Posted this before but it needs re-posting probably needs to be re-posted everyday
The true cause of the leftist/ANTIFA/SJW bullshit. It's all sexual in nature, it's literally driven by sexual fetishes. Here's how it works
The SJW movement is driven by women, it started with women and women are at the core of the movement. These women are into extreme BDSM degrading sex where they get pissed on/spat on/anally fucked by multiple men and called slut/whore/bitch/skank you name it. Most of these women have also been sexually abused or molested at some point and liked it so much the only way they can get moist anymore is by having this extreme rape like humiliating sex. Either this OR they had some alpha male chad sociopath boyfriend who gave them a daily beating and a daily dose of the dick against their will
>Solanas said that she regularly suffered sexual abuse at the hands of her father.[9] >In 1953, she gave birth to a son, fathered by a married sailor.[12]
You'll also notice if you visit EFUKT on the regular a lot of the girls who do the most fucked up porn (facial abuse) are womyns studies and gender studies grrrrrrl power types who like to get throat fucked and give rim jobs to 40 year old men who like to laugh in their faces about their feminist ideas and then cum down their throats. See
>As of 2014, Knox is pursuing a major in women’s studies and sociology and has expressed interest in becoming a women’s rights activist, and civil rights lawyer.[15][46]
Most of these girls are also cutters and had eating disorders and body dysphoria when they were younger, Belle Knox has cutting scars. They have these scars because they suffer from low-self esteem related to getting daddys fat cock right up the poop chute when younger. A lot of the SJW on tumblr and reddit are like this too, they're the same girls who back in the 2000s were the emo 2sensitive4u cutter types who had every disorder in the book and who were more than willing to talk to you about their 17 suicide attempts and how uncle bill gave them the dick when they were 9. I know this because I used to go on tumblr type in "hotmail" or "skype" and add these bitches and troll them with my friends for shits n giggles. These girls have now grown up and become todays SJW/leftist/commie types.
Angel Wood
The sexual element is these women are in a double bind, on a conscious level they feel weak and shitty and are attracted to GRRLLLL power feminist and FUCK WHITE MEN because of emotional reasons not logical reasons, they hate men and in particular white men because they see white men as the same type of man who used and abused them and the SJW ideas make them feel like big strong girls. Conversely though the vagina doesn't lie and their subconscious has been imprinted with rapey sex and therefore only the most fucked up rape like sex can get them off. So it goes like this
>Get used and abused sexually > become depressed cutter, body dysphoria lunatic > see grill power ideology >join it to overcome mental issues > can still only get off from being used and abused sexually
That's why these women go on about rape culture because they want to feel like everyone wants to rape them and they're so hot and fuckable and they can't wait to be raped, I even hear girls say "you're going to get raped" as a compliment because "they're so hot". It's how they get off sexually, they want to be raped and thinking that it could happen at any moment gets them off. Imagine if you thought you lived in a hot girls threesome culture where at any moment a bunch of hot girls would demand threesomes from you, you'd be constantly hard and ready to go. It's also why they want immigrants they know immigrants will rape them and they like it, they want the immigrants to rape them just like daddy did. I've also seen videos of SJW types fucking dogs/horses etc because the animalistic fucking style of animals who don't care about consent gets them off.
Landon Torres
Now let's talk about nu-males, nu-males are the same they like degrading humiliating extreme femdom sex too. This is because they were raised by man-hating single mothers who taught them all men are horrible and evil, they had domineering shitty mothers who took all their hatred towards their absent husbands out on their sons turning them into nu-males who can only get off on being abused by women. One of the ANTIFA guys who assaulted another member at a protest likes to get cuckolded and do toilet slavery videos in underground femdom videos. A lot of these nu-males like to get fucked by strap ons and suck cock while getting laughed at, because they had slutty shitty single mothers who ranted about how awful all men are while going through multiple boyfriends and these nu-males had to listen to mommy fucking the latest boyfriend late at night. They're literally cucks in every sense of the word who can only get off on being treated like shit, they too were sexually imprinted at a young age to like getting abused by women.
