Jow Forums claims to be a champion of traditional Christian values.
Forgiveness is a Christian value.
So, why can't you forgive a white women for burning coal?
Jow Forums claims to be a champion of traditional Christian values.
Forgiveness is a Christian value.
So, why can't you forgive a white women for burning coal?
"forgive" doesn't mean "tolerate and encourage" user
I don't have a problem with intermarriage on a personal level, the Lord calls people to different things.
What I have a problem with is it being pushed onto us by culture (and you know who) and being told we're racist if we have an in-group preference.
I never said it did. Neither does the Bible.
she dated an arab and took a picture with a negro, Jow Forums btfo!
Jow Forums is a National Socialist board.
Christians and Pagans can go to /x/.
We're never going to grow the ranks of white women in our movement if we automatically ostracize white women who were bluepilled enough to date outside of their race before they discovered us.
Something about Lauren's milky white complexion really makes me want to see her get BLACKED by a 12 inch AIDS stick.
I'd like to see her sister get spit-roasted by 3 massive niggers too, and drowned in their AIDS cum.
I know I'm jk, hitler didn't execute the prostitutes he gave them their dignity back
She didn't fuck T, she did date an Arab dude though.
You should probably watch less porn. It seems to be rotting your brain, bro.
it's a parody from a video of hers
>Forgiveness is a Christian value.
This is unironically only one thing i dislike extremely about Christianity. Each human must bear full weight of their choices and action or be crushed by this weight and become example. Forgiveness only breeds degenerates and parasites at the expense of virtuous people.
>we can't get Twitter to ban her so lets divide and conquer
I wish they used the Quran's "Of those who transgress upon you, transgress tenfold upon them"
She's basically dreaming about being an escort. What went wrong?
Reread the Bible, you would need to repent to be forgiven. Tradthots/coal burners like Lauren still won't deny any wrongdoing
Jessu > Lauren
Jews can do whatever they want to do in their own country, in fact I support them in their efforts (as long as it isn't financed by my country). Also Lauren's sister is hotter, and if we're going to be talking about attractive jewish sisters, then Shapiro's takes the cake.
Also does she genuinely repent for her sin and put her faith in Jesus Christ? If so then yes she can be forgiven. But just because I forgive doesn't mean I turn back the clock and consider her a suitable partner to date, marry, or start a family with. She is physically damaged beyond repair.
When Judas betrayed his best friend he had the decency to go hang himself in the desert.
I saw this image on another thread... Isn't this woman Jewish?
all of their favourite (((media))) has "pregnancy scares" where the characters' lives are ruined by the prospect of a child. Their beloved bodies to be ruined! All of their free time consumed by a smelly, expensive, loud, high-maintenance, ball&chain.
It's the female version of NEETism since their social lives are almost invariably enjoyable they do that instead of videogames. They work easy jobs which don't make them tired and have a man pay all of their bills so they can spend their money on what THEY want. (like mom and dad for a neet).
The child is the first real responsibility/sacrifice she will make in her life and she won't have it until it's too late and she's infertile or producing deformed monstrosities.
Looked at the labels on the bottles, then look at pic related.
She's slept with more black guys though. Lauren said so anyway
[citation needed]
forgive doesn't mean that I have to pay for her sins
Errrr she's mentioned that several times already on her YouTube channel
Forgiveness is only given in response to contrition and repentance. Forgiveness is not only unneeded, but actively harmful, to someone living a life of sin.
>"The Lord calls people to different things"
Saying the Lord "called" you to betray your race, family tree, and genetic line by sleeping with Tyrone because Moshe told you about the BBC is a joke.
Then you're misunderstanding the biblical concept of forgiveness.
Also this. There's no forgiveness for those who refuse to admit to their wrongdoing.
Nice try Lauren.
The fact that Christianity preaches forgiveness of the unforgiveable is precisely why I'm not a Christian. Well, that and all the ridiculous supernatural nonsense that never happened.
>being a white knight faggot for a fake whore that sucks pathetic beta money up
Lauren never had sex with That Guy T. She also never had sex with me