>USA is the most powerful countr-
USA is the most powerful countr-
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lets see your moon flag bitch
France lost to both
Vietnam used Zabb Brannigan strategy
france also lost against vietnam........
show me the won against version
>something that didn't happen
>not knowing that the only reason why we pulled out of Vietnam is because Nixon new is was genocide
there's reflectors on the surface that you can observe anytime you want with a laser faggot
a genocide of who? the US Marine Corps?
Dumb american always lying
France got it's shit pushed in and out their mouth by the Vietnamese. Americans just slaughtered and burned until it got tedious and then left.
This post is incredibly ironic, it seems OP has no idea that both countries in pic related lost wars in Vietnam.
Millions of Vietnamese were killed retard
you know that picture is an article from a satire news website right?
Americans didn't lose militarily, US elite just could not ultimately sell it as a worthwhile war worth sacrifices to the public and anti-war narrative won.
>We didn't lose we just felt bad so we stopped
oh but I'm the retard
At least we where capable of fighting 2 fronts in world war 2 without getting our shit kicked in.
>I was merely predending do be redarded
France lost to the vietnamese just before the americans retard
Blue eyes are always lying and only good for show
Worthless otherwise
this 100% should strike this 1 post by this ID bait down but watch how this thread gets over 300+ posts from boomers
oh yeah
>France got it's shit pushed in and out their mouth by the Vietnamese. Americans just slaughtered and burned until it got tedious and then left.
And who financed their military armement before the indochina war broke out ? the CIA nigger just after you won agaisnt japan , what a surprise.
You did the exact same shit in korea , in afghanistan and then in irak.
>TFW rothschild is now a whole nation of brainlet.
You act like the entire eastern communist block wasnt shitting all of its military arsenal into that gook forest. France was taken because they wanted to be taken, the people welcomed the heroes in the left picture, whereas france today without them is an absolute shithole degenerate country and you should be killed along with the traitors for being such a faggot
I hope you don't actually believe this
France lost to a unified Germany because France wasnt unified. Half of France was Vichy and wanted the Nazi incasion to happen because they wanted to be Nazi themselves.
Btw France lost to Vietnam too. Its kind of a hard battle in the thick jungle when every motherfucker wants to kill you and they dont dress like soldiers and resort to guerilla tactics. The only worthy combatants are ones that follow the rules of war. So basically white people are the best warriors and the most honourable warriors...so there is no shame in losing to white armies.
k/d rate was 200:1
define "lost". we destroyed them in warefare, had the bad thought of civilizing shit people though.
Coming from the German... Keep your mouth shut until your girls stop sucking our soldier's cocks for money.
Although, the surrendered to version would be better.
Yeah i would of been interesting to see a one front war between germany and America. Obviously i and the rest of europe would have been rooting for germany.
Underrated post
The enemy acheieved all political, territorial and military goals. I'd say that counts as losing.
Why is not relevant. Yeah, I know, USA withdrew voluntarily.
Retreating is not the same as winning.
Nice try but there are no shadows on the moon
sunlite, nu shadows; Shut up Delmar
>only counting american deaths
No one would want to fuck a subhuman american haha the only girls you fuck are our slavshit prostitutes
We didn't lose in Vietnam.
NV capitulated.
USA left with a treaty with SV that we'd return if NV re-invaded.
NV re-invaded.
Democrats voted to break our treaty of support.
The blackest stain on our national honor - brought to you by democrats (communists).
SV fell to commies, and like all commie nations, Vietnam collapsed economically.
Funny how you never see the part about democrats voting to break the treaty.
France also lost against the Cong
China too...
We need to recruit the Cong to invade Israel.
There is no wind on moon.
>what is french indochina
There is now wind in Stanley Kubrick's film studio either...
>implying the goal was to destroy all of Vietnam(could have glassed it into oblivion)
>America remained a first world superpower
>Vietnam remained poor rice pickers getting blown up by mines 40 years after the conflict ended
>wont even be considered a developed country til 2020
How will the US ever recover?
Although Vietnam does prove what a motherfucker asymmetric warfare can be especially with ROE tightened around your balls and you have to pick out enemy from non-combatant who blend in perfectly.
so much that needs pointing out
Grammy should have never reunified.
good bait
You cant call WWII a loss for them. Saying they lost implies they fought back. When the Germans rolled in they surrendered with minimal resistence. Which would be fine, since to be fair they were caught off guard. But afterwards their true character came through and they fought FOR the Nazis across the globe. Thats the little dark secret the Frogs dont like to talk about. When the US went into North Africa we put big ass American flags on our uniforms to give the French the chance to surrender/be rescued by us...instead they shot at us, so we killed them.
The french actually fought to the bitter end. Blitzkrieg was just too fast for them.
Marines are kept thin so they don't overweigh the boats.
Did the US ever won a partisan war ?
boy, them Frog boys lost to Vietnam too.
More *Jewish shills talking shit when they have no reason to do so because they're cowards.
>Did the US ever won a partisan war ?
