...There's something off about this guy. Something about him rubs me in a strange way...he's a Jewish plant, isn't he?
...There's something off about this guy. Something about him rubs me in a strange way...he's a Jewish plant, isn't he?
The dude literally worked for the Rothschilds before entering politics. Of course he is.
>Worked for the Rothschilds
>Can't figure out if he works for Jews
Everyone works for them one way or another
he definately isnt gay because he has a corp...i mean wife. so he must not be gay. why would anyone think he is gay lol.
that's not how it works
gay, regressive, loves the EU, probably jewish, shill for rothschilds and other banks, globalist, gilf enabler
Nothing about this man rubs me the right way
Seems to have a sort of manlet egotism.
His eyes and expressions flash with a redirected inferiority complex.
no this is neptune
>worked for the jews
>endorsed by the jews
>put in power by the jews
He's gay for starters.
Married that old haggis just before announcing his run for...for... I want to say looks, perhaps appearances is a better term.
When you're hiding a big secret you will always seem a little off to normal people.
Rothschild. Closet gay/bi. Has serious granny issues. First had sex with his then teacher wife when he was a minor and she a divorcee. Was a fucktoy for some old Juicy mentors a la Attali. Openly loathes the poor. Won the election through algorithms, brainwashing and lies. Throws hissy fits every other day, thinks he is or has the stature of a monarch. Started disobeying his Juicy handlers as soon as he got elected only to realize he has no power on the world stage and will have to chug on Juicy cock all his life. Basically sold his soul to the devil only to realize it really wasn't worth it.
> something off
Trips of truth, bc he's part of a cult known as Landmark.
still a qt tho
rofl jesus Christ I didn't know trump was a fag too. were literally ruled by faggot pedo satan worshippers hell bent on destroying everything good on the earth.
top kek
I think he's fucking one of his security guards.
fuck this gay earth
That's right protecting his personal wealth isn't "putting the economic order at risk", what a fucking asshole.
Trump is not a fag. It's just Macron fagging out because of Trumps masculinity. Women and fags usually freak out in all manner of weird ways when they see a real man.