How can you ignore all generations of your ancestors who were Christians over the centuries and relate directly to some dudes you only know from history books (and for Americans, they literally lived in another continent)?
It's like me saying that i don't feel related to my father at all but i identify as the direct son of Alexander the great. What is your reasoning of the "ancestors" argument?
Question to pagans
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There are far more generations pagan than chrsitian.
They were converted by force
They didn't stop being pagan they just slapped a christian sticker on it
Christian judaism is dogmatic cuckolding
Organized religions are like clothes, people take what they like and discard what they don't. Blood is real, soil is real, not discounting some of the wisdom contained within scripture, but I prefer things I can see and touch. Let Odin or whatever rule in his heavenly kingdom while we deal with reality.
>There are far more generations pagan than chrsitian
Not so many and we don't actually know what people believed in 6000 years before
>They were converted by force
You can only be converted by force if you are weak or you have weak faith
>They didn't stop being pagan they just slapped a christian sticker on it
So Germany is still pagan?
>Christian judaism is dogmatic cuckolding
But still stronger than paganism according to what you say
If you live in the trailer park like most NeetSocs/Neetopagans, chances are that you know more about Alexander the Great than you do about your own father (despite never having read anything longer than a paragraph), and this makes paganism that much more attractive
Fair enouph but people will never stop searching for God. It's human nature.
Yes we do.
Or if the christian king has many soldiers
In some aspects
I didn't say any such thing
Christian judaism is bs. You know it and I know you know it.
And why didn't the soldiers revolt? There were Christian 15 year old girls who defied literal emperors and became martyrs just for their belief in Christ. Are you telling me that actual pagan soldiers had less strength than a 15 year old girl?
The truth is that forced convertion is a bullshit theory.
None of my living relatives are Christian. And given that family traditions that I follow were passed on from my great-grandfather, who in turn learned them from his grandfather, I don't see how worshipping Allah-Elohim could please them.
christianity in spain has a lot of pagan traditions thats why it is so strong.
>user there are so many festivals of different saints and virgin maries, I wonder where they come from.
>Well Anonette, they originate from our ancient pagan cults, the Catholic church just slapped the Christian label on the festivities.
The upper tiers of all Christian denominations are pozzed, majority of Christians are non Europeans, it's only natural for euros to go back to a more intimate spirituality tied to their roots.
So to honour my ancestors, I have to be christian like they were.
But the Christian Church they were a part of, is not the way it is today. In fact, I think most of the things my ancestors thought about society, is the exact opposite of what the Church of Norway is today. I can't speak for how the church is in Hellas, I don't know.
lol, nice!
What Pagans occupied England back in the 1500-1600's? Druids?
Again why didn't the people revolt? Why there was no backlash against the "fake" pagan traditions with the Christian names? This reasoning doesn't make sence at all.
Well to be fair, in the Koran, Muhammed is described as being light skinned.
Christainity may have started off as a branch of Judaism but has been interwoven with European Paganism by the various local people and the Councils in the early Christain people.
European pagans bascially took Christainity and slaped it ontop of Paganism.
I for one can't really subscribe to either as they are both too rediclous, but both have valid points as to how society should function and how people should behave.
you're ancestors evolved alongside one another forging the history of your nation. you owe everything to them
>Christianity or Juadiasm; pick one.
False Equivalence. The most successful anti-jewish expulsions were carried out by Christians. You have no idea what you're talking about and you're insulting the very foundation upon which western society was built. You must be a jew.
Pagans are overly obsessed with their ancestors. We're humans and a lot of us fail to live good lives, plenty of our ancestors included. Paganism is about worshiping a primordial spirit that has always existed in Europe, long before humans even arrived here.
Christianity is a system of control against Europeans. It tricked us into abandoning our natural moral judgment, into following a religion that is based on ontological reasoning, and as such turns its followers into neurotic wimps. Of course we all know who would conceptualize such a god - the most neurotic group of people to ever exist. We could do without this, but few intellectuals are interested in paganism, and unfortunately it's appropriated by LARPers who don't really care for what it actually stands for (i.e. they want to dress up and fantasize about being elf warriors, but refuse to accept natural spiritual hierarchy).
I'm just asking about the ancestors argument. Pagans accuse Christians that we betray our ancestors somehow, yet my ancestors were Christians for the last 1700 years and the older source of Greek paganism is from 3000 years ago (Iliad). Let alone the fact that most of their gods came from Egypt and Phoenicia.
paganism besides other things has a strong aspect of ancestor worship, maybe we betrayed them by stopping to do this, thereby breaking the ancient spiritual inter-generational contract.
would explain some things.....
