Views about Comunism?

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Can't view much from this mass grave.

In the next few years central banks will adopt blockchain technology. This will mean that all aspects of your life will be monitored and manipulated towards consumption. Right now they can only do this by changing interest rates and advertising through songs and media. See Game Theory, Nudging and B F Skinners work to see how far this can really go.

If we dont have a communist alternative (and that does not mean just dusting off your Trotsky books) then we are eternally fucked.

Real faggy nowadays desu

I can view all the food from the breadline

The Capitalism is shit, but the communist is shit too. The Fascism always win.

based and less murderous than capitalism

hah, i remember when i thought people were intelligent enough to be convinced to save themselves

Growth is the new religion. toss out the central banks. Fascism wins.

A very stupid, particularly evil ideology that promises a new utopia but actually just gives you something even worse. Only has any real appeal to losers and niggers.

Also most modern commies are hilariously faggy, feminine and weak, they mostly only pose a threat to themselves.

Not to mention how bizarrely withheld they are from calling out the (((true enemy))) for people who supposedly hate the rich so much.

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A dream too bright and clean to filthy humans to make it real.
It buggered my mind for a while.
And i am born in 1991. I lived my whole life in capitalistic Russia and hell, at least soviets really cared about you. People usually connect modern Russia with a freedom from supposed soviet dictate when in reality it's barely even matters.
I am tax lawyer in, my 25s. I have a girlfriend and i want kids, but the economy will not let me have my own flat, the goverment pretends it's have nothing to do with them and i understand that if i quit my job we all will be fucked.
You know user, it's quite strange to hear from the relatives stories about their trips to the sea and mountains for free in their 20s and realise i can't even buy shoes for my girlfriend while working my ass off 5|2 every fucking week from 9 to 20.

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I think communism is a cancerous ideology and its adherents should have their bowels removed with a rotisserie.

That wasn't the JQ, that was basically talking about what Jews should do next in the coming century. Dumbass

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Stalin and Mao murdered many million. Capitalism killed less than one million.

What a bydlo you are. Jesus.

Lol no, have a read.

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Good Argument, faggot.

Is shit...

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>Jewish Jesuitism, the same practical Jesuitism which Bauer discovers in the Talmud, is the relation of the world of self-interest to the laws governing that world, the chief art of which consists in the cunning circumvention of these laws.

>Since in civil society the real nature of the Jew has been universally realized and secularized, civil society could not convince the Jew of the unreality of his religious nature, which is indeed only the ideal aspect of practical need. Consequently, not only in the Pentateuch and the Talmud, but in present-day society we find the nature of the modern Jew, and not as an abstract nature but as one that is in the highest degree empirical, not merely as a narrowness of the Jew, but as the Jewish narrowness of society.

Seemed pretty redpilled to me

Argument? Bitch please, i can point on allmost any african country post 50s you imbecile.

End goal of human society, blocked by the natural impulses of man. Unsustainable in any country today. National Bolshevism would've been better, but it's just a meme ideology like Anarcho Capitalism at this point. There aren't any proper communists left these days. It's all tainted by edgy larping and college kids, just like National Socialism. Fuck em' though.

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I can point memezuela, and every commie country.

There is a redpill to be had in actually researching what happened in Venezuela. They were finding warehouses full of food that were owned by the elite there. Big companies were intentionally restricting supply to create civil disorder. There is a lot more fuckery to the story

There was way more capitalist countries that went in complete failure than socialiat ones, so when you try to pint out failure of communism you should simultaneously cover your ass in cases where capitalism littreally ruined the world.

Same in 1991 Moscow by the way.

Hello Mr. Shekelberg!

lmao at USA being Stalin´s cockholders this season. liberals are communist agenda and america loves it, meanwhile they refuse all agenda that would support a strong nation or build up economy. It´s a lost cause now watch western values disappear from USA and it becoming next far-left extremist state

Might have been relevant and justified in the 1800s but completely outdated for the modern world.

Communism itself is nothing more than a subversive means to enable Bolshevism. The most evil hate group in existence. It is the most racist and hateful ideology to ever be conceived. It's hatred knows no bounds. It is racial hatred, cultural hatred, religious hatred, economical hatred, social hatred. Normally a hate group has one boogeyman but Bolshevism just hates all the things. It even hates itself possibly even more than it hates everything else. Bolshevism seeks to make the world as ugly as the Bolsheviks perceive themselves to be.

