and future events when there's evidence onhand which is why they always say "dindu nuffin"
I know user from everything I see from the us, I'm just saying that they should have subdued him early on because of his mental state. I'm not defending him, hands up don't shoot and all that crap
your are getting me all wrong. But it's easy to sit here and say this, I was not there in their shoes
>wouldn't follow police directions
>grabbed for the gun
what did you expect to happen?
He was not being detained tho. Ill be honest, im not clear on the laws regarding forced medical care. The cops could have been in the wrong, thing is, if the fellow thought they were, he still should have complied and stated he was doing so under duress, plenty of witnesses there, plus body cams now so. At worst he would have gotten looked at, and then he could have sued. But no, he nigs out while two people he knows for a fact are armed are telling him not to.
Niggers are not bright, its part of what makes them niggers. The only GOOD outcomes would have been him complying, or him dead. Now everyone else has to pay for his food lodging and medical care for at least several years to come.
I caught that, too. He may have just said that as things were happening quickly even though he wasn't sure, but in any case, it probably wasn't smart to say taser.
Florida keys are crazy. I lived there for two years. You wouldnt believe the amount of law enforcement there. There are always helicopters buzzing. Sheriff's, local PD, fish and Wildlife are as capable and maybe more active than any others in catching criminals, coast guard, border patrol, and the Airforce and Navy. You might see all in a day. And it's basically just one long 100 mile high way. One way in and one way out.
You'd also be surprised at how much death and crime and murder takes place. Boating accidents, bikers with no helmates (Florida), I saw a woman on a bicycle get run over by an 18 wheeler right infront ot me. A few people die almost every lobster season. And right before Hurricane irma, before I left, some Tranny prostitute stabbed his lovers eyes out with a pen, and then stuffed a broken bed post in his mouth and stomped it in.
10/10 best place I ever lived. Would move back.