My ancestors were natives who believed in nature and its power for more than 100,000 years before some pork&cheese missionary arrived to make them believe in an invisible zombie jew.
Feels comfy not to fall for their tricks anymore.
in reality nordics are BUTTMAD they didn't enjoy the power of christianity because they are naturally inclined to be MADE for BBC
You'd rather believe in the middle eastern abrahamic derivative religion 2, rather then ancient Greece's majestic pantheon?
>ancient Greece's majestic pantheon?
>literal fairy tales that philosophers snobbed and tried to find other spiritualistic openings
our paganism was infant religious writings
reminder that Tolkien was a catholic and that varkang himself used to write long emo rants when in prision about how conflicted he felt about liking LOTR and how he identified with the uruk hai
Having a mystical/ spiritual aspects of life represented by a god is somehow less infant then one "god" who is best and cannot be defeated.
My ancestors have known christianity only for some 200 years or so, whereas our ”pagan” traditions have evolved for thousands of years. I’m from northern Finland. Christianity didn’t spread very fast in this frozen tundra you know.
i am just saying most philosophers considered themselves "σοφιστές" and rejected the simplistic greek religion and tried to develop other religious findings, there even were writing about the ONE GOD before the birth of christ in greece, probably due to semitic influence, and when christianity came it was open arms for the most part. The only sad shit is the dark ages where the plebs chimped out and started thrashing the temples
dont you dare bring LOTR into this you fucking greek son of a bitch - TOO FAR
Over here we are literally obssesed with our ancestors, even the pagan ones. Christianity never forbid to honour them, honouring your parents is even one of the 10 commandments. Maybe it was other reasons that make you stop honouring yours and not Christianity.
Simple, who should I look to for guidance?
The people of my land which have worked, lived and died on it for thousands of years?
Or a dead Jew nailed to a cross in the middle of the desert?
Don't you what to build satyr statues and herms again Greek bro?
that first point is some serious tactical nihilism. You know they didn't believe in nothing. Fucking dishonest rat.
Even ancient Greeks prefered eastern abrahamic realigions than the Greek patheon. Plato wanted to forbid degenerate stories about Zeus and Socrates was murdered because he believed that there was only one God above all. I'm sorry but the Greek pantheon is nothing more than a enlightenment era meme.
I just play age of mythology when I get that urge so I don't become a HEATHEN
Quite fond of this at the moment
I interact with christfags & Pagans all over the internet. Christians are dicks, as a general rule.
Pagans are less so in my personal experience. At worst they're a bit dizzy & naive.
I feel no affinity with Abrahamics of any stripe. They're a disease. Spreading desert wherever they go.
Buddhists, Hindus & Indigenous European Pagans have a far richer & more beautiful worldview.
They're seeking to be part of the world, rather than burn it into submission for an imaginary promise.
Heil Odin
I know and her mannelig is actually a Christian song. It just adds on the LARP since most neopagans don't know that.
Maybe you shouldn't be so fast to piss on christianity seeing tha ABSOLUTE STATE of the uk
>posts a picture of 4 Christians
I had a great week in Crete many years ago. Had a wander around a Minoan temple. Did a jeep safari. I only wish my gf at the time wanted to do more than hard drinking & lamb suppers every night.
>relate directly to some dudes you only know from history books
>believes in Jesus
>Embrace the religion you took from your father, who tooked it from his father, who took it from his father.... (for thousands of years)
>Embrace the religion you learned from lefty metal labels and video games
So you got nothing huh.
>How can you ignore all generations of your ancestors who were Christians over the centuries and relate directly to some dudes you only know from history books (and for Americans, they literally lived in another continent)? It's like me saying that i don't feel related to my father at all but i identify as the direct son of Alexander the great. What is your reasoning of the "ancestors" argument?
>having no arguments
For some 45000 years Europeans inhabit Europe, for 2000years they adopted Christianity as their religion.
That is 4.4% of time, Europeans were Christians.. There is a lot we do know about those times but you wont find it in any Jewish books.
They lied to us all anons.
I mean come one! Brought to you by Christianity is the state in which the UK is in. The clergy sang on the streets for decades about race mixing and apartheid bad. It's like its been memory holed.
Christianity is a JEWISH religion, made by JEWS. JEWS are lying to you, rendering your every move impotent. Wake up man.
There are over 3500 different Christian religions.
Not even Christians know what there talking about.
Stay away from our children Jesus worshipers.
