Everything’s going according to plan?
We just need these soccer moms to redpill their daughters and we are set
Everything’s going according to plan?
We just need these soccer moms to redpill their daughters and we are set
Other urls found in this thread:
Another boomer
when grannies have better bants than you
late boomers
It's about time.
Power overwhelming.
Peggy knows. Shut it down.
that is hilarious
>exposing the cult of modern medicine
A literal boomer hippie is calling for the annihilation of the Jews.
>birth ofane wearth
the fuck does that mean
Im laughing so bad with this thread
even fucking hippies want them dead LMAO
its funny i wasnt interested in politics until i saw how racist american antifa and jews are, now i literally want left wing out back to russia where these fucking jobless violent communists belong
Amerimutt eydyukayshyion.
that's why I don't care whetever Q is a LARP or not.... he's waking people up. he's a net positive.
>boomers now calling for 1488
haven't been this whitepilled in a long time
well that one is true. some bergblatstein was mass spamming laura ingrams twitter account with something along the lines of you're just mad that we made you free the slaves your people brought over. I bet he knows that half of the merchants had slaves while barely any whiteys did, but he also knows the goyim don't know. they're brazen as fuck at this point
Love all the Twitter side by side images of kikes pulling the trick "As a white person..we're guilty of everything" ,and then a tweet of them saying they're Jewish and not white.
Is she, dare I say it, our/herbologist/?
kek you are ao obssesed with jews its funny
500 iq here
>Has Trump energized Boomers to OPENLY hate anti-white Jews?
Today's leftist insanity all stems from that pivotal point in history when the marxists won the culture war. I am referring to the defeat of Joseph McCarthy and the vilification of "McCarthyism". He was exposing the communist infiltration of Hollywood and academia. When the (((media))) turned on him and basically discredited the idea of resisting marxists in our culture, they were free to act. Hollywood turned sharply to the left - compare the movies from the 50's to those of the 60's and 70's. Academia became almost completely leftist (if not altogether marxist). The cultural takeover was complete, and no one lifted a finger.
Notice the Orwellian finesse in which the marxists have demonized certain ideas - rational rejection of communism and its influence in culture became the hated "McCarthyism". Any rejection of marxist beliefs becomes "bigotry" and "racist". The victory the marxists enjoyed was the demonization of the very idea of anti-communism in America. This has led in turn to the idea that protecting ANY part of our traditional culture is wrong, and must be resisted.
Antifa, s.oy boys etc. are the direct result of this cancerous idea that our culture is not worth defending. Donald Trump's election was America's immune system finally reacting to this infection. He had the courage to tell the truth about the marxist lies that we had forced ourselves to believe. He woke up normies to the truth that we do not have to bend to the marxist ideal. And this is why the establishment is fighting him with such vile intensity - he is overturning their one linchpin victory that has undermined our culture since the 1950's. Without that, they have nothing.
Those who control the boomers, control the future
There's a reason they don't teach us about the Venona Papers in school, McCarthy was 100% right:
In Italy the hippies revived fascism.
fuck off, kikes
Due to our shitposting will the 4th reich take place in america?
Were offically back.
Boomers can't break the conditionnig, it's impossible.
I highly doubt this account is a "boomer".
She has been doing that for a decade.
That is because the q larp had been hijacked by anons and putting redpills in them. So the kikes lost their mossad agent ad well.
How is that a surprise? Once they get marked, everybody can see them for what they are.
Holy shit granny's bants is top notch.
Sauce of the quote?
Best one
Could it be?
Could our SA be wearing Depends??
We have outistic people that are more capable than your low iq fuckface, shave your neck
Basedbased and herbal pilled
Let Jow Forums to me.
He got banted by a boomer, quite a feat, really tells how low of creatures Jews are
i don't get it, isn't it "american" to be "anti-communism" in general? or is it more of demonizing the fringe or extreme aspect of it, likening it to absurd paranoia, akin to what they did after JFK and "conspiracy theories?"
Organic gas the kikes
Race war when you find the time
>scared of bunch of Boomers
How fragile?
Pic related boomer SS rounding up Jews
I highly doubt that account is ran by a "soccer mom".
Probably another jew account making drama with another jew(bernstein) so it looks like its about trumps base and right vs left etc.
Because its really about jews vs everyone else..
>trump is like hitler
I wish... But does bring curiosity
Could it be that he has the best features of patton and hitler?
Trump will complete the system.
5 iq israeli :^) palestines will stomp over you and do justice
The jolie_rahn account i mean.
Can't wait to glass your country and gas your people here, after you've been dealt with the u.s will deport niggers and spics have colonialism be cool again and then after that, our last frontier to space where the imperium of men can be set up to fuck over xenos.
why won't this goddamn rat DIE already
(((They))) killed jfk and patton.
You summerfags with this 30 year old boomer shit and everyone is a boomer, this guy is too young despite they grey
Hopefully they're retired or have money once they're shamed
Probably expect an apology from them too
>believing the jewish iq myth
>when the boomer began to hate
Crack open those monsters, boys.
gimme gimme maga milf mommy
because he keeps getting organ transplants and virgin child blood to keep him alive
Back on the trump train, how ever his cabinet is still filled with kikes, so I might be a bit skeptical.
"One Enchanted Evening", Time Magazine (Aug. 9, 1954) . Its behind a paywall , but apparently legit . Link under quotes . en.wikiquote.org
i know, i'm just trying to understand why mccarthyism was villified when the general consensus of american thinking is diametrically opposed to communism in the first place
Of course you and your fellow simpletons wouldn't get it, but here in Amerikuh people used to have a right to privacy and free speech. McCarthyism was an actual witch hunt.
>McCarthyism was an actual witch hunt
In retrospective, there also were actual witches to hunt.
you scared, kike?
>He wants witches terrorizing America
Commie fucking faggot
racist white bitch
>We have outistic people that are more capable than your low iq fuckface, shave your neck
>We are the low IQ ones?
What kind of autismo isn't even good at puzzles? It's not even a puzzle it's a website address.
I'm going to forgive the frenchie because frenchies can't speak English.
birth of a new earth
Was that impossible to deduce?
Sauce for organ transplants, kikes didn't change one bit with their blood libel esque shit.
That didn't happen tho
Can't argue with that I guess. Witch civil rights when?
epic. god speed America!
so basically troll accounts trolling troll accounts to troll Jow Forums into thinking the real world ist hating jews for no reason
>Has Trump energized Boomers to OPENLY hate anti-white Jews?
No I think it's more down to us to be honest.
im so glad a reddit spacing faggot fell for my bait
It was as much a Witch Hunt as the hunt for Osama Bin Ladin was a wild goose chase. We had actual communist writings coming out of our colleges and 'art' groups that we're funded by the Soviet Union. The only reason it was called a 'witchhunt' was because it fit the media narrative at the time. Walt Disney himself appeared to testify before the HUAC and got smeared with the 'Nazi' label for it. Make no mistake, Disney was never /ourguy/ but at least he hated the reds just as much as he hated uncle Hitler.
It was, but then "we won". What we didn't realize was this was the International Socialist plan all along.
I didn't realize it until I was sitting in a 50s themed diner on Santa Monica blvd and saw this quote pasted to a wall along with all kinds of pro America/Anti commie newspaper and magazine clippings from the 50s.
The boomers are going to save us. Q has done it lads
Yeah, but that shouldn't matter. Democracy and representation and all that nonsense, member?
The far left hate jews. Horseshoe theory is more than just a meme.
this meme has aged like a fine wine