Can someone please remind me again of this faggot’s home address?
Can someone please remind me again of this faggot’s home address?
Other urls found in this thread:
Wish I had it. I wouldn't mind getting his autograph.
I dont know, I would like to know as well. He sucker punched a guy with a blunt object, not a dildo, something with a pointed edge. Day of retribution is upon us.
I thought pol doxxed him. Thought you would have the answers.
I've been trying to persuade people to start a petition to file federal civil rights, RICO, terrorism, etc. charges against him. I don't feel like I have the writing skill to do it properly, and don't want to catch a bunch of shit. Can't the original autists get involved here? It's their case
42 wallaby way sydney
goddamn it
if the justice department can make a civil rights case out of the new black panther party harassing people who are trying to vote then they can make a case out of antifa trying to kill us for exercising our rights
It's on your driver's license.
he works at berkley.. just hand around there and follow the faggot
oh he works AT berkeley? OH! well then just go to at berkeley and VOILA!
Eric "the rat" Clapton won't get away with his betrayal. You can wiggle your way out of punishment with the nazis but not with us.
Gay lefty Bavayan here.
Looks like this thread violates Jow Forums rules and I have taken the necessary steps. Whoopsie :^)
Double check but here:
His newest alias FB profile
Shit, forgot link:
Source? It's a good sign ours corroborate.
Not sure who Andrew is or why they are associated but theres Clintons bullshit facebook profile. I believe the location to be fraudulent too but it never hurts to check everything and everyone
hasn't been used since Feb 2017
You ain't gonna do shit, you bitch ass motherfucker.
I support Clanton. He bashed some gay ass right-winger in the head, ALLEGEDLY, and he paid his dues according to the legal system.
Bitch, what's the problem?
Just like Jamal violates your wife, Germ.
So then what's the problem?
show your flag leaf
With the OP posting this, to clarify.
Clanton allegedly hit someone in the head, he went through the legal system.
Why you guys still talking about him?
Why can't we?
we're gonna get jeff sessions on your ass punk
precedent has been set: it's legal to smash clantons head with a bike lock in california
Would you post anything publicly in his position? I'm not saying it's his only profile or his main 1 but Jow Forums never found that 1 the first go around and it's under an alias with his close friends and family added so it's the best we've got for now. By all means, dig deeper. Misfortune going his way would amuse me greatly.
Pic related is his parents house.
keep up the great work, double check everything
theyre the ones who (failed to) raise this subhuman
that's not how it works dude
in the same county, based stickman is about to go on trial for carrying a leaded pipe (it was wooden)
this guy split someone's head open and gets off scott free
the only "precedent" that was set here is that the prosecutor is corrupt as fuck
it was posted in another thread, hes been using an alias lately and probably living at his parents home. we should really be forwarding this to the FBI and pressuring FEDERAL DOJ to bring charges
also do pic related
We want him in jail. Pol will be there when he violates his probation.
Yeah you won't get serious time either. I mean, he did it and he's perfectly fine. Use a hammer-tacker though to be sure there's no trouble. Equal or lesser value folks.
666 Pedo Lane
Faggot California
he doesn't have a probation officer or anything. he doesn't have to check in or get drug tested. He only gets in trouble if he gets into separate legal trouble in the next three years. He's basically a free man
>probably living at his parents home.
Just in case you're right, here's his mothers place.
>the only "precedent" that was set here is that the prosecutor is corrupt as fuck
it might actually be better in the long run that justice was violated so clearly in this case
nothing exposes the corruption of the left better
look at how badly this is exposing the left and galvanizing the right
It sucks we have to resort to this. I love me mom. But we must do what needs to be done. Justice simply was not served. Cuz California.
have you posted all of this info on inf chan already?
8ch dot net/pol/res/11979722.html
>"Wahhhh. Someone who went through the legal system didn't get a stiff enough sentence!"
