Now that we have seen how the social media mobs can get someone like Alex Jones taken offline, how long until we see pornography completely banished from the internet?
Now that we have seen how the social media mobs can get someone like Alex Jones taken offline...
>crying over a banned account
What a worthless human being.
Would you be okay with no more easily accessible free online porn?
does she have any marketable skills? Perhaps she could get a real job at walmart or McDonalds instead of shilling things on instagram or taking dick?
To be fair, taking away a woman's form of self validation is like getting a man fired from a high paying job.
They won't remove the porno because it fits into the plan to further debase humanity.
why can't we do this shit to get like, vice or huffpo taken down?
>shilling things
She is a whore. She shills her holes.
Tru Dat
Why do women act like this? Put them in hell and see how long they act like this. Light them up see how long they act like this. Women are not this weak, people are not this weak, but some women are just too feminine for my tastes. Like they arent men, they arent the same as us.
I am sure you know who runs porn,so just drop like half a trillion shekels? Riiiiight.
She is probably too stupid work in Walmart or McDonalds. Taking nigger dick to please kikes is all she is good for.
How come alex gets banned but hardcore pornographie isnt???
BTW, twitter is full of hardcore porn, yet only Alex gets banned.
a man still wouldn't cry over it. or if he does it's while showering
doesn't play when you click play button
how much to sex her?
>i can't breath
try taking the cock out of your mouth first you dumb whore
>be a woman
>lose one of the avenues I use to get attention from strangers
Literally worse than every war ever
t. neets with no jobs who don't know what it's like to lose a job
Is it just a global rule that it's ok for men to to cry in the shower? I've heard muhreens say the same thing.
Maplenigger, i've lost a business and not some instagram whoring business a real one. You move on and do something different. Crying about it is fucking retarded. Life's fucking tough eat shit.
I want to see social media banished and as a result womens narzisism starving so that they have to put more effort into recieving attention and keeping males interested instead of taking pretty pictures of their tits, asses and vags
or if it's raining
Now thats a good point.
They take down Jones but they'll leave porno and escort services up
as well as all the anti white and lefty extremist faggotry
sounds like a good campaign to me.
Lmao. You think the Jews are going to give up control over goyim? Never going to happen. Porn will stay in Western nations. Funny how it is going to be banned in Israel. That tells us all we need to know.
oh you :).jpg
OP needs to lurk more
Poor Lana. She's gonna make it, r-right?
porn is jewish, so never
What job is she talking about quitting?
I'm not sure why it would be directly impacted by her losing Instagram as an income, wouldn't it make the other job more important?
I know exactly who the whore is.
You know the sex industry is like really fucking dead, hookers can't make good money anymore and would be better off getting real jobs. Its only been the past year and a half that it ramped right up too.
It's DEAD, girls who could easily make 5000k a night years ago are lucky to make 200$.
Idk if its because people are super poor of if normal girls are so slutty theres no need to pay a whore but its actually a huge thing.
Would this be considered gay?
I've heard of this too.
I think there's just more supply.
If you lower your standards its really easy to get a fat tinder girl to fuck you and is way more satisfying than blowing hundreds of dollars on a bad blowjob with an awkward stranger that might be a fed.
Is there ANYTHING in all of the human experience that has ever been more phony and disingenuous than this??
>something emotional happens.
>so emotional that you cry uncontrollably.
>I have an idea!
>run over to closet
>set up camera
>record yourself.
>upload it to social media.
Social media had been a pathetic development that brought out the worst in everyone. But, of all the cringy things people do, this is absolutely TOP CRINGE! The only other thing that comes close is taking selfies with dead relatives...
The sex industry is dead because you can get porn for free everywhere. The big thing now is camwhoring amateurs, the cam sites are easily taking over all the big porn sites.
>not knowing porn massively accelerates the degeneration of society and destruction of the west and isn't peddled by the same people who got AJ off the air.
roasties gonna roast
>some years from now
This comic is so fucking old that "some years from now" is right now.
Thats not what i got from their comments at all
she can always do it in the street
Pill post is best post.
you think? she's a pornstar my man
No they aren't.
Those girls barely make rent camming full time. They just do it because they can be lazy and spend the day in bed fapping instead of getting a job.
Some can squeeze a decent living out of it but its by pretty much getting a rare online sugar daddy they can exploit.
Cam sites made way more $ 5-10 years ago too.
Pilates is 200% homo.
Yes. Is this a trick question?
I already have enough for 3 lifetime
You're not even the same person replying to me. But, what is in it for you to banish porn from the internet?
God that'd be fucking awesome if porn was banned
Rapes would go up, but it would cause some worthwhile accelerationism
It's one of the first steps towards reintroduction of traditional gender roles.
Porn has been really bad for males.
So you don't believe men have the willpower to simply not jerk off to porn? so basically you want us to have white sharia...
most porn is interracial and cucking now and the left loves that shit so i doubt it
Because I'm not a kike hell bent on debasing our white youth. Porn should be allowed ONLY if you submit to sterilization. If you submit to sterilization then you should be given access to a government run website with pornography for those who sterilized themselves. Any black market porn should be punished by death for the creators
hilarious proposition, friend.
