I know pic related inside and out. Hell, I'm watching it right now. Want to know what it is about this show that is (((special))))?
SEX. This show is absolutely doused with sexual degeneracy. Right out of the gate Ross is left by his wife who becomes a dike. Ross gets cucked by Rachel, who then get's cucked by Ross. After they get together, they break up just to cuck each other for 7 more seasons. This show helped create modernity in the 90's, EVERYONE watched this! This show appears so friendly and harmless on the surface, but if you start to view the show from a traditional mindset, it's absolute filth and degeneracy from start to finish, every episode.
The Dalai Lama is the next anti-Christ. Do not follow him. Only follow Christ. Lord Jesus is /ourguy/.
Jace Gutierrez
>aboo hoo hoo muh degeneracy I'm so terrified of my woman leaving me for another man that I believe she should be legally tied to me and that I should be able to kill her if she cheats on me
How about instead of being a fucking beta who gets thotslain then you should behave like a fucking man who woman don't want to cheat on because you're a catch
lol that pic doesn't really make much of a point. OOOOOOO SPOOKY hollywood actors are Jewish, playing Jewish people in NYC! CALL THE COPS! lol.
So yeah Joey, Monica, and Rachel are the Europeans, and Phoebe, Ross, and Chandler are Jews, though Monica is a Jew in the show, Chandler is scottish, and Phoebe isn't ever said to be anything.
Wyatt Brown
Anyone who Americans don't like is the Anti-Christ I remember watching an American documentary that explained how Hitler, Hussein and Bin Laden were the 3 Anti-Christs
American evangelical christian stupidity is amazing
Grayson Stewart
Yeah, and the worst part is that it makes Christianity look bad.
I really hope you're not taking the kek and get memes seriously Cause there are Furry and Black Cock gets all the time
Nathaniel Taylor
This show is gay af
Adrian Roberts
Rachel is the absolute worst part of the show. FUCK Rachel Green man...... holy shit. Though the ultimate truth and redpill of FRIENDS is that the entire cast is holding back Chandler who is the smartest, funniest, and most charismatic. The show drops hints all through out, Joey mooching on Chandler, Monica being a bitch, people making fun of Chandler, Chandler not knowing his dreams. The Psychologist that dates Phoebe gives the perfect analysis, he is emotionally stunted, and clings to his friends like a security blanket.
This show is so soaked in Illuminati wankery that you can rewatch it forever, and keep learning. That's the Kaballa for you.
>Netflix is pumping huge sums into its original programming - spending about $6.8bn (£5.3bn) this year alone - a show that ran from 1994-2004 has come out on top. >it sparked a debate after some people found parts of the humour were now unpalatable.
>couldn't believe how badly it has aged".
"The homophobia is staggering - the punchline of every joke about Ross is that his ex-wife is a lesbian, as if that's some failing of his and that it's hilarious that she's a lesbian >The sexism's pretty rampant as well... [and] it's the whitest show in the whole world."
Fun fact: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist jew agenda.
archive.is/sMsxH >Israel’s Online Shadow Operations >Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and Jow Forums to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
youtube.com/watch?v=XNWF9CeoZdE >"Defamation" – Documentary about how acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.
Gordievsky had a letter published in The Daily Telegraph on 3 August 2005, accusing the BBC of being "The Red Service":
>Just listen with attention to the ideological nuances on Radio 4, BBC television, and the BBC World Service, and you will realise that communism is not a dying creed.
The left is just too retarded to understand that this show was a huge part of why we are where we are now. As this user points out the show even introduced trans characters in a non-threatening way.
I'm telling you guys, this show is operating on a million D chess... it's complete and absolute Illuminati Jewish Kaballah black sex magick wankery....
In one episode there is a joke that Ross dressed up in his moms clothes. At the end before the credits they show old footage of "Ross" as a kid dressed up in women's clothing. It's so fucking disturbing seeing that little boy dressed up as a girl...... This shit is evil man.
There are many pedophilic and some cannibalistic references in this disgusting show. Jennifer Aniston was in a really weird shitty movie that came out a year or two ago that was about a baby killing cult.
Chase King
more like >everyone's a jew but Gunther, the attractive ones, and the mom
Parker Kelly
Blake Clark
Robert Myers
>baby killing cult Why the fuck are jews trying to expose them selves?