Uh dude, there are always niggers like you. Especially when it's the family of the person who was wrong. "Muh baby din't deserve dat shit, he dindu nuffin."
You're just like one of those black women throwing a nigger tantrum in the courtroom.
Clanton allegedly committed a crime, he went through the legal system, shut the fuck up about it.
No answer on the land line, just kept ringing
Bakersfield doesn't make any sense. He's likely still in the Bay Area.
Stop saying allegedly you fucking alleged faggot
>wahhh wahh the big ebil scary nazis wont listen to me and keep doing what they want to do
Wireless is a commercial cleaning service. Wat?
>niggers like you
I'm a snownigger and find your racist views discusting. Clanton will be sentenced, be it in court or out of court.
that's a good point. And getting Trump to step in here wouldn't undermine that exposure at all. It would just even further vindicate us
we should get some people on tweeting it to him now
also T_D would be willing to help they had multiple threads on clanton on their front page over this
I heard the name in pic related. What does this have to do with clanton?
Ooh yesss my muscles are getting bigger ooooh
Go back to T_D and tell them. While you're there you can fucking stay there, faggot.
yooo, anyone else think the judge might have known exactly what he was doing when he handed out the sentence? This guy is fucked now. Like I'd rather be in jail.
I have to say allegedly, he pleaded no contest. That means he didn't admit guilt but he didn't offer a defense either.
We don't know whether he committed the crime, or if he pleaded no contest just to move on with his life. Innocent until proven guilty.
All you bitch ass motherfuckers whining about Clanton should shut the FUCK UP. You're just like liberals whining about Zimmerman. "Wahhh the legal system wasn't stiff enough."
And who are you to say that? You have no formal training in law. You faggots on here should quit running your fucking mouths.
Post pics of body and bitcoin wallet,ypull be rewarded
why wouldnt you want to press them into service to get trump to tweet something about clanton
Nice memeflag clanton
Zimmerman wasn't caught red handed on camera. This isnt some SJW shit. Jow Forums invested a lot of time and effort into seeing that psycho brought to justice. This is personal.
>tfw an user links your bitchute vid, your favorite Moonman song
This dude got 3 years probation only!?! Are you fucking kidding me?!! We got niggas going to jail for three years for weed and this fuck gets off bashing three people in the head?!?! WTF?!
fuck off faggot, is based
good idea bro. i don't have a plebbit tho
Fuck the moralfags, that's a legitimate target. (Relax glowniggers, it needs to be TP'ed)
Rise up my melanin enriched brothers
Find and despawn this motherfucker as a message to antifa. Fuck this bullshit. One of us woulda got 15-20 years.
It looks like Nancy O'Malley was the DA who let him off:
because of your upload i was still able to get my dose of RWDS many times
cant thank you enough
at least take this meme
The fact that Clanton's victim isn't taking justice into his own hands proves that he retroactively deserved a bike lock to the skull for being such a cuck. I'm glad Clanton is free and I hope he bashes another cuck's skull in as soon as he gets the chance. Clanton is just separating the wheat from the tares. He's literally doing God's work.
There's plenty of rope to go around, don't worry
We won't ever shut up about you Clanton
no prob user. i'm about to upload some more Moonman and Adolf Vids now that i'm thinking about it.
this, they raised and funded this subhuman, a ton of the blame lies with his absolutely useless and enabling parents
can't wait till she has to hand over her case file to DOJ prosecutors!
Where are the victims in this? They need to sue the fucking shit out him! He should lose his house his car and all his jobs. Shit his parents should lose their house to.
Thanks to social media I think we can ID him fairly easy. He's getting a wedgie at the very least if I see him around. Worse if it's in the dark.
People like you should be slaughtered
any chance you can mirror this for the comedic value:
don't know how to mirror (i'm retarded slightly) but i can download it and reupload it after i post my Moonman albums
Call his phone and call him a nigger
Costing the 'rents money and agitating them is the least they deserve. Someone should deliver a dog shit pizza.