I'm saying in a perfect world - until the collapse porn will be part and parcel of living in the decadent era
camming is way better atleast i don't have to be disgusted by seeing the whore doing coal burning sex scenes like most of the new hot pornstars nowadays thanks to that jew cuck greg lansky and his blacked bullshit
why watch porn? You know it's wrong and still you do it?
Jerking off all day makes you sterile anyway
this. I cried like a little girl when I lost my well paid job and not only that, it was like the best job ever. I got really depressed after that. It felt like dying because I knew the job I had was a rare opportunity and I only got into it by chance. Well, fuck my life now. Now I'm a NEET playing video games instead of living like a rich man. kek. Easy come easy go.
I think you over estimate the average person.
Flooding a country with opiates for example and claiming 'so you don't think people have the power to not abuse drugs?' is kind of your argument here.
Yes. Yes I don't think the average person has the power to simply not jerk off to porn. I don't know how you can come at me with an argument about the virtues of the average person when most men aren't even aware they are doing something wrong.
every coal burning whore whose ever been recorded fucking a nigger for money should be executed by their own father whether he wants to or not. mandatory honor killings
>black market porn should be punished by death for the creators
Crazed bootlickers like this have so much trust for the judicial and penal systems that they'd support half the fucken population getting executed as a blood sacrifice to their fear.
Go fuck your hysterical self with a shovel.
i bet lots of traps and blacked content
I like your analogy of equating opiates to porn but I can guarantee you that if opiates were free, the majority of people wouldn't consuming them. Give people some credit.
>it's real
Found the original post. God that's fucking depressing.
And I maintain most men do know that jerking off to porn is wrong. We all know it's bad but we think we need it. It seems harmless enough so we continue to abuse our cocks and minds. A bit like alcohol. It seems harmless and is so socially acceptable that we all continue to abuse it. Hard drugs on the other hand... that's another story.
I don't know, maybe Australia hasn't gone as far downhill. I just remember growing up in a small town where everyone does drugs. Everyone. People would offer it to you as a form of hospitality when you came over.
I don't really have faith in the average person to fix their life without some kind of intense leadership from another stronger and more exceptional person pushing them.
i don't fap to it i just like seeing pretty girls interacting with her fans and putting on a show
she was fucking gorgeous, why would she put herself through all that
Yes it seems like "everyone" does drugs when it's so wide-spread in a small town. We have shitholes like that here as well. The average person wouldn't be lining up for opiates though. Party drugs, alcohol, being young and partying, it's all a different story.
>muh bootlicker
yeah like libertarian anarchy is any better faggot
probably some crappy agent i've noticed once alot women work for blacked they immediately become unattractive afterwards like eva lovia, august ames, mia malkova and so much more
>stupid retarded narcissistic whore who craves nothing but attention becomes a pornstar
really made me think
The parents should have killed her and made it look like an accident when the first symptoms appeared.
For me personally? Not much aside from a little satisfaction that degenerates will have a harder time harming themselves.
are the Amish the only people in America not affected by porn
I wonder what % of entertainment lawyers for porn stars are jewish.
its the producers that are the real cancer
there are and will always be useless whores
but its the producers that use them to corrupt the entire globe
You're missing convenient.
Imagine if every fridge had a button that gave you free drugs. If you got a fridge without the drug dispenser it for some reason couldn't keep food cold and was just a cupboard.
How many people would be trying drugs after minor life inconveniences, people that would normally never even be able to find drugs even if they wanted them.
This is the issue.
>how long until we see pornography completely banished from the internet?
Pornography isn't going anywhere. It's all part of (((their))) plan to keep us docile.
He said as he posted on Jow Forums...
Her social media breakdown is pathetic, but it's dishonorable to laugh at her about it. She's pretty fucked up, likely on heroin, and is probably dealing with money problems. Lot of drama coming out about this over the past 9 months, rumors of her being in jail, drug use, being fired by her agent, assaulting other porn stars. Porno is run by degenerates who pray on vulnerable women and girls who probably have fucked up lives to begin with.
This boy gets it right. She was asking this stuff on yahoo years ago, back when she was still a kid. Really tragic, honeslty. Sure, she shoulda known what she was getting into with porn, but without a good parent or guardian, it's like she didn't stand a chance.
And this:
Those posts woulda been around this time, when uploaded this "workout" vid to YouTube.
I think her real name is Amara Maple or something.
Opiates are serious. Nobody wants to be on morphine all day. You won't get anything done.
if porn didn't have any niggers and jews in it then it wouldn't be so much of a problem
Yeah she's on drugs. Ffs.
Yeah but who wouldn't try it?
After all its just in your fridge and everyone else does it, its not a problem if you don't make it one.
love downloading my 1080p and 4k content knowing that i'm helping to kill the industry
You really have low expectations of people. I am guessing from years of being socially isolated and reading rubbish posted online.
porn is on dvd and magazines .
user, you could save a lot of bullets by just icing the (((producers))) and company owners. Tell the truth next time, you just want to annihalte millions. That is ok, just be real.
truly a tragedy both her and hanna hayes could've been wife material and bred beautiful white children