Jack Howard
YES. Dude I know I'm not crazy.... it's so fucking weird. It's my favorite show, and I've seen it all the way through maybe 7 times (probobly more desu) But all of the sudden I'm starting to notice REALLY fucked up shit. This is like MKultra tier brainwashing. Television is like systematically controlled dunning Krueger administered in half hour segments. What a buizzaro fucking world we live in
Isaac James
Don't watch televison.
Connor Rogers
I don't really anymore. I just put shit on in the background, usually anime. I usually watch FRIENDS for nostalgic feels, but I see the degeneracy so clearly now that it's becoming pointless.
Chase Lee
Still suck the dick of the last guy that fucked Jennifer Anis.
Jordan Rodriguez
I love this thread and am highly intrigued. I've never seen friends even, maybe like one episode. Thought it was drivel. The Chandler redpill mentioned earlier makes sense though. Holy moly.
William Bell
This kind of shit in the 90s ruined millenials and Gen X. It did me. I was a teen in high school then. They said sex sex sex! The more sexual partners, the better you are at sex ( bullshit each woman is an instrument, and you can play 100 instruments or get really good at one ). Pussy is pussy! Stick it in some apple pie! So I fucked hags, and pretty girls alike, as much as possible, got a hag pregnant, who happened to be a sociopath. We have the child and I hate her but I won't leave her with a baby by herself. I had to man up. So I do. I stay with them. Always faithful. Have another child. I finally marry her. She divorces me 12 years later and is now addicted to meth, heroine, and cocaine and lives homeless in LA. I raise my two kids alone. But my life was ruined by this shit. I was not told to find a nice beautiful girl and settle down immediately and have kids. I did not. And it fucked my life.
Also keep in mind the modern equivalent is big bang theory.
Mason Cox
the show was created by gen x, actors were gen x, writers were gen x. when will pol wake up to the fact that everything millennials are today is because of the programming by gen x.
Jeremiah Cruz
Friends was way fucking worse. It was everywhere in the 90s and early 2000s.
Kevin Wood
>EVERYONE watched this!
I didn't. I thought it was boring.
Nathaniel Murphy
From this picture number 2 and 4, maybe 1.
Never watched it and don't know the cast by name.
Anthony Williams
> the show was created by gen x, actors were gen x, writers were gen x. You stupid asshole. Gen X stopped at 1981 the year I was born. I was a fucking 16 year old when that show was on TV. GET IT DUMB ASS? You stupid bitch.
Yep, Chandler is the only character that has any real creative intelligence. Ross is conventionally smart, but he is just working a safe career, and ultimately represents the highest level of normie cuck. Kaballistic Jews know creative intelligence like the back of their hands, so they weave this web of absolute normieness, where chandler is the only glowing light of potential. Chandler's potential is eternally blacked out by these hedonistic demons. Chandler gets laid the least, they made absolute certain to make that clear. A conservative genius who get's ruined by a bunch of demonic orgy dwelling sucubi.
Benjamin Lopez
Ross, Monica, and Rachel are Jewish in the show
Schwimmer and Kudrow are Jews irl
Andrew Wilson
It was an attempt to humanize jews to humanity big push in the 90s usually with self deprecating humor like Seinfeld and friends but the Internet derailed that propaganda. Now the Jews can’t get traction and they are panic mode turbo Jew censoring the huge chunks they control. Won’t work though
Brody Johnson
Tfw I am now aware of being depressed again because I am Ross and Chandler at the same time. Fuggggggg
I have, and I'm being 100% honest here, never in my life seen a single episode of this terrible show. >Born in 1990
Aaron Jackson
The show is trying to convince you to be Joey. The height of good Goydum. Your reward is TONS of sex with filthy goy.
Justin Wright
So you were watching cartoon instead? Okay.
Sebastian Hernandez
I remember this shit being plastered everywhere on TV when it ended in 2004.
Joseph Morris
Its just a couple of jokes.
Evan Stewart
so you were brainwashed by gen x productions. listened to nirvana and alice in chains, nihilism and decadency in every media.
Julian Hall
I wanted to watch Friends when I was a teenager but my mother would scream at me to turn the television off and throw beer bottles at me. She said it will turn you into a queer and I should have aborted you.
