> Woman scams her way into power
> 1 year later freedom of speech is dead
Just... just fuck my shit up already.
Im fucking DONE
> Woman scams her way into power
> 1 year later freedom of speech is dead
Just... just fuck my shit up already.
Im fucking DONE
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Get used to it hobbitboy.
What funky new law did she help pass?
Is this from your meme country? A few details might help the other 99.999% of us.
She's a neoliberal, not a commie.
Also, this is what you get for playing nice with corporate jews.
Don't worry, I'll be voting her out, and 46% of the country will be again, plus the few more who got scammed into voting for her.
Also, reminder that a lot of NZF voted for them expecting a national coalition. Now they know the game and will go the other way. Unfortuantely, even if I was a labour supporter, I'd have to acknowledge their loss is inevitible. They've done nothing substantive politically, the few things they have done have largely been SJW ideology which pushed the mainstream, which is most of NZ, that doesn't care for that crap away. The entire country isn't k road or cuba street, it's normal places like Dunedin, Hastings, Hamilton and Napier, Palmerston, rural areas and so on.
What an amazing thread!
>This woman did this and this
>I’m assuming everyone knows this woman
No. We don’t know this bitch.
Next time write an explanation with your thread you 3rd world chink nigger fucker!
take your pick, seriously this is like a global shock and awe operation right now
>Im fucking DONE
are you really done yet
> comes to pol daily
> doesnt know anything about the world
I can't post what I want to say because the spamfilters are stopping it for some reason but I finally get why /basedwhitelady/ was complaining about tittyfeeding office.
Are you guys really screwed? I liked New Zealand it's IRL Middle Earth and has alot of really nice hills to ride.
Where the fuck is Winnie? I thought he was supposed to be a moderating force, why isnt he threatening Jacinda's coalition over this?
Fucking fix it. Start by repealing equal rights laws.
>Middle Earth now taken over by Jeff Bezos
>our 'wellywood' taken over by taika hate the waiti
>media entirely leftist
>government believes gender pay myth
>minister for women
>none for mens issues
We won't allow it. I won't. I'm not above protesting or 'hur durr I don't respect minorities because I believe one non-left political opinion.
Most people voted national. Before that it was over 50%, and they still got 46% with a retarded leader. They will win it back.
>I thought he was supposed to be a moderating force,
I can't see how people could ever trust him after 3 different times in government
dear kiwi,
nobody actually cares about your irrelevant island
especially not americans, considering your country has less population than one of our medium sized states, and less population than a single of our cities
I miss the days of being this lightly oppressed. Our government literally arrested her and deported her, she's now banned from the country. You aint seen nothing yet.
>Jeff Bezos is literally Sauron
>Government believes gender pay myth
Oh fuck lmfao I'm so sorry user. I hope you guys take control and get your shit together I always saw y'all as a step above Australia.
>nobody actually cares
yet spends the times to enter these threads
Helen Clark was just the same socialist in a different jacket.
Lived in NZ for 14 years saw it crumble
Accept billions of US dollars for spy bases and god knows what else.
Ruin the housing market.
All the best stuff is being send to the other side of the world to be sold at dumping prices, the locals get the rubbish for top dollar.
Farmers are forced by banks to never pay anything off and keep buying bigger so they dont pay tax, i dont need to explain why this is bad in a market where the Chinese will bail out any property
pretty much, NZ'ers are a weird mix of blue/redpill
Most people are bluepilled because we are a quiet backwater country which doesnt have riots over every issue.
Many people are still under the impression that the left is just looking out for minorities (but dont raise our taxes)
They havent been confronted with the ugly truth that no, leftists dont want equal rights, they want total control over society and all its aspects
NZers are also somewhat redpilled because we hate pretentious faggotry by default, and we hate paying taxes because the government will squander them
> lol im a pirate
Is there any upset at your pussypower leftist government or is the population still eyes wide shut?
What's freedom of speech like over there? On a discord I participate in some NZfag said to another burger "You don't even know what freedom of speech means"
This post was written by a 50 plus Q follower. Doesn't understand the first thing about the internet: if you don't know something or someone, you look it up. Tip: she's an actress.
Wow okay fuck you OP you sheepfucker
a lot of people just cant wait to vote them out again, NZ'ers (especially NZ first voters) feel ripped off by the election outcome but it hasnt boiled over into some ongong REEEE like the states.
Its really a weird mix depending on the particular issue. I think the lefties are taking the lead from the US trends in talking points and shutting it down.
The right wing isnt really comparable, our right wing is more boomers and young men who hate bludgers.
There really isnt much noise in terms of racial issues here. The Maoris have comfortably taken their place at the bottom and people are happy to buy weed from them. Chinese and Currys run most small shops and they dont cause trouble on a daily basis.
Freedom of speech has been assumed to exist forever as long as it isnt accompanied by physical harassment or threats of harm, or outright literal Nazism. Up until recently this sort of shutting it down was unthinkable.
But she's banning plastic bags bro
Shut the fuck up seppo, only we are allowed to bully NZ.
Keep encouraging her to drive up tensions between Australia and NZ so that we finally have reason to annex you and unfuck your shit.
Even Winnie has been a disappointment.
>Even Winnie has been a disappointment.
only to people to young to remember him last time in government
>But she's banning plastic bags bro
Yeah, they will institute some kind of system where you have to by a bag made of flax or recycled seaweed to carry your groceries in and if you commit the crime of using a plastic bag they'll fine you and probably have bag inspectors in the parking lots of New World and Countdown along with the parking inspectors and cops trying to ticket you for doing 52km's in a 50km zone.