One religion is native to your own people, about your own people, based on your own people's spirituality
One religion is native to Jews, about Jewish people, based on Jewish spirituality
>but your ancestors were converted with lies about Christianity actually being about Germanics, and that Wodan is descended from מֹשֶׁה רַבֵּנוּ (Moses), so you have to believe the original Jew version now!!
Paganism = Authentic organic European religion
Christianity = shitty desert cult unironically worshipping a Jew
Paganism = values of honour, bravery, virtue and honouring ancestors, doesn't try to convert other religions. Values masculine traits like strength of character.
Christianity = blind submission, rewards passivity, timidity and meekness, tries to convert all other religions. Values feminine traits like blind acceptance because your all gods children and you're all "equal".
Paganism = practiced on the rise of ancient Rome and Greek culture (not just practiced by Vikings in huts, that's a lie)
Christianity = practiced at the downfall of ancient Rome and Greek culture
Pagan gods were imported and distributed among nations through trading and traveling. No one actually believed in them and that's why they were quickly abandoned when Christianity came.
You really believe that your ancestors were so brainlets that they fell for an international plot to destroy them by people using puns?
People did actually believe in the gods, and that's why paganism lingered around long after the spread of Christianity. Paganism was relatively local to the culture of the people. Celtic people had their gods, Germanics and Slavs had there's.
>An intentional plot to destroy them using puns
you just made that up.
How is christcuckery working out for you user? Just look at European countries, the countries with few Jews are mostly based, countries with most Jews are mostly cucked. Countries who have been (((christian))) for the longest are mostly cucked while eastern European countries who got christianized later and who kept their Pagan traditions are mostly based. Denmark said Danish people cannot be minority in their own towns and banned burqa, did you know Denmark has the smallest Jewish population in Scandinavia? Same with Czech-Republic which is majority White Atheist and it continues to oppose mass migration. Same with Estonia and Iceland which banned circumcision recently which did trigger kikes and their slave christian dogs.
While highly christian countries such as France, Greece and Ireland are cucked beyond belief.
Virtually every Greek I've ever met has been
1. a compulsive liar
2. an immense bullshitter (as in "I own this restaurant" rather than "I work as a dishwasher in this restaurant" bullshit.
3.An ugly hairy grotesquely unathletic loser.
4. An obnoxious loudmouth happy to yell threats as long as he doesn't have to do the fighting himself.
5. A lazy good for nothing bum who basically wants to just sit around with a beer bottle in his hand staring wistfully out to sea.
6. A scum bag disco shit in cuban heels, with a big fake gold pendant dangling down into his hairy chest ready at the drop of a hat to give his nasty strain of genital herpes to any female stupid enough to let him fuck her.
7. A super envious treacherous malicious feral weasel. Never a good guy or a trustworthy friend. Always on the lookout to throw a fuck into you but mostly behind your back as cowards do.
8. Inordinately proud of his country's history when the scumbag turkroaches he's descended from had nothing to do with Euripides, Pericles, Alcibiades, Thucycides, Sophocles and Plato. In fact he's an ignoramus who doesn't even know the first thing about these illustrious men.
9. Intellectually he is a garden slug. (see point 8 above)
I could go on but I'm feeling rather ill...
I can't help it that billions of humans who came before me were purblind/ignorant.
NO intelligent person believes.
Giving you a well deserved (you).
They weren't imported, and they did actually believe in them.
Most of European paganism has a common origin with Proto-Indo-European spirituality. Christianity originated with Jews, and first spread in Europe through beggars, whores, and criminals.
Do you really wanna throw out accusations like 'international', when your religion is universal by its definition?
I still acknowledge that many of my ancestors were christian. I also acknowledge that Christianity has been turned into a pacifist religion, which is why I embrace some of the old ways.
The true "religion" is to embrace useful tradition, throw out the degenerate shit, and become the overman. I don't care if you still need an overt belief system to function in life. So long as it doesn't interfere with the 14 words we'll be just fine.
>convert to christianity
>betray your Pagan ancestors and turn all the temples into brothels
>get conquered by ottomans
>other europeans finally liberate you
>but still get fucked because shitskins and their half breed offsprings converted to christianity and got to stay leading to further non white admixture of already mixed population
>try to ignore/forget this part of your history
>larp as Spartans (who were actually Pagans by the way and strongly opposed foreign religion)
>Moan Abe!