The reason all this is important is because arguing with nu-males or SJW sluts is stupid, it's all based on their sexuality and sexual experiences. The whole thing is one huge network of mental illness and fucked up sexual fetishes, it's also why so many gays are in SJW circles because they got their little pee pees diddled when they were 10 and they became faggots
Jose Parker
>In research with 942 nonclinical adult participants, gay men and lesbian women reported a significantly higher rate of childhood molestation than did heterosexual men and women. >
Keep in mind faggots are also more likely to be pedophile kiddie fuckers, most of the abused children from the catholic church were little boys who had to kneel and pray to god while the priest had his holy cock in their mouth. Most child abusers are men and most of those abused are little boys who grow up to be faggots too. This is the breeding cycle of the faggot. Whenever you see a faggot just remember he probably had a cock shoved up his ass when he was a little kid and he's about to go do it to some other kid right now. I'm going to fuck your little boy asshole like mine got fucked and turn you into a faggot like me.
This is all important information and keep it in mind next time you see some commie SJW faggot. Their entire political movement is nothing but a mix of fucked up mental illnesses and sexual fetishes caused by childhood sexual abuse. There is nothing political, philosophical or intellectual going on here. It's all just a big fucking network of AIDs, mental problems and fucked up sexuality that has a little sprinkle of EQUALITY on top. It's why their entire political movement is about power, because they had their power stolen when they were 4 and got fucked in the asshole so now they want it back and the white man is going to give it to them.
Aiden Smith
go back to MGOTW please
Alexander Wood
You read none of my post, you are an idiot a dumb ass and a pathetic loser. And you don't have the right loicence to be any of those things so fuck off nigel pretty sure achmed and muhammad are gang banging your mum right now, you don't want to miss it you need something to jerk off to since you didn't get your porn loicence either. Dickhead
yes just wanted to make sure you sounded upset there
Jaxon Gutierrez
Your observations are correct but your diagnosis isn't. The root cause of this is in general a cluster B personalty disorder caused by childhood trauma and neglect. These disorders are characterized by an inability or unwillingness to truly love others, among many other things. The inability to love in turn reduces all relationships to power struggles, hence the depraved sex, which is psychologically about control and power over the other, but also as you mention, about hatred of the self.
We gotta a angry hormonal teen on our hands. Run for your lives people.
Brandon James
q Predicted this
Landon Gonzalez
I have a degree in psychology and I hang around fetish sites like fetlife and I'm a chaturbate model with 1k+ fans who are mostly faggot men. I know this group better than anyone on this board. All the RIGHT VS LEFT is all bullshit. It's just mental illnesses.
I didn't have any of that growing up, and I like being degraded by women and strap-ons (not cuckolding tho)
and I'm definitely more right than left, hate sjw bullshit with a passion.
guess i broke that stupid ass mold
John Harris
Am I getting shill spam? First time for me
Nicholas Taylor
While there may be some organic causality inspiring the SJW/Antifa civic bowel movements in individual adherents, these deconstructionist shitstorms would not exist without the (((laxatives)))
Oliver Rivera
An exception doesn't break the rule, the world isn't black and white son
Brandon Williams
>guess i broke that stupid ass mold
you're right, you should kill yourself
Justin Campbell
Andrew King
this makes a lot of sense and the way you articulate it makes it a lot easier for me to understand. where did this all start? what is the root cause of this fuckery? Breaking up the nuclear family?
Landon Thompson
It's actually a spiritual problem at the deepest level. And the nu-males and homos you mention are often some kind of narcissist (another cluster B type), but you already know that.
add to my first comment, removal of god really is not helping our situation here folks what will we do
Jaxson Morgan
No, but lurk moar, faggot
Jeremiah White
When women got rights, that's when it started. The second women got rights they immediately protested for things like no fault divorce which broke apart the nuclear family. In conjunction with this the jewish lobby made a demonic alliance with the womens rights movement. After this it was just single mother families, predatory faggot pedophiles and female hypergamy that broke everything down to this point.