At this point the best use I can think of for a plastic bag is to put it over my head and fucking suffocate....cunt of a country.
>Keep encouraging her to drive up tensions between Australia and NZ so that we finally have reason to annex you and unfuck your shit.
Fuck off, you can keep your rotten gun laws.
NZ is nowhere near as nanny state as OZ and I've lived in both countries...20 years in Australia.
pipe down Sanchez, white people are trying to talk here
PM was once a hot blonde
Its fake. Also strangely ive heard from other kiwis that for some reason a lot of white kiwis have lower incidences of blonde hair even compared to people in the UK and even neighboring Australia.
>Also strangely ive heard from other kiwis that for some reason a lot of white kiwis have lower incidences of blonde hair even compared to people in the UK and even neighboring Australia.
who can even count know since every damn broad is dying there here blond here
Political views of a woman don't really matter, whatever they are the woman in power always means more state and less personal liberties.
Sounds like bollocks to me.
What I do notice here is a shit ton of people with red hair. Much more than in Australia.
how did she scam her way into power user?
what are the women in NZ like on average? I am going to be spending a few months there starting in September (for work).
Dunedin Invercargill Scottish settlers
The same as women in any former British colony...self entitled, selfish, princesses for the most part.
Oh cool a Safri
It's been a while since I came here, can I ask you somethin?
not all we have had some very anti state female politicians
Nah bro, she's a blonde who blackens her hair
Why the FUCK weren't those protestors last night locked up? Fucking scum, only free speech is allowed for lefty faggots apparently.
tfw was in a discord channel and there was this tranny from invercargill that was a huge slut who "looked" like a girl to her advantage to have sex with lonely young guys.
thats all i know about this very south most city.
lucky they didn't get bashed knowing invercargil
So just like women in California. lovely.
Ok, bottom line...Will this affect the price of Bloomin Onions and Foster's oil cans at Outback Steakhouse?
3 way coalition. Her party only had about a third of the vote, and a bunch of retarded expats voted Green.
Labour shouldn't have stood a chance, but lefties play cheap n' dirty.
We have a lot of Scots, which might explain it.
Nah, she goes to SIT and works in a grocery store when shes free. Has yet to practice her voice and yet says guys hit on her despite her voice because guys there are desperate.
As an American, you're a fucking embarrassment. Ignorant trash such as yourself make all of us look bad. How about you educate yourself before you post on this board, assuming you aren't a non-white subhuman that embraces stupidity naturally.
Anti-state equals anti-white monopoly.
Fat sluts. You better be a chad if you want the skinny ones.
Also there's this weird phenomenon where the fat ones hold all their weight around their mid sections, while having skinny asses/legs.
That's because they all drink way too much.
Lol I bet she's a fuckin' airhead. Dumb blondes always get insecure about the blonde bimbo stereotype.
I second this fuck all the chink nigger haters. As an american i deserve the OP to explain whats going on in his irrelevant nigger country. After an explanation is made then maybe american approval and interest will be do until then all I see is boomer tier posting
>what are the women in NZ like on average?
generally seen as ugly by foreigners (altho they seem "normal" to me having grown up here). Enormous egos and entitlement complexes due to living in a country with so many chads (NZ).
>Also there's this weird phenomenon where the fat ones hold all their weight around their mid sections, while having skinny asses/legs.
anglo genetics produce awful women. I have never got laid with a full anglo girl before, because they DEMAND chads
>probably an aussie
>As a 56% mudman brainlet, I deserve to have everything spoonfed to me like the drooling retard I am
Time to get back to work, neets.
Nice projecting there paco. Go back to your country
>He knows who's in charge of an Anglosphere nation
>Must be Mexican
Niggers, everybody.
it says her partner last name is gayford
oh god.
He's the housewife looking after the baby while wifey goes off to run the nation
Sqinty eyes
Sloping forehead
Receeding chin
Chinkjew confirmed. Its over lads
So black Irish
Ginger Irish
Yeah you is fucked.
Irish will always betray the Saxon and vote for left wing bullshit. It is genetic.
Out juden, VEY
Yout cucked populace voted for her.
From spic to Jew so quickly? Kikes want our people ignorant, not educated. You cut a sorry example for our people. Consider suicide because you will undoubtedly be stupid forever, you're too far gone at this point to be saved.
Man she got used up quick, is she a victim of molestation of something?
not even married, the degenerates.
Face of meth or deepfake face
she will bring her pets...
Oh yeah that figures. She's a modern woman, she doesn't need a ring on her finger...girl power.
All this hate of those two just gives them more exposure
They can't win
I've been to California, the women in NZ are a little like that but much uglier. The Cali girls have far more right to be stuck up cunts than the girls here
>very anti state female politicians
are they all autistic dykes?
kek dude. Would you say NZ women are the ugliest out of any place you've been to?
>TFW no mommy PM.
Looks like a terminal case of horse face
.... when he didn't know it was about your irrelevant island...
it's not cheap n dirty; they won according to the constitutional election process which was legislated, arguably, by moderate leftists in the first place.
>Middle Earth now taken over by Jeff Bezos
internet search for "jeff bezos nz" or "jeff bezos new zealand" doesn't bring up anything
lol what exactly has she done other than talk about her pregnancy and how women can have it all? literally a meme prime minister
>so that we finally have reason to annex you and unfuck your shit.
Australia is more pozz'd you faggot
just imagine: someone fucked that ... more than once
fuckin burgers "ohh any country that hasn't got 300+ million people is irrelevant and we should mock them lmaolmaolmaolmao" fuck off you stupid fucking mutt.
just overthrow the govt bro
>Just... just fuck my shit up already. Im fucking DONE
You JUSTED too bro?