What is the pol opinion of Pentecostalism.
What is the pol opinion of Pentecostalism
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Snake handlers, by another name.
Unless you've got apostolic succession, it's heresy.
Honestly? I don't understand it
Not a fan.
Pretty sure thats old. Most around today in the South just tend to eat a lot of food at 5th Sunday Sings. If they aren't at church, they are at Cracker Barrel or the Range arguing with Baptists.
The entire point of the git of tongues was to be understood. If people can't understand the gibberish you're spouting you're getting it wrong.
We don't do that at our church or any I know of.
why is this girl always depicted as being strung out? is she a meth head?
Why are you posting a picture of little girls? There are kids at every other church.
Deluded nonsense
Become independent Baptist
She's too pure for this world she's forced to inhabit. You can see it causes her some tension, but in the end she sees the truth.
>little girls
They seem ready for marriage to me.
Pentecostal's deny the trinity with "Modalism". There is only Southern Baptist if you are looking for a scripure based Christian church.
I understand it. Been going to different churches every Sunday, checking them out. Most teach members God will help you with finances and health. Pentecostals have a unique take on it
You pray to God for money to pay off thousand in debt. You find a dollar on the ground. God answered your prayer but it wasn't what you wanted.
The pastor asks all members to write down all finances so they know exactly how much money they have, how much they spend, and how much they need. He then asked us to fold up the papers and pray while holding them. Also says we cannot give money to church until we know where we are in finances.
>ask, and ye shall receive
God cannot help you worth your finances unless you know what to ask.
>Faith healing
Methodists and Catholics have "prayer request" lists. It's where sick or injured members of the church have their name printed on a pamphlet with a request for prayer from fellow members for healing.
Pentecostals reject that. They think that having members glance at a paper and briefly pray for other people to be healed doesn't work. Pentecostals believe that you have to single out someone, place him on the alter, have the whole church gather and pray as a pastor anoints the sick with oil. The point being, God cannot heal unless you try to be specific in your prayers about what he's healing.
Almost all Pentecostals still listen to doctors.
You praise God in a language only he knows. The tongue is placed in your mouth by the Holy Spirit. That ration being that this word of praise is a type of praising that no human language can attain.
All 3 practices are basically just a way that one can be direct and specific with God. Pentecostals do not believe other denominations to be less than them, many of them are in marriages with people of other faiths.
I understand it. I understand why most people think they're cultish. But Pentecostals are pretty rational, normal people really.
A little old desu...
If they anti-kike they're good by me.
They're probably married already at that point.
Is that the "hand clapping" church?
They're weird, but at least they're not violent like Muslims or the Amish.