Climate change is made up bullshit! One of the excuses they give for climate change being real is flooding and the shrinking shoreline...
Today I just found out that the flood and shrinking shoreline has NOTHING to do with global warming or climate change, it's all fucking sand mining that is creating the shrinking shoreline!
Why the fuck are more people not talking about this and why is climate change given as the reason and not the real reason which is sand mining!
So the next time someone tries telling you the shrinking beach's are because of climate change, correct them and tell them it is because of sand mining.
But don’t tell me the CO2 increase isn’t real, because you can measure that yourself with easily obtainable equipment.
Up until 600ppm humans are physically pretty much unaffected, thereafter cognitive problems arise. Have you even been in a real stuffy indoor room with lots of people? Remember how this feels like? It’s not just oxygen deprivation, it is also CO2 concentration that affects you.
They made countless experiments with constant O2 pressure but various CO2 ppm concentrations. If outside concentrations hit 700-800ppm, we’ll need freaking CO2 scrubbers indoors to even think properly.
Remember, when people were non-degenerate, outside ppm concentration was 280ppm. Now it is freaking 420ppm outside.
Super boomer here. Each decade is a new lie about Earth. In the 1970s, they said the world was headed for an ice age because it was getting cold, but then it got warmer. In the 1980s, they said there was holes in the ozone layer, but then they realized the holes were natural and regulate hydrocarbons on Earth. After that, I stopped listening. It then went to “global warming”, then “climate change”, then “extreme climate” or whatever bullshit they say now.
No debunking that C02 is and has been increasing for a long time. The fuck did you think the 600 million plus cars were putting out every day for the last 50 years? Ozone?
Hunter Wood
The problem is media fear mongering.
Elijah Jones
I think if climate change is being caused by people it's more to do with tropospheric ozone. Or it could be an effect of magnetic field reversal that is as of yet unknown. If such events caused a temperature spike as rapid as is currently happening and spiked down just as fast, the paleoclimate record of the earth's temperature wouldn't show it because it happened so long ago that it's not precise enough to give you any more than the temperature average during this length of time period. Note how it just so happened that all these huts that were burnt during droughts, were also burnt during times of pole instability.
You dumb fuck. If every car ever made had been a giant Ford Expedition the total CO2 output of the entire history of the automobile would still not equal a year of China's fucking power plants.
Climate change is real. That said, it's also very convenient because all the bad shit can be ascribed to it. Coastal erosion due to sand extraction? It's climate change, and BTW it's your fault for driving that SUV, goy.
Because some pieces of the puzzle have been suppressed to control the (((narrative))). E.g. the discovery of the abrupt climate change is now sold to the goyim that the climate could warm rapidly overnight.What has actually been discovered were flash-frozen mammoths from ca. 9500BC. Coincidentally this is the date given by Plato for the demise of the Atlantis, and such flash freezing would happen after the asteroid strike (displacement of polar air by explosion + nuclear winter effect). But you are not supposed to know about the Atlantis...
Thomas Perry
Makes me wonder what else is being used to say climate change is real, when the cause is something else not related to it.