How tall is Ben Shapiro?
How tall is Ben Shapiro?
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I've seen him in person he's honestly 5'3 at MOST and he might have been wearing stilts
I could describe him as "almost yeigh high"
5'7", weighs maybe 168ish, I've heard he's Jewish.
not very
Why do you even care are you fucking retarded or what
Jordan Peterson is 6'6, so judging by the pic he's no less than 6'3.
Ben is 5'11
Jordan is 6'0
Probably 5'7" tbqh
He is actual 5'8"
If you are under 6'2" you will never have secks with non-prostitute.
One Jew.
Well Peterson is 6'6 so judging by the picture Ben is likely around 6'2
nice try, cutoff status is 6'6
This and sage.
To build the extra foot of depth to the oven shouldn't raise the overhead too much.
Remember it's all for a good cause.
Or just cut his ankles off if you think he won't fit.
I'd go with the ankles. That's just me.
damn. It's gone up.
5"4. Which means Peterson is 5"8 at best.
this truck is stock
with or without the hair?
5' jew and a half.
Interesting thread, I would say he is 5'7 with lifts.
I hate how short men all pretend they are 5'9 when they are like 5'7 in shoes at best. When you are legit 5'9 barefoot, you have to pretend 5'10 or 5'11 not to be mixed with them. Btw I have seen people same height as me pretends they are 5'10 or 5'11, the insecurity is real.
> I've heard he's Jewish.
No way, what makes you think that?
How shap is Tall Beniro?
Dude, what's it like being under 6'?
Like I can't even relate.
You just go around looking for fights you can't win?
>aussies confirmed in charge of the ovens
You are still considered tall, or at lest normal man, at 5'10 (except Netherlands) and you dont have the downside of being a lanklet.
At 5'9 you have a significant disadvantage but you can still save the day with lot of money/lifting.
Below is life on very hard mode, at least you have a valid reason to stay in your room playing computer all day.
Manlet Zionist is unpalatable
4 foot 30.