All lives matter

All lives matter.

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Where can I find a bull like that to fuck my wife?

No lives matter

stick any limousine liberal in a ghetto neighborhood for 3 months and they will change their tune

how the fuck these niggas get so jacked if theyre supposed to be starving?

Nigs being nogs user

>man who is jealous of anyone with a jaw

Chimpanzees are such incredible creatures. Thank you for sharing this beautiful wildlife photo.

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Where can I find a bull like that to fuck me?


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Open your window and look outside.

>Open your window and look outside.

You too

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Not a single one.

just look at his skull LMAO

They take the food the starving kids are supposed to be getting.

First thing I thought too..of course he's flexing and doesn't actually have as much pure muscle as an actual body builder, but if you have a naturally large frame and low body fat from surviving on a cup of rice every day, you'll look better than most try hard lifters despite never seeing the inside of a gym. red pill

If that life matters then no life matters.

The idea theyre all starving is a myth to jew you out of shekels. They film a few videos of tribesmen out in the barrens and make you think all of africa is like that to take your money.

In reality in most places int africa they probably eat a better diet than americans at this point.

Great memes


yooooooo nigga my dogggg u got me crying!!!!



Sandeli came home to find Bishembe on the straw mat with his brother, M'beke.
Bishembe claimed that she slipped due to a powerful hex placed on her, and that M'beke was merely trying to check her abdominal pulse.
However, growing suspicious of M'beke's story, Sandeli accuses Bishembe of being a witch priestess who has ensnared his brother and stolen vital life essence from his loins. Sandeli vows to his brother that he will return his life essence as he begins to beat the evil spirits out of Bishembe.

Source: Associated Press

White lives matter more right now because we are a global minority despite popular belief.

Nuke enough nogs to balance out the numbers, and I'll say all lives matter equally.

where can I find a bull like that to breed a dozen black angus heifers?

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They do have basic gyms or at least outdoor weight sets that people can use over there and the UN ensures that they're well fed. Tyrone's been lifting, he looks to be about at the natty limit.

It's from a documentary from a prison in Uganda. Shows cases of rape.
The one who is there without shirt rapes the other one that he grabs the shirt.


Pademba road prison in sierra leone

Basically an overcrowded niggerhole.


That sounds really scary

In awe at the skull of this lad. Absolute primate


what causes them to look like literal apes? they are human/gorilla amalgamations and everyone knows it

> Meat is back on the menu boys

>Uruk-hai vs Morgol rat
>Lurtz vs Snaga orc slave
>”I don’t take orders from Orc maggots”

how can they get food if they cant farm?

especially mine

based and redpilled


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Nigger lives matter more than *Jewish ones.

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i hope this is bait

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No, no, i really don't care about your life.

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nope, just bring the diversity to their neighborhoods
malibu brentwood hollywood needs more diversity