Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Uncut Vidya Edition

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>English language analysis

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>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>AfD speeches in Bundestag (german)

>Einzelfall map, case log,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

>A f D W A V E


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Other urls found in this thread:ähtoo?f=tweets&vertical=news&src=hash

early bird bump

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Good morning. It's a bit early but I felt like making a thread mentioning that we can finally have uncut Nazi symbolism in our games.

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Guten Morgen, fellow "Germans".

Attached: kek.png (764x223, 27K)

it seems that majority quickly became unused to morning editions.
>finally have uncut Nazi symbolism in our games.
that would be comfy indeed. the paranoia towards swastika and all the "nie wieder" shit is/was shooting through the roof in Germany. as if (((they))) are afraid that simple symbol will trigger Germans to commit holocaust... this time for real :D

It's all so tiresome

>that would be comfy indeed.
That WILL be comfy it's already decided. Unfortunately it wont necessarily be applied retroactively as companies would have to submit their games to USK again, which they probably won't except some AAA titles.

>Reposting from last Thread:
>USK hebt Verbot für Hakenkreuze in Videospielen auf

Attached: usk-nazi-symbole-south-park.jpg (625x327, 34K)

wow, you are finally free, germanistzan is great again...

Attached: oioihure.jpg (305x165, 11K)

oy vey goy, do you deny the 6 gorillion dead jew babies? i will have to send you to prison camps

Attached: jejejew.jpg (767x397, 30K)

>Distanzierung: distanziert sich ausdrücklich von jeglicher nationalsozialistischen und fremdenfeindlichen Denkweise.
What the fuck.

oy vey, annudah shoah!!!

Attached: Holocaust.png (1093x826, 1.64M)

Guten Morgen. stoßen.

Good morning meine Kameraden

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Wir gehen zum Gegenstoß!

Attached: Stamp Krautismo Reichshauptquartier.png (952x600, 153K)

something to salivate about
>FPS playing for 3R

Attached: Bruno Sutkus.jpg (320x500, 22K)

>Wir sind bunt und tolerant

better translation
>Wir wollen den Volkstod

Attached: kamikadze fight against far-right.jpg (526x470, 50K)

fellow krautists, let's support this beautiful OP.ähtoo?f=tweets&vertical=news&src=hash

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18 Years ago it was,guess what happend...

>Menschenrecht auf Schächten

I can’t stop laughing, my morning coffee never tasted better

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let's prove him right.

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Helly Germanbros.

Everything still as hopeless as always?




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Yes it is..

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Hello Communfin

is that larp tho?

is someone in yt pushing him?
he has 3 million subs now, it seems to me this was tripled or even quadrupled in a very short time?!!?

typical views seem to be 300-500k

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I am from northern Germany.
i only understand 50% of the things he said. :DDD


I aced the Job Interview yesterday, they gave me documents to fill so i can start in 2 weeks.
work time is 20PM - 6AM tho, but i dont have to do anything after 22PM except looking out for DinduNuffins

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Lejeune? Is that a Jew?

WTF, can't believe what i just read. EINBÜRGERUNG of flüchtilunken with the right to vote. they do not even have to drop their old passport.

Attached: einbürgerung-staatsangehörigkeit.png (399x278, 26K)

Congratulations! What kind of job is it? Security?


somebody screencapped my Saugrattler shitpost, im honored

is that Lefloid or Özil?

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Go watch „Daheim sterben die Leute“ it was shown with subtitles in norther germany because dialect
You can buy subs I guess

He‘s a blue checkmark muslim

yeah, nightshift Guard for a factory/shipping company.
its in a middle sized town so no big deal with burglars anyways.

Oh sweet, you‘ll get a lot of shekels for nightshifts. Just be sure to safe your money too. My brother did a similar job and didn’t get bonuses added to his pension.


Attached: 675.jpg (680x544, 40K)

>You can buy subs I guess

sure, i wish i was more certain of the number from some month ago, but he must have bought 2 fucking million then, but i might be mistaken desu.
i skipped through his latest vid where he mentions all his new subscribers but something seemed guilt-off about it.
if he really did that, it might blow up in his face, no?!
any way to obtain sub stats?

