Evening Jow Forums, you like my tattoo? Got it with you all in mind
Evening Jow Forums, you like my tattoo? Got it with you all in mind
hahah you are a dick
Nice ass.
Is that Pamela Klanderson?
Okay this is epic.
end your life
biased and redbulled
Have fun never getting a job ever again, lol.
who the fuck would agree to do that to you?
It's cool but you'll hardly find a job. Just.. to let you know user.
Ha. Was thinking
>what a funny shaped shoulder
because it's not rotated in vertically.
>a job
What kind of job interview is going to reveal that on his hip. You think he's built to be an erotic dancer?
Which reminds me I've been asking grills to get a swastika placed on their right butt cheek for time.
Any..? I've seen no pics yet.
Why do jews keep drowning here?
Diving for pennies, mate.
Oh the silly bitch. She's fucked it up.
..and I didn't mean your face Taylor.
Now look what you've done to Lord Allen Sugar too
It looks kinda gay should of just gotten a swazi
You forgot to grind that femboy ass up against a massive black dick. Those pudgy pink ass cheeks need a pounding by a well hung brother. Come on man.
Ah thats sweet of you.
Do you like mine?
Tattoos are disgusting
Is that your ass?
Those sissy skinned legs are meant to be used as an ass grind substitute for massive black dicks.
The tattoo...
Same turd.