Yes their own civil war. that's the only war they won alone in fact.
Moron, stop replying to this old bait.
Most of europe was like that but when axis were losing they all were like “please america liberate us from those evil nazis“
If they knew the outcome of all this shit today they would have fought with us 100% instead of only tens of thousand from each country
read a book nigger
Still people consider it a loss. Unless communism in Vietnam was what the US wanted.
You stupid Caesarian rape baby surrender monkeys got assraped by both and both times we had to save your worthless Gallic asses.
You mean you came for the glory everytime ?
-1917 , renault ft17 tanks start to roll over the kraut. suddenly americunt are coming.
-1944 while finaly the siege of russia break americunt arrive in europe to debt everyone.
Daily reminder there were more rape in france du to americunt military than under germany occupation.
> Really make you think who are the very kikes.
France also lost against the same people?
>Implying Paris wouldn't have fallen in spring 1918 without the Americans
>Implying French war reparations + antagonism over the Rhineland wasn't a major factor in causing WW2
>Implying the Soviets and Brits wouldn't have collapsed without lend lease
really gets the noggin joggin, doesn't it, Mohammed.
Gr8 Hollywood set m8 r8 8/8
>>Implying Paris wouldn't have fallen in spring 1918 without the Americans
>T amerimutt.
German couldn't pierce annywhere in the marne , neither in verdun neither in aisne. germans troops were over 140km from paris at the time.
And french had a huge superiority on the infrastructure / train / cars and truck / plane.
Somehow they did eventually learn it and applied it in their ww2.
the only very front in ww1 that was a disaster was took by briton in the somme . fortunately the railroad infrastructure was still there to reinforce their position in less than 24 hours.
They went there with their Nazi flying saucers created in Antarctica
Nothing is funnier than Americans defending they're military and country on a keyboard. NOTHING.
is this just some retard samefagging with vpn? How do I see this same shit every week
>forgetting France lost to Algeria too
You’re out of your element son
canada has no history or culture
Aren't you the one who bitched about the butchery it was down there ?
152k algerian death toll vs 26k french death thus including their traitor of algerian brother who colaborated with french.
>muh kdr
then I guess we actually won vietnam, retard
Or tip islands like Guam
>what is asymmetry
poor kraut
Your country is forever branded the monster of the world. Got your shit kicked in twice in 40 years. Now you're being turned into the middle east. I understand why you lash out this way.
America produces some of the most finest blacked pornography in contrast to the other shades of the European sphere. You Germans are a close second though.
Such quality is unheard of in Europe. I know I'm not the only one here with a hard black dick.
French people on average have some degree of African ancestry.Due to indulgence in the African cock holstering competition that France loves so much.
>Company exclusively owned by hardline jewish supremacists does most buissines in (((USA)))
WOW, remarkable
French were fucked up by the Vietnamese before the US were.
The score for anyone not retarded:
French 0:2
US 1:2
The reason America pulled out of Vietnam was because it was a flawed strategy. It was the the first attempt by the US to create a client state in the cold war and they botched it. We came in way too heavy handed and did most of the fighting when it should have been the south Vietnamese doing it with American support. By late in the war when the US tried to switch over to this, South Vietnam was so coddled by the US they couldn't make an effective fighting force. With Congress going blue and pulling the "Lose one replace one" policy it out the final nail in the coffin.
>Implying the Soviets and Brits wouldn't have collapsed without lend lease
We would have fallen, Soviets would have kept going. They won the decisive battles before lend-lease came into any significance (1943).
You're a retard if you're not aware of the Soviet and Chinese support, and that's the real reason Hanoi wasn't bombed or even nuked to ashes
>lets see your moon flag bitch
Flag actually fell over as soon as they left.
France is the country that has been involved in wars the most throughout history. And this is the Empire that has won the most too.
and this is all you need to know
"lost" Look up what really happened. The USA decided to stop sending people there. If we actually wanted to destroy Nam we would have nuked it
Nuking is not fighting but the proof the USA is the root of all degeneracy. You nuked Japan, the most beautiful nation of the Earth with the most beautiful people twice, while they fought with pride and honor.
Japan never bombarded american civilians. Americans bombarded japanese civiliians.
France lost 300.000 men in WW! Like 6 times more than you in vietnam.
Who said they knew how to drive?
they dont even let us post on 2 chan fucking japs
Do not forget the US soldiers who commited suicide after the war.
Even the US soldiers know extermination of civilians is pure evil and were not able to live with this burden.
Americans are not fighters but destroyers. They destroyed Germany, Japan and Vietnam.
Hey. Those Vietnam jungles where tricky to navigate
Was it also tricky to bombard civilians with chemical weapons ?
America crying about degeneracy while they are killing traditionnal families...
>Americans are not fighters but destroyers
American politicans*
clearly the inability to live with civilian slaughter gives the soldiers some sick honor. american politicians deserve no such respect
>unironically believing in the moon landing
That's not valid at all. The yanks actually did some fighting. Need to clear up that discrepancy before we can proceed with our discussion.