It's legal to deny the holocaust now


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it is le floid, Özil was never that chubby

see this, fellow Krauts

the jew author doesn't even try to hide his autism

yep i do, will still phonepost during shifts tho, im the only one in the building except the dude who will take over at 5:50

first shifts will be with an older kamerad, for obvious reasons

Can anyone explain why the Greens are rising now.
They are the worst Party in Germany.

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>Ban lifted on nazi symbols
So does that mean no more shadow-Hitler?

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Never trust a Swede

bigger question
does that mean can my vpn bullshiterry on steam soon?

What?!? This guy has already 2 kids!

Attached: a15.jpg (668x729, 32K)

Heh. Bavarian here. Once worked a job that involved talking to field techs from Bavaria every once in a while. When they called the same scene always happened:

> coworker from Hamburg answers phone
> thefuckdidhejustsay.jpg
> pass phone to user without saying a word

didnt you know all super high ranking Nazis had mysterious shadows and fog around their heads?

Attached: mystery_pol.gif (254x191, 481K)

SPD voter want mergel gone but want to keep the refugees

Will this be the new coalition for the next election?
When're the next state elections and how're the polls there?

Attached: bahamas.png (1280x640, 5K)

Phoneposting to keep you awake and busy is a good idea. I also recommend buying a PSP and hacking it. Lots of Japanese RPG‘s that are good.
My brother did the same and was really into Star Ocean 2 and Final Fantasy

rather gonna read some good books desu,
want to re-read 08/15 again

We will have great, great and even greatest coalitions before anything with AfD. The cardhouse will be buildt to unknown heights before it collapses

Also good idea, though books tend to make me tired after a while. If that isn’t the case for you then go ahead!

but the greens want even more refugees

Thats fine they will pay our pension, havent you heard that goy? All very eager to pay for us for some reason

>Heh. Bavarian here.

grüß gott

Attached: grüß gott.jpg (700x902, 226K)

Does our censorship affect you too? I know Austria sometimes gets a censored version because making two German language versions is too much to ask apparently.
>So does that mean no more shadow-Hitler?
As I explained here it's not retroactive so no more shadow Hitler in the next release.

Bump for krauts

Using bal as a guiding symbol and calling it kek
>state of larpers

So they're essentially gearing for AfD becoming the only party opposing the government. Perhaps when the time comes for AfD well down the track, they won't even need a coalition to govern purely from the anti-establishment votes.

Avadere.Beirisch is scho wos guads, gell? I red ner nu Dialekt wenn ma irgendwo Mohammedaner oder Necher ibern Wech lafn. Des san dia vu dem linksgriana Gutmenschngschwerl nemlich niat gwennt. Die Grattler redn naemlich imma ner a ganz saaberns Houchdeitsch mit dene oama Hascherln.

I think they'd do Ghana-coalition before that cuz AfD is Nazis n shieeet

Derfst oba ned auf Minga fahn, do redn de lingsfasoffana a boarisch un wuin dia den schmarrn ano eineredn.

mei wos seipreissn des do sin, wa?

Think they'll ever include Die Linke? On a side not what could we call that coalition? Dominica Coalition?

Attached: Dominica.png (800x400, 21K)

>the Linke
the CDU would do with the AfD before the Linke
be cause that'd mean that they go the other end of the political spectrum

Vu durt halt I mi amal schoei fean. I bin grod aas soam Dreeglooch wida aafs Land zruckzong. Doa sickert des Gschwerl zwar aa langsam eine oba es is nu niat gor so schlimm wia in Muenchn drunt. Bei uns wirds als easchts wieda bessa - doa waehln alle AFD :-)

What the fuck is this and are they a threat?

Attached: blue.png (646x154, 42K)

Ist hard to take these Kiffer serious but they are one of the biggest threats to our Fatherland.

What happened to Jan Ullrich. Krauts?
He seems pretty fucked up. I guess it's the result of drug abuse and unhealthy escort ladies.

