How does this feel
How does this feel
>le 61% face
Arabs are considered white
Also the US considers many goblinos white, imagine how many mutts are considered white, the real number has to be below 50%
boy, arabs only make up 0.6% of the US population fuck off
kys meme flag
Don't Republicans care about this?
Shouldn't sorting this out be number one priority given that this is their voter base dropping?
fuck off, bitch boy
Like yourselves?
Republicans are for the most part controlled opposition.
Nope. Not one bit.
modern conservatives care and we're slowly teaching our representatives to start caring or else get voted out
fucked up part is how so many try to downplay that the US has more "whites" than nearly all of Europe. While they're arguing over it, their women are being raped by the immigrants shipped in right under their noses.
Truly pathetic.
>61% white
That's neet good for America
>The United States Census Bureau defines white people as those "having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa." It includes people who reported "White" or wrote in entries such as Irish, German, Italian, Lebanese, Near Easterner, Arab, or Polish."[13]
Europe has like 600 million whiteys tho
There are no Jews, they're Arab and White mutts LAPRing as Jews. Change that to 0%.
I suggest you check your math fucking leaf.
your tears will not solve your demographic problem
no, but gassing you Jews will.
You have no real demographics to begin with, you're 100% mutts. Jews were out bred a long time ago.
>le day of le rope
>le gas chambers
yeah yeah, back to your PUBG match and fapping to cartoon tiddies
Goblinos are specifically excluded from that number.
Nice projection jew fuck
Since you believe the holocaust ur probably mad af some of ur ancestors got gassed. lmao
Your selfie isn't helping your case.
Are you even fucking trying?
Their anger stems from the fact that the only way they could progress in intelligence was by breeding with European whites.
Without it, they remain subpar in IQ. Israel average IQ? 90 with Ashkenazis(110-115 supposedly) keeping the number higher.
still need more kkk members patrolling emergency rooms tb.h fa.m.
oh, there is a brazilian size pop invaders inside of your country.
could care less, anne frank khazar titty memes are pretty good
How the fuck did you become this many
jew fertility is HORRIBLE
even worse than liberal white fertility.
pic very much related. chop off the rest of your mutilated heeb dick
Of course not, that would be racist. It doesn't matter if America becomes majority non-white as long as the population supports the constitution, based blacks and hispanics are going to be voting republican soon anyway just you wait and see!
its not true. its something like 47%. any one can shop shit but 60% is only with hispanic whites. the left are in a predicament
if they deport the illegals whites decline to sub 50% as soon as normal immigration picks up to fill in the void. its why republicans wont deport them and establishment faggots lost in many cases to outsiders in the republican camp
>60% is only with hispanic whites
It says non-hispanic whites
where is the pic where some niggers and beaners are considered as white in mugshots
i think that is what is going on
61% includes MENA people
Europe has 600 million whites if you exclude Iberians by same definition of "hispanic"
>61% including arabs italians and other kind of mutts
italians and arabs are included in that, kek