LOL! Is there anyone in this PLANET more cucked than Greeks? Modern day Greeks do not resemble ancient Greeks. Christian Greeks were raped like pigs under 400-500 years by Mehmed and his boys. Greek children and greek whores got to taste yummy Turkish cock before us real Europeans liberated them. Modern Greeks are rapespawn of Turks. This is a FACT. Ancient Hellenes (Pagans not christcucks) are crying over what became of their useless offspring.
In fact shitskin turks are better than you mixed race mongrel cock suckers. Turks supported Hitler's Germany. Greeks opposed it. Historically Turks did what's best for their people, they did commit crimes against weak christcucks but they were no traitors to their own people. Christcucks on the other hand were traitor to their own people, killed their own kind for (((christianity))) (then got conquered by non whites of course).
These shitskins are still standing up to Jewry while you ortho-cuck Gayreeks are asking EU for more gibs. I really hate you cock suckers.
Not even ONE man ever fight and died for pagan gods, never. There was never a religious revolution for paganism, only intellectual shit from the enlightenment. It's pretty safe to assume that they never believed in it.
How do you explain Mike Stoklasa?
Christianity upholds as virtues that which our ancestors view as vices. Christianity rules through weakness whereas Aryanism rules through strength. Christianity subverted the Aryans through much the same way that Communism subverts nations as Christianity is proto-Bolshevism. Aryanism, from the Vedas to the Celts, is beholden to Natural law. Why would you worship the unnatural over that which is the eternal Natural law?
what a lovely picture
Let me guess, if I believe then I must not be intelligent, right?
The temples of Aphrodite were already brothels retarded roach. Now fuck off im only interested in European's opinions.
Norwegians were never really any strong believers of Christianity. Crypto-pagans existed for several hundred years after Christianity was forced upon us. Usually they were allowed a room in the home were they could worship Odin while being "Christian"
Paganism = get off your ass and do something
Christianity = get in the cuck shed and put on this ball gag.
And checked
>Christianity rules through weakness
that's bullshit
1. Luke 22:35-36 Then Jesus asked them, “When I sent you out to preach the Good News and you did not have money, a traveler’s bag, or an extra pair of sandals, did you need anything?” “No,” they replied. “But now,” he said, “take your money and a traveler’s bag. And if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one!
Someone else already said it but most of those Christian ancestors of mine were still pagan in practice. And no they weren't converted by force. Missionaries from fucking everywhere came to Scandinavia and spread some old story of Christ beating Satan in the Book of Revelations so Nord's got a big war boner for Christianity. I think a lot of us "pagan larpers" don't even really believe in the whole "Thor and Odin rule over us" crap, it's more of a spiritual thing and attempt to preserve a culture our current world is trying to wipe from the history books
et every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment
Well put
And the reason why the Romans converted to Christianity was because Christcucks would rather turn the other cheek than fighting back like the other religious minorities of the empire. It was a convenient tool to keep control.
>not being needelessly barbaric is cucked
this kind of inferiority complex is only present in the Blond specimen with the bright blue eyes
>14 words
Pagans are retarded neets and children unconcerned with the survival of white people- they just want a "cool" god to worship. You can see how little commitment they have to their retarded pseudo-religion when they talk about how paganism enforces strong family values or whatever, when actual Greco-Roman paganism had shit like temples where prostitutes would jerk men off in exchange for donations (I read a japanese hentai manga like this once!) while the chief god of the Norse pagans used magic because he let himself get fucked in the ass once, or the fact that divorce in pagan scandinavia resulted in women getting half your shit by customary law and it was Christianity that introduced a solid patriarchy wherein the husband and wife were bound together forever and the husband was the supreme chief.
They basically want traditional Christianity but also to carry around little hammers or whatever pagan symbol because they're retards.
Also a bunch of them are probably unironically jewish shills since they spend all their time attacking the Christian right (which is 90% of right-wingers in general) rather than doing anything constructive.
What would you define as needlessly barbaric? Please tell me how Christians have NEVER done barbaric things in the name of God
>carry around little hammers or whatever pagan symbol because they're retards.
And as I already said, pagans literally NEVER fought back against another religion, unlike Christians. That's why the abandoned paganism so quickly when the new religion emerged.
Also the Roman emperors specifically protected Jews, and the Pagan Church established by Julian the Apostate gave Jews a favorable position in the Empire while the Eastern Roman Empire banned jews from holding any kind of high office.
>Christians are evil because they don't fight back
>Christians are also evil because when they fight back they're too barbaric
Pagans are evil because you only exist on the internet to disrupt discussions between rightwingers concerned with real shit while you jerk yourselves off over your meaningless meme-religion which contributes nothing to society or to nationalistic movements.
needlesly barbaric is believing that passages like
>turn the other cheek ( don't fight fire with fire )
>love thy neighbor
>we are all children of christ
are somehow bad when their only quest is to unite the world under peaceful nations stripped of sins like hate and misery
With respect to authority and tradition, and national background
4 May the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you rule the peoples with equity and guide the nations of the earth.
>How can you ignore all generations of your ancestors who were Christians
I don't, I have a lot of respect for them and therefore forgive them for being wrong about this one thing
>relate directly to some dudes you only know from history books
The pre-christian europeans are just as much a part of the bloodline as post-christian ones
>What is your reasoning of the "ancestors" argument?
easy, christianity/neo-judaism was forced from top down at threat of death, no different to Islam in the middle-east destroying and desecrating rich persian Zoroastrian tradition
Overall I think God is forgiving and will look past us calling him a jew for ~1000 years
The only reason paganism is preserved in the first place is because of Christians writing down their shit. You aren't preserving shit, you're actually contributing to destroying the current Western Christian world that exists by being a useless larping nigger.
>Trump, Salvini, Putin and Orban are all Christians
>pagans have nothing because pagans are fucking irrelevant outside of internet forums
opinion discarded
Masters are creators of morality; slaves respond to master-morality with their slave-morality. Unlike master morality, which is sentiment, slave morality is based on re-sentiment—devaluing that which the master values and the slave does not have. As master morality originates in the strong, slave morality originates in the weak. Because slave morality is a reaction to oppression, it vilifies its oppressors. Slave morality is the inverse of master morality. As such, it is characterized by pessimism and cynicism. Slave morality is created in opposition to what master morality values as "good".
Slave morality does not aim at exerting one's will by strength, but by careful subversion. It does not seek to transcend the masters, but to make them slaves as well. The essence of slave morality is utility:[4] The good is what is most useful for the whole community, not just the strong. Nietzsche saw this as a contradiction. Since the powerful are few in number, compared to the masses of the weak, the weak gain power by corrupting the strong into believing that the causes of slavery (viz., the will to power) are "evil", as are the qualities the weak originally could not choose because of their weakness. By saying humility is voluntary, slave morality avoids admitting that their humility was in the beginning forced upon them by a master. Biblical principles of humility, charity, and pity are the result of universalizing the plight of the slave onto all humankind, and thus enslaving the masters as well. "The democratic movement is the heir to Christianity"—the political manifestation of slave morality because of its obsession with freedom and equality.
When Jesus did on the cross
Did he save the fallen angels to ?
It seems Christians burned all the books or did they.
Christians have forgot about Jesus’s teaching.
...the Jews achieved that miracle of inversion of values thanks to which life on earth has for a couple millennia acquired a new and dangerous fascination - their prophets fused "rich", "godless", "evil", "violent", "sensual" into one, and were the first to coin the word "world" as a term of infamy. It is this inversion of values (with which is involved the employment of the word for "poor" as a synonym for "holy" and "friend") that the significance of the Jewish people resides: With them, there begins the slave revolt in morals.
Masters are creators of morality; slaves respond to master-morality with their slave-morality. Unlike master morality, which is sentiment, slave morality is based on re-sentiment—devaluing that which the master values and the slave does not have. As master morality originates in the strong, slave morality originates in the weak. Because slave morality is a reaction to oppression, it vilifies its oppressors. Slave morality is the inverse of master morality. As such, it is characterized by pessimism and cynicism. Slave morality is created in opposition to what master morality values as "good".
Slave morality does not aim at exerting one's will by strength, but by careful subversion. It does not seek to transcend the masters, but to make them slaves as well. The essence of slave morality is utility:[4] The good is what is most useful for the whole community, not just the strong. Nietzsche saw this as a contradiction. Since the powerful are few in number, compared to the masses of the weak, the weak gain power by corrupting the strong into believing that the causes of slavery (viz., the will to power) are "evil", as are the qualities the weak originally could not choose because of their weakness. By saying humility is voluntary, slave morality avoids admitting that their humility was in the beginning forced upon them by a master. Biblical principles of humility, charity, and pity are the result of universalizing the plight of the slave onto all humankind, and thus enslaving the masters as well. "The democratic movement is the heir to Christianity"—the political manifestation of slave morality because of its obsession with freedom and equality.
>How can you ignore all generations of your ancestors who were Christians
You're a Greek and you're asking this? It's easy, just study YOUR ancestors like everyone else does.