Attached: Jan Ullrich.jpg (912x513, 82K)

They sure are. And in more than one way:

* They fuck up industry by regulating it to death
* They fuck up industry by subsidizing the hell out of useless shit (windmills, solar panels), thus causing a brain drain away from productive, useful industry towards useless shit
* They fuck up industry by fucking up the power grid
* They fuck everyone by making electricity ever more expensive (8 different taxes and levies on electricity, 3 times as expensive as the European _average_)
* They fuck up housing with regulation (just look into building or renovating something - the amount of green regulations is staggering)
* They fuck up housing by providing refugees with free housing while nobody can afford rent anymore

They must be BTFO, and soon. Otherwise this country is not going to survive.

Basiertes Verfassunggericht

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Multiple young men attacked five women. It's not known if the attackers have a migration background.
Don't get me started on some MGTOW or red pill related topics....

> Genf nach Gewalt gegen Frauen «im Schockzustand»
> Mehrere junge Männer prügelten in Genf fünf Frauen spitalreif – ein Opfer liegt im Koma.
> Viele Zeugen schauten tatenlos zu.

So know comes the question:
> Eine Gruppe Männer verprügelt Frauen – würden Sie eingreifen?

Attached: oh.vey.gevalt.wammen.png (1003x895, 533K)

Essentially yes. They seem to be hellbent on repeating the party populare and Querfront phenomens, that occured in the 1920-1930

Pic related.
Btw, it's the same city that wants to legalize sans papiers (people who are illegally here
and don't have any identification documents or a passport).
Oh Geneva....

Attached: sans.papiers.png (1008x782, 677K)

what the fuck, this is the first I hear about this. What is wrong with the Romands... or, it's probably only Genf thats retarded, isn't it

It's not only Geneva also other lefty cities like Zurich are discussing to introduce a "legal status" for the illegals or sans papiers.

> Der Kanton Genf legalisiert unter dem Namen «Operation Papyrus» seit 2017 Sans-Papiers –
> sofern sie bestimmte Kriterien erfüllen. Sie müssen seit mindestens fünf Jahren in Genf leben,
> gut integriert sowie finanziell unabhängig und dürfen nicht kriminell sein. Zudem befindet der Bund
> über jede Aufenthaltsbewilligung.

> In Zürich läuft aktuell eine Debatte darüber, ob die Stadt eine Art Stadtbürgerschaft für Illegale einführen soll.
> Die Idee dahinter: Die gesamte Wohnbevölkerung im Grossraum Zürich solle eine «Züri City Card»,
> eine Art Identitätskarte erhalten.

today i will remind them

Attached: dDg7KfD~01.jpg (1024x768, 132K)

>Stadbürgerschaft, «Züri City Card»
Time to go back home to Thurgau I guess

Makes sense to me.


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It's the same shit everywhere. I think Soros learned that it's easy to influence/buy off/blackmail communal politicians in California's sanctuary cities and is now applying that model to the rest of the world. There have also been occasional news reports about (((conferences))) where progressive city mayors meet to discuss their policies over the past 1-2 years. These reports always contain a fair amount of shilling about le ebil regional or federal government not being progressive enough and city leaders having to take matters into their own hand. I think I know who is footing the bill for these (((events)))...

So they want to become City States? Not that bad I guess?

kek nice pic

>switzerlands warns citizens to enter germany

News when?

haha, nice!

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> It's the same shit everywhere. I think Soros learned that it's easy to influence/buy off/blackmail communal politicians in California's sanctuary cities and is now applying that model to the rest of the world.

You're spot on! Indeed, this is the case:
>Nach Amerikanischem Vorbild
>Die Forderung nach einer städtischen ID orientiert sich am Vorbild amerikanischer Grossstädte.

Attached: city-id.png (488x610, 108K)

On the subject of policy, when we have all non-whites publicly tortured to death; should we bury them respectful to their religion?

Bro’s why cant we make germany great again? Will you stop being cucks?

>why cant we make germany great again?
because all of our non-german neighbours are in NATO

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>Bro’s why cant we make germany great again?

because (You), the Bongs and the Commie-Bandits killed all the good Men.

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