Take heed the warning of 1984. Thesis->Antithesis subversive language is the greatest evil of our time. Critical Theory is the enemy of reason (logic) and the scientific method. Its framework was designed entirely to enable specious debate to further spread of the subversions of Marxism and Communism.

If you support Marxism/Communism/Bolshevism then you support hate. You support racism. You support a hate group even more evil than the Nazis.

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>at least soviets really cared about you.
Exactly the same way пыня cares about you these days.

The opposite actually.

>Big companies were intentionally restricting supply to create civil disorder.
Look, commie, when you start expropriating property, companies stop supplying stuff.
Not to create "civil disorder", but because you fucking expropriate their stuff.

You are just delusional about soviet past.

Requires a certain technological level inorder to be viable. Before that it cannot compete with capitalism. Actually with all this automatization and increasing wealthfare distribution programs we're moving slowly but more steadily towards Utopia Marx dreamed of than communists and socialists are.

Marx argued capitalism is a phase necessary to establish socialism and then communism. Capitalism must take its course and only after it creates more misery than good should it be replaced. At the moment capitalism is still a force for good. Sometime in a distant future we most likely will replace it with something similar to socialism but probably not by its name.

No[e, you're just a stupid pole that act's like he is know shit.

The purest thought of Marxist ideology. Although not the
>> At the moment, capitalism is still a force for good.

Capitalism will build up the necessary infrastructure needed for communism, but during its reign, it will still be evil - only less so than the aristocracy had been before it and so on.

Я-тo кaк paз pyccкий, пpocтo пpoeздoм в пoльшe.
Я вoт ты 25-лeтний пeтyшoк, нacлyшaвшийcя oхyитeльных иcтopий пpo CCCP.
Taких жe, кaкиe бyдy paccкaзывaть пpo peжим пыни нынeшниe мeнты, пpoкypopы и пpoчиe "клaccoвo близкиe" cвoим дeтям.

Communism is a social disease.
It infests a country, forcing it to cannibalize all it accumulated wealth on unsustainable welfare programs to get a temporary high from all the free gibs

When the economy fails, it moves to the next country, promising that this time the "high" from free gibs will never end.

Я-тo кaк paз pyccкий, пpocтo пpoeздoм в пoльшe.
A вoт ты 25-лeтний пeтyшoк, нacлyшaвшийcя oхyитeльных иcтopий пpo CCCP.
Taких жe, кaкиe бyдy paccкaзывaть пpo peжим пыни нынeшниe мeнты, пpoкypopы и пpoчиe "клaccoвo близкиe" cвoим дeтям.

Seems like a lot of liberal arts major word salad to me.

Sorry user, they didn't have pop-up books back then

Their social welfare programs were separate from the private sector. Most of it came from nationalizing the oil industry.

Jow Forums was very effective when the hacktavists were around and a large number of them were leftists... Just saying "fuck off commie" without any critical thinking fucks up this place more than you know

Hy вoт и пpoeзжaй дaльшe кyкapeкaлo)
Пыня шмepть пapтия poдинa!
Убoгий дoлбoeб)

fundamentally more objectively socially stable than national socialism ironically

>but during its reign, it will still be evil

Which might be the reason why there aren't any pure free-market capitalist societies out there. All developed nations practice mixed economy in one way or another. Robber baron Porky capitalist nations haven't really been around in NA or Europe since the end of ww2.

Пopaшeй пoтянyлo. Tы этo, ecли хoчeшь чтoб тeбя вcepьёз вocпpинимaли, выpaжaйcя нopмaльнo.

Market Socialism is better than shitty Stalinism

Banks hate it.

Cлaвь цapькa, пec, нe oтвлeкaйcя.

You must be one of those "fill twenty pages with redundant eight syllable words to convey a poorly conceived and easily debunked idea that wouldn't fill even a page if you wrote it clearly and concisely just so you can bamboozle the professor who doesn't have time to analytically read fifty identical papers over the weekend into giving you an A for being so intellectual" majors.

>the sabbatean jew says bad things about jews
Wtf I love Marxism now

>Views about Comunism?
Idea is good but impossible.

I like eating dumplings that cost less then $5 for that has 20 pieces in it.
So that's "KILL EM ALL" for communism.

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