The Office is pretty much just as bad, only I fucking HATE Jim and Pam with such an absolute passion that I can't watch enough of the show to dig as deep. From watching the first 5 seasons or so I can say this... Mike Scott is the red pill, only they make him look like an idiot, so it translates to "Look at the idiot bigot white male who is too stupid to be progressive! Hahahah look at the camera Jim! See Jim everybody! He is a progressive educated male who get's to fuck Pam and everyone else (really only because he is tall and a fucking normie cuck)"
Dylan Rodriguez
>She said it will turn you into a queer good mommy
But yeah if you pay attention to everything Mike Scott does, it's always a conservative option which at the end usually ends up being the right decision. They admit that the white male boss who does things in the unpolitically correct fashion is superior, but they mock him the entire time because it's like he is trapped in a world of shitty smug fucking normies who just laugh at the camera every three seconds because they are so fucking smug and blue pilled. Also every boss is black and or a woman (same for FRIENDS)
Colton Price
Who are these people still buying gossip magazines with Jennifer fucking barren womb Aniston on the cover? Seeing them at the grocery store always gives me a nostalgia trip of when I saw Friends on MAD magazine at the bookstore mall.
Joshua Robinson
>She said it will turn you into a queer and I should have aborted you Well that's pretty much an ideal childhood in kiwiland, isn't it?
There are so many child actors who randomly pop up throughout the show.... I have no doubt that fucked up things were happening.
Also wow, captcha is starting to fuck with me.
Cooper Flores
Television shows like this, and Sex and the City, are a testament to the powerful effect of media....and the stupidity of the general public.
Sociology is a hard science bitches.
Evan Parker
Aniston started as a child actress in the 80s.
Anthony Reed
What I was getting at, was that jokes shouldn't affect how you think really, they're just jokes. By no means am I saying there's nothing wrong with mainstream comedy, I don't typically watch it, it really is the old cartoon picture of the family vegitating in front of the screen.
Jordan Sanchez
> so you were brainwashed by gen x productions Sigh. You are retarded. The owners of the network would be Boomers. The people who ran the network would be boomers. The actors are very old Gen X. The writers are likely boomers or Gen X. And except for the actors, the others are Jews.
Oliver Williams
Aniston was in those shitty Horrible Bosses movies that are about kidnapping and torturing.
Luis Perry
And again, this isn't so much a generational issue as it as a Jew issue. They run this show here.
Seinfeld is the most Jewish show ever It's about a kike who has a new degenerate sex partner every episode. All cast act like children, live in the city in their adulthood and none of them have kids,or even real jobs. They also made sure to mock things like Christmas with the invention of 'festivus' among many other Christian hatred. This show along with friends brainwashed an entire generation for the worse
Luis Johnson
Yeah, I used to watch this as a kid, it all seemed to harmless. Looking back on it now, although there are a lot worse shows like Sex In the City, there are definitely some degenerate hedonistic themes which occur. They also showed this show at 7:30/8am every school morning here when i was a teenager
Xavier Rodriguez
Same as Seinfeld, and every other fucking show on jew tv you could possibly watch. This isn't a revelation.
Jackson Price
Stfu nigger
Jaxon Williams
>This isn't a revelation
it is for some people and should therefore be highlighted.
Carter Brown
Who the fuck cares? It literally stopped airing 15 years ago. Doesn't Jow Forums have anything better to do?
Jose Thomas
Why do you never hear of English-Americans, it's always Irish or Scottish?
Gavin Foster
>After they get together, they break up just to cuck each other for 7 more seasons. WE WERE ON A BREAK
Yeah, at the end of the day while Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David are very subversive, I just don't think it's the same caliber of evil as FRIENDS. There is clear strategic subversion in FRIENDS, in pretty much every single episode. The main theme in all television subversion seems to be Sex. Hip-hop has now successfully dragged white culture down to the sexual depravity and mentality of hood rats.
Bentley Jones
A lot of Americunts are ashamed of having English ancestors.
Jack Lee
Every 30 something year old manchild can't let go of their childhood and clings desperately on to it.
Asher Jenkins
Most of them just identify as American
Logan Baker
This show is probobly at least 60% of the reason we are where we are. Sex and the City was on HBO, so didn't have as wide of an audience. I'm saying that FRIENDS is THE show that brought down America.
Jace Wright
I never watched this as a teenager, so I ended up watching an episode one night recently, and it is pretty degenerate. Everyone's screwing everyone to the point of nearly polyamory, and no one seems to care. That's what got me the most. Even back then they were normalizing cuckoldry. No wonder my parents didn't want me watching it. It wasn't even funny, so I couldn't salvage the time spent watching it that one time.
Nicholas Smith
>The whitest (whatever)
I can't believe this is an acceptable criticism now. How stupid are they that they don't see the hypocrisy?