Oliver Lewis
They are all narcissists, most normies are narcissists we are on planet narc.
Henry Jenkins
The problem is multifaceted but, yes, the attacks on the family have not helped at all and are likely central.
Ryder Reyes
I read that women originally didn't want rights. Is that true? Something about not wanting the shit that goes with it? I assume it was the merchants who sold the idea of womanized freedom after the slid it through the states.....
Jayden Stewart
They didn't actually want rights, it was a shit test to see how much they could manipulate men to get what they want. This is why today they're STILL asking for shit and it's getting more and more stupid over time. It's just a shit test we keep failing because we assume women are actual people.
People don't like the artist in your first pic so much that it's become a meme. Never start or make a serious response to any serious topic with shadman. It's an auto derail. So much so that even the kike shills use it sparingly. For what it's worth I thought it was an interesting blog if nothing else.
Good post OP. I heard a lot of people say that the extra feminist women are into some of the most fucked up shit, getting dominated, stuff like that. And a lot of the nu-males completely lack self respect and let women walk all over them. I'm personally into LFD myself but I'm pretty vanilla compared to these lunatic leftists.
James Ward
>Fathers of the modern females ruined them So, dare I say, it's boomer's fault?
I would say there's truthg to what you're saying. But then there are also the people who start off completely normal and go to college and come out completely insane, and I would say most people fall into this category, but their leaders and most dominant members are definitely fall into your category. This is a very Freudian idea. Jow Forums doesn't particularly like him because he was a Jew and based most of ideas on theories and not actual evidence.
>I would say there's truthg to what you're saying. But then there are also the people who start off completely normal and go to college and come out completely insane, and I would say most people fall into this category,
No these people were fucked long before college, they are what made the colleges insane
Michael Turner
just connect the dots my man why would anarchists/communist theorist vouch for pedophilia and gay shit? why would sexual freedom be a tenant of the left? why break homes and create misaligned children? because that's the most effective way to create leftist drones, and now, because you know that they had fucked up childhoods, you know you can pity them, but not reason with them because they are essentially like a broken recorder that is just playing out its conditioned brain over and over again in some sort of madness fostered by their environment
Ian Perry
Yes just mental illness. It's just that these people tend to be associated with the left. It's not the left that made them this way. They made the left this way becaise they have mental issues.
Brandon Parker
makes sense since women 90% of the time do not know what they want. proof of this is how long a woman takes to prepare to go out, they take all that time to select the "best" clothes from a whole lot of choices but still feel they picked the wrong clothes when they exit out the door.
Grayson Hall
Degredation. Unholyness. Getting off on doing something you shouldn't. Something rare. Special.
okay, but it has to be something more specific. the guy also has a tattoo on his back "mandy" the name of his mistress who shat in his mouth. this is the guy that punched richard spencer
Colton Ward
I mean what did women do with their liberation. Walk into your average office workspace and the women are spending more time on snapchat and instagram than working they take 2 hour breaks to go do their make up in the bathroom and gossip and they spend most of their time take selfies of themselves in high heels dressed like sluts. They didn't want to be where men are they don't care about equal pay or a glass ceiling they just want to see how far they can push men from where they want to be. Give them an inch and then they'll check to see if they can take a mile and before you know it you're 100 miles from where you once were and 200 from where you wanted to be.
>People don't like the artist Yet half of Jow Forums is happy to fap to it. Shad is one of the better degenerates we have, he scares normies.
Zachary Flores
Incorrect. I'm a sexual deviant but I don't fall for all that SJW shit. It's literally just frontal lobe damage that impairs the critical thinking process in people, and drinking thot piss in municipal water supplies and onions damages their T levels so they end up acting feminine; and femininity is what leads to the alt-left. And women are naturally socialist in nature as it's core principles appeals to their very nature.
>a daily dose of the dick against their will >muh dik Sounds like pussy worship to me
Elijah Davis
i recognise that bulge
Jace Taylor
>I hang around fetish sites like fetlife and I'm a chaturbate model with 1k+ fans who are mostly faggot men. I know this group better than anyone on this board.
SJW mentality was created by Jews who are manipulating popular opinion by making victimhood about identity instead of facts. This way they can trick people into thinking they are "fighting for equality" while literally doing exactly the opposite.
Women are just easier to fool and thus more likely to fall for the SJW mind virus scam. This isn't because women are to blame. It's because they are simply more susceptible to emotional arguments. If they have a strong man in their lives to set them straight it very quickly becomes no longer a problem for them.
Evan Torres
Yup must be that high IQ truth to power content you have been putting into the thread. Your right over the target user keep posting !!
Nolan Carter
The more I learn about the female the more your theory makes sence. We were talking with a young lady at work who seemed respectable. Turns out she’s a degenerate sex addict, literally would fuck any guy who says hi to her told us she’s had been fucked 10 times in one day. Has no shame at all about being a filthy whore. Here’s the best part, she has an std is might be dying! Kek
Adrian Morris
read Industrial Society and Its Future, It says something very similar about leftism
Jaxon Ross
Men here are very impractical. They think I wouldn't care about raising my income as if we lived in a world it didn't matter. Both the alt right and the alt left seem too impractical to me. Like they want me to drop real life for the sake or their idealism.
Cooper Campbell
But I do want that and I refuse to be punished for other people's actions. Why should my financial life be forever ruined because of your theories?
The evidence seems to point to early childhood trauma greatly inhibiting the development of empathy. Once empathy is stunted there can be no deep or meaningful connection with other humans because you simply cannot relate to what they're feeling.
As you say, this turns all relationships into a power struggle and a cost/benefit calculation, association takes place largely due to what they can get from another person and if they can control them. That's why there so much virtue signaling on the left but almost none on the right, because when you have to pretend to care for others you can't just mimic caring, you have to make some grand public statement about how much you care, you have to proclaim it, you can't just live it and embody it.
If you care at all about your kids being healthy then watch molymemes videos on peaceful parenting, the fastest way to destroy mirror neuron growth and stunt empathy is to introduce stress into the childs life before the ages of 5-6, if you don't manage these years correctly then the child is fucked for life, you can't establish this stuff later on, you either have it by 5 or you'll never get it. Same with proper socialization, check out Petersons advice on the socialization of children, same problem.
Liam Price
Psychological projection.
Wyatt Ward
There was a large counter movement to the suffragettes, I'm fairly sure it was larger, and it was extremely critical of their methods as they'd use arson to burn down buildings and all sorts of stupid shit.
Since women got the vote the political landscape has dramatically changed and womens happiness has been in steady decline, while simultaneously their freedoms and rights have done nothing but rapidly increase.
The only possible conclusion I can come to is that women do not know what is good for them. Which is mirrored perfectly by a common stance on Jow Forums which is that women are basically not adults, they're just children.
There's a lack of maturation there, where as men go through this harsh period of maturation, because we have to work and support ourselves and our families. There's no such burden on women, they get jobs sometimes but it's not that they need it, it's just they think it empowers them until they realize actually they can get a man to do that for them.
Women don't have those same responsibilities so they ought not have the same rights, but men gave them the rights without the reciprocal responsibilities,and now we're in this mess.
Don't bother me too much though, men have always been stoic and alone throughout our entire genetic history, so just walking away from this disaster isn't really a big deal to me.
Dominic Kelly
>is that women are basically not adults, they're just children.
Notice how feminists whine and act like 7 year olds? Its almost like they are begging for men to stand up and take their rights away be the the father that their weak ass dad never was. Feminism I am convinced is a shit test and the more people cave into it by giving Feminists what they want the more they will keep going and be more rediculous until men get mad and tell them what to do.
Austin Rogers
>This isn't because women are to blame. It's because they are simply more susceptible to emotional arguments.
This is true and beta men follow trying to get good boy points in order to have sex but they are just useful idiots.
Caleb Nguyen
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