I fucked up the greentext on that last post, so here’s some expansion: >Deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein’s wife Lisa Barsoomian represented then-President Bill Clinton in a 1998-99 civil case in federal court.
>Rod Rosenstein worked as a Whitewater prosecutor. In this role, he was in charge of the “FBI Travel Office” case, in which it was found that the Clinton White House illegally seized FBI files from White House travel office employees, including the Clintons’ travel director.
>Rosenstein interrogated Hillary Clinton on January 14, 1998, and was seen as responsible for clearing her of potential charges in the case. By that time, Rosenstein had already been picked to work for the U.S. Attorney’s office in Maryland in the Clinton administration. When he applied to the Senate to become deputy attorney general, he falsely stated the dates he worked for Starr’s team, saying he ended his employment with Starr in 1997 At the very least, this proves Rod should’ve recused himself long before any other reason for his recusal came into play (I’m sure you know what I’m talking about) At the most, this information proves the former while also proving that his wife is a critical employee of the Clinton’s and thus, is most likely CIA. (Considering how hard it is to find info on her.)
They won't. There are people who have literally been raped, savagely beaten, etc by "migrants" and other poor dindus they were trying to help, and they justify it to themselves with "WELL, I DESERVED IT CAUSE I'M WHITE, THEIR ANGER IS TOTALLY JUSTIFIED"
Xavier Morris
That's not how it works, these are polls of people who intend to vote you silly greenblood.
>thinking special elections have any bearing on general election turnout
In 2009 the Republicans won a senate seat in Massachusetts with low overall turnout, then lost it in 2012 when the guy was up for re-election. Likewise Doug Jones benefited from low turnout and will lose his seat in 2020. Special elections and general elections are different from each other.
Hunter Richardson
>reads post with disgust remembering that person who said that shit
Ian Lee
>Asked if the Knavses had obtained citizenship through “chain migration,” their lawyer, Michael Wildes, said, “I suppose.”
She has that look of “im going to suicide you but i know ur takinng a pic of me so i wont look mad”
James Brooks
Dear Wipypo,
I know everything in this thread supports the Unite the Right 2 rally that is happening Sunday but be ready because Proud People Of Color are going to be present and show that EVIL NAZI WHITE SUPREMACISTS are NOT WELCOME in Washington DC. Thank god the #brands are standing up to it and will not support them coming to the capitol of our nation.
Black Lives Matter Trans Lives Matter LBGTQQIA+ Lives Matter
This is why I don't get how people got so butt-hurt about that chick reuping with the dinosaur hand. You're suppose to be able to state your ceremony however you want it. One dude had it held at a game-stop just to piss off his CO.
Zachary Phillips
If they do black james bond im skipping the film, im ok with black main roles, but im not ok with this constant effort to brown every established character out there
Haha yeah obama seperated families and put kids in cages but not as many families came then, now drumpf is doing it more often! Impeach!
Elijah Peterson
seppuku incoming
Austin Robinson
>1st Cavalry >The shield they never carried, the horse they never rode, the bridge they never crossed, the line they never held, and the yellow is the reason why
>No one is going to show up except feds, sperg. good enough for media cameras since it's going to be wall-to-wall coverage on Sunday with CNN/MSNBC going split screen all fucking day
Grayson Martin
I never understood why the army doesn't make them change their patch. It's way over sized.
I didn`t vote for him, but I think everyone was expecting the same. War with North Korea, economic depression, race war, general chaos. Almost two years later and everything is peaceful.
>You can go if you want to have a nice conversation with the CIA. That’s really the only reason that I would ever go to one of those. I love bullying those faggots. Nice, how bad is it?
I wonder if cianiggers have special effects on queue this time so the landwhale looks like she explodes in 3D while the kkk driver yells loudly over the whole crowd “i love trump”
Andrew Anderson
The Blue Tsunami is coming, as OH12 proves.
Going from 30 R to (less than) 0.9% is pathetic. Its over.
Ian Anderson
it probably won't even be as autistic as last time
Parker Bailey
I don't know anything about the army. All my military frens joined the Marines so can't tell you anything unbiased.
I`m not going to deny that. The media will behave like they always behave: Minimizing Antifa crap and showing the Right-Wing as the evil ones, even when is pretty obvious the only ones in the rally are going to be either CIA or FBI. Charlottesville was a honeypot of feds and even then there wasn`t so much hype or coverage. They want chaos, they want the shit to hit the fan again a year later. I hope it doesn`t happen, but I won`t underestimate the feds.
David Wilson
You may not like it, but this is what peak Fe(male) performance looks like
>it probably won't even be as autistic as last time would agree with you, but I have learned to never bet against what autism can do. The people who actually show up to it on both sides are going to be the biggest retards imaginable so expect some pics to come out of it.
>I hope the police just beat everyone’s stupid ass Charlottesville isn't DC so expect a very very heavy police presence with every NOVA officer called in for support.
Aiden Martin
The dem governor will want violence to blame trump
John Russell
(you)s or no (you)s, even Fox News, Mike Cernovich and Ben Shapiro have admitted that Democrats will win in a landslide due to Trump
Aaron Roberts
It probably won`t. Dicky Spencer won`t be there, so we won`t see another autistic tiki-torch march. And the rally will be at DC, not in a small city like Charlottesville. I hope no one shows up, or in the case some retards do, the police don`t step down.
DC isn't a state, it's a district. Mayor Bowser (head of a very very heavy Dem district) will be the main person in charge even if technically congress is the lead in the district.
Carson Rivera
I bet it no one shows up they’ll still make it a bad news day and say “well clearly trumps support has gone down”
Christopher Thompson
Im retarded and didnt realize it would be in dc now
>181791679 Yes such based and conservative figures like Rick "cuck" wilson and Bill Kristol are resigned to the fact that Democrats will imminently abolish the Trump presidency and declare hillary the supreme madame of the USA, which will become the Woman's States of Femerica by presidential decree.
It's ogre.
Isaac Perez
Kek, that`s expected. Or they will say "No one on the Right showed up. This is a victory for Antifascists protesters. America is progressive and won`t accept this racist behavior!". They always find a way to make themselves look like the good guys doing the right thing, even when Antifa only shows up to these things because they are a bunch of unemployed NEETs, while the Right has shit to do and doesn`t want trouble with feds.
Units have to conform to AR670-1. There was a big fight over this, with the airborne units, and higher ups at the pentagon over the proper way to wear the beret. Chandler wanted a bunch of faggoty shit that none of the units wanted, so everyone hated him. Biggest knock people had about him, were his new tattoo regulations, while he ignored things which obviously didn't look right. Such as the over-sized patches.
Jaxson Campbell
yeah wolf pulled out the ole well if he has nothing to hide yesterday. classy.
Cooper Gonzalez
Jow Forums is beginning to look like a gay porn site. You motherfuckas are sad.
Asher Lee
Yeah lets see how jew wolfe likes that logic and show us all his bank statements and emails
Brody Flores
Why are you spreading such fucking bullshit about Jewish people. What have they ever done to you?
I just came home from my holiday in Krakow in Poland. I also visited Auschwitz there. Those who don't remember the past are condemned to repeat it. I see a lot of people here making antisemitic remarks which are all total bogus. I always wonder what the fuck made you this way to